API 650 - Section - 8 (METHODS OF EXAMINING JOINTS) Flashcards
plates shall be considered of the same thickness when the difference in their specified or design thickness does not exceed ,,,,,,
3 mm (1/8 in.).
Radiographic examination is required for ,,,,,
shell butt-welds,
annular-plate butt-welds
flush-type connections with butt-welds
Number and Location of Radiographs:
vertical butt joints: (plate ≤ 10 mm (3/8 in.)
-one spot radiograph shall be taken in the ,,,,,,,,,,,of completed vertical joint
-thereafter,,,,,,,,,of which shall be at intersections.
-,,,,,,,,,,,spot radiograph shall be taken in
each vertical joint in the lowest course
≤ 10 mm (3/8 in.)
first 3 m (10 ft)
25 %
one random
Number and Location of Radiographs:
vertical butt joints: (plate > 10 mm (3/8 in.) and ≤ 25 mm (1 in.)
-,,,,,, spot radiograph shall be taken in the ,,,,,,,,,,,of completed vertical joint
-thereafter ,,,,,,,,of which shall be at intersections.
-,,,,,,,,,,,spot radiograph shall be taken in
each vertical joint in the lowest course, as close to bottom as is practical
first 3 m (10 ft)
100% or all
Number and Location of Radiographs:
vertical butt joints: (plate > 25 mm (1 in.)
-Shall be ,,,,,, radiographe
- ,,,, junctions of vertical and horizontal shall be radiographed
Number and Location of Radiographs:
butt-weld around the periphery or insert plate:
-shall be ,,,,,,, radiographed.
Number and Location of Radiographs:
Horizontal butt joints:
- ,,,,,,, spot radiograph shall be taken in the first 3 m (10 ft)
- ,,,, junctions of vertical and horizontal shall be radiographed
Maximum Thickness of weld Reinforcement for flush and uniform crown
≤ 13 (1/2),,,,,,,,,
> 13 (1/2) to 25 (1),,,,,,
> 25 (1)
1.5 (1/16)
2.5 (3/32)
3 (1/8)
Welds examined by radiography shall be judged as acceptable or unacceptable by the standards of ,,,,,,
Paragraph UW-
51(b) in Section VIII of the ASME Code.
When a section of weld is shown by a radiograph to be unacceptable under the provisions of 8.1.5 or the limits of the deficient welding are not defined by the radiograph, ,,,,,, adjacent to the section shall be examined by radiography
two spots
After the structure is completed, the films shall be the property of the ,,,,,,, unless otherwise agreed
upon by the Purchaser and the Manufacturer
Has vision (with correction, if necessary) to be able to read a ,,,,,,,, standard chart at a distance of not less than ,,,,,,,
Jaeger Type 2 300 mm (12 in.
Maximum permissible undercut is ,,,,,,,,,, in depth for
- vertical butt joints
- vertically oriented permanent attachments
- attachment welds for nozzles
- manholes
- flush-type openings
- and the inside shell-to-bottom welds
0.4 mm (1/64 in.)
Maximum permissible undercut is ,,,,,,,,,, in depth for
horizontal butt joints,
horizontally oriented permanent attachments,
annular-ring butt joints,
0.8 mm (1/32 in.)
The frequency of surface porosity in the weld does not exceed ,,,,,,,, in any 100 mm
(4 in.) of length, and the diameter of each cluster does not exceed
one cluster (one or more pores) 2.5 mm (3/32 in.)
Maximum Thickness of weld Reinforcement for butt joint on each side of plate
≤ 13 (1/2),,,,,,,,,
> 13 (1/2) to 25 (1),,,,,,
> 25 (1)
- Vertical Joints
2.5 (3/32)
3 (1/8)
5 (3/16) - Horizontal Joints
3 (1/8)
5 (3/16)
6 (1/4)
All defects in areas thicker than the minimum shall be feathered to at least a ,,,,,, taper.
Vaccum testing box is approximately,,,,,,,,Wide and ,,,,,,long with a ,,,,,,window on the top
Vacuum testing shall be performed in accordance with a ,,,,,,,prepared by the Manufacturer of
the tank
written procedure
A partial vacuum of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,gauge shall be used for the test.
A second partial vacuum test of ,,,,,, to shall be performed for the detection of very small leaks.
Partial Vacuum: 21 kPa (3 lbf/in.2, 6 in. Hg) 35 kPa (5 lbf/in.2, 10 in Hg)
2nd Partial Vacuum: 56 kPa (8 lbf/in.2, 16 in. Hg) 70 kPa (10 lbf/in.2,20 in. Hg)
The vacuum-box test shall have at least ,,,,,overlap of previously viewed surface on each
50 mm (2 in.)
During vacuum-box testing, The metal surface temperature limits shall be between ,,,,,,,and ,,,,
4 °C (40 °F)
52 °C (125 °F)
During vacuum-box test, A minimum light intensity of,,,,,,,,, at the point of examination is required during the application of the examination and evaluation for leaks
1000 Lux (100 fc)
The vacuum shall be maintained for the greater of either at least ,,,,,,,,, or the time required to view the
area under test
5 seconds
As an alternate to vacuum-box testing, a suitable ,,,,,,,,,,,, can be used to test the
integrity of welded bottom joints for their entire length
tracer gas and compatible detector
Tracer gas testing technique shall be capable of detecting leakage of ,,,,,,,
1 × 10–4 Pa m3/s (1 × 10–3 std cm3/s) or smaller.