API 653 Sec - 09 Flashcards
The basis for repairs and alterations shall be an …………… equivalence
API 650
All repair work must be authorized by ……………. experienced in storage tank design
the authorized inspector or an engineer
Authorization for alterations to storage tanks that comply with API 650 may not be given without prior consultation with, and approved by, ……………..
an engineer experienced in storage tank design
The …………………will designate inspection hold points required during the repair or alteration sequence and minimum documentation to be submitted upon job completion.
authorized inspector
The …………… may give prior general authorization for………….. repairs as long as the authorized inspector is sure that the repairs will not require ……………….
authorized inspector , limited or routine, hydrostatic testing or do not require an engineering evaluation
All proposed design, work execution, materials, welding procedures, examination, and testing methods
must be approved by the ………………….experienced in storage tank design
authorized inspector or by an engineer
The ………………….. experienced in storage tank design shall approve all specified repair and alteration work at the designated hold points and after repairs and alterations have been completed
authorized inspector or an engineer
………………….. summarizes the requirements by method of examination and provides the acceptance standards, examiner qualifications, and procedure requirements
Annex F
The thickness of the replacement shell plate ………………. of any plate in the same course adjoining the replacement plate except plate.where the adjoining plate is a thickened insert
shall not be less than the greatest nominal thickness
The minimum dimension for a replacement shell plate is ……………….
12 in. or 12 times the thickness of the replacement plate, whichever is greater
Prior to welding the new vertical joints, the existing horizontal welds shall be cut for a minimum distance of …………………..
12 in. beyond the new vertical joints
All weld intersection shall be approaximatly
90 degree
The vertical joints shall be welded prior to welding the……………
horizontal joints.
Shell replacement plates shall be welded with………………..
except as permitted for lapped patch shell repairs
butt joints with complete penetration and complete fusion
For existing shell plates over 1/2-in. thick, the outer edge of the butt weld attaching the replacement shell
plate shall be at least ……………….
the greater of 8 times the weld thickness or 10 in.
For existing shell plates 1/2-in. thick and less, the spacing may be reduced to ………………………… from the outer edge of horizontal joints
6 in. from the outer edge of vertical joints or 3 in.
For lap welded and riveted tanks, reinstallation of an original plate section that crosses an existing horizontal seam is
not permitted
Door sheets that cross vertical riveted or lap welded seams are ………………… in any case
not permitted
……………is the horizontal distance between the vertical welds above and below a horizontal seam
New weld seams in riveted tanks shall be located a minimum of …………..
12 in.
All repair material shall comply with the requirements of the ………..
current applicable standard of construction and API 653
Lapped patch shell repairs shall not be used on any shell course thickness (original construction) that………….
exceeds 1/2 in., nor to replace doorsheets or shell plates
the repair plate material shall be the …………… or the thickness of the shell plate adjacent to the repairs,but……..
smaller of 1/2 in, not less than 3/16 in
All corners, except at the shellto-bottom joint, shall be rounded to a minimum radius of ……
2 in
The repair plate may cross any butt-welded vertical or horizontal shell seams that have been ground flush, but must overlap a minimum of
6 in beyond the shell seam
Repair plates positioned on the shell interior shall be located such that the toe-to-toe weld clearances are a minimum of ………….. to the shell-to-bottom weld.
6 in.
The maximum vertical and horizontal dimension of the repair plate is …………….., respectively. The minimum repair plate dimension is ……….
48 in. and 72 in , 4 in
The repair plate shall be formed to the ……………..
shell radius
Shell openings and their reinforcements shall not be positioned within a ………………..
lapped patch shell repair
Prior to application of a lapped patch shell repair, the areas to be welded shall be…………… examined for ………………..
ultrasonically, plate defects and remaining thickness
Lapped patch repair plates may be used for the ………………caused by the removal of existing shell
openings or
closure of holes , the removal of severely corroded or eroded areas.
The minimum hole diameter is ………….
2 in.
Shell openings due to plate removal shall have a minimum corner radius of
2 in.
The repair plate thickness selection shall be based on a design that conforms to the …………….., using a joint efficiency not exceeding
as-built standard and API 653, 0.70
The welds of the repair plate shall be …….. welds. The minimum repair plate dimension shall be ……….. with a minimum overlap of ………. and a maximum overlap of ………. shell thickness (8t).the
full fillet, 4 in, 1 in, 8 times
The repair plate thickness shall not…………the nominal thickness of the shell plate adjacent to the repair.
The selection of the repair plate thickness shall be based on a design that conforms to the a………………., using a joint efficiency not exceeding ,……..
s-built standard and API 653,,, 0.35
The perimeter weld shall be a …………
full fillet weld
The repair plate thickness shall not exceed the ………. at the perimeter of the repair plate by …………., but no more than ………. The repair plate thickness shall not exceed .,,,,,,,,,,
shell plate thickness, more than one-third, 1/8 in, 1/2 in.
Existing weld ………… deemed unacceptable based on suitability for service considerations shall be repaired by additional weld metal, or grinding, as appropriate
insert plate at its periphery shall have a …………..reduction taper to match the shell plate thickness
Penetrations larger than ……..NPS shall be installed with the use of ……… if the shell plate thickness is greater than ……..
2 in. ,,,, an insert plate,,,,,,1/2 in
the minimum diameter of the insert plate shall be at least ……….the diameter of the penetration or the diameter ……………
twice ,,,,,,,,,,plus 12 in., whichever is greater;
when reinforcing plates are used, the minimum diameter of the insert plate shall equal the …………….
diameter of the reinforcing plate plus 12 in
The existing upper half of the reinforcing plate and the new lower section shall be provided with ………, if needed, or drilled hole, and a welded pipe coupling for the pneumatic test.
new a telltale hole,,,,,,,
The shell plate thickness under the telltale hole or drilled hole shall be checked after
drilling and the thickness shall not be ………….
less than 1/2 tmin, as calculated in, plus any required corrosion
Bevel the shell from the inside to allow for a …………… weld between the bottom and shell. This method shall only be used on tanks where the …….. thickness is equal to or greater than
full penetration
annular plate or bottom sketch plate
10 mm (3/8 in.)
This weld detail shall be used along the full width of the reinforcing plate and shall extend a minimum of …………beyond the edges of the reinforcing plate
25 mm (1 in.)
If the tank is still undergoing settlement, the addition of welded-on patch plate may not be …………
Maximum plate thickness for welded-on patch plates within the critical zone is …………… and must meet the ………. requirements of API 650, Section 4.2.10.
When a welded-on patch plate is within………. of the shell, the welded-on patch plate shall be ……………
The sides of the tombstone shaped welded-on patch plate shall intersect the shell-to-bottom joint at approximately ,,,,,,,,,,,,
6 in
tombstone shaped
Perimeter welds on welded-on patch plates within the critical zone shall be ……………, and examined per
two-pass, minimum
Installation of a welded-on patch plate by butt-welding to an adjacent existing patch is ……….. in the critical
not permitted
Welded-on patch plates over existing patches are not allowed in the …….
critical zone.
For tanks with shell plate of unknown toughness as defined in Section 3, new fillet welds utilized to install a
tombstone patch plate in the critical zone shall be spaced at least the …………
greater of 3 in.
The bottom plate thickness at the attachment weld must be at least ………..thick before welding the welded-on patch plate to the bottom plate.
No welding or weld overlays are permitted within the ………… except for the welding of: ………pits (see, pinholes, cracks in the bottom plates, the shell-to-bottom weld, welded-on patch plates, or where the bottom plate welded to the shell is being replaced.
critical zone
widely scattered
Welded-on patch plates are ……….in the critical zone on a tank bottom with an operating temperature exceeding ………….
not permitted
200 °F for carbon steel or 100 °F for stainless steel.
If more extensive repairs are required within the critical zone than those listed in, the bottom
plate welded to the shell shall be …………and a new plate shall be installed
cut out
The use of welded-on patch plates that do not meet the requirements of or is permitted if
the repair method has been reviewed and approved by …………. in storage tank design in accordance with ……
an engineer experienced
API 650
The minimum acceptable bottom plate thickness for weld repairs is ……..
0.10 in
For floating roof tanks, the new bottom profile must keep the roof level when it is resting on its………….
support legs.
For aluminum floating roofs, austenitic stainless steel or acceptable nonmetallic (e.g., Teflon) …………. may installed to isolate legs from the carbon steel bottom instead of welded pads
For tanks having cathodic protection (CP) installed under the existing bottom, consideration shall be given to
removal of the……………to prevent shielding of CP current to the new bottom
entire bottom and unused dead shell
For floating roof tanks, the new bottom profile must keep the roof level when it is resting on its ……..
support legs.
Hot tapping for the tanks are provided in:
Liquid space only
The minimum height of tank liquid above the hot tap location shall be at least ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, during the hot tapping
3 ft
when reinforcing plates are used, the minimum diameter of the insert plate shall equal to,,,,,
diameter of the reinforcing plate + 12 in
Minimum spacing in any direction (toe-to-toe of welds) between the hot tap and adjacent nozzles shall be
equivalent to the ,,,,,, where R is the tank shell radius, in inches, and T is the shell plate thickness, in inches.