A.P US HISTORY - quiz review (10 & 11) Flashcards
1796 presidential election
-democratic republicans campaigned for Jefferson
-federalist campaigned for john Adams
*3 more states participated (Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee)
democratic republicans got support from (south and west)
federalist got their support from (new England)
Adams comes in first (president) Jefferson comes in 2nd (vice president)
Problems in Adams presidency
Foreign policy: XYZ Affair
undeclared quasi war w france
alien and sedition acts led to
Virginia and Kentucky resolution
Virginia and Kentucky resolution
written by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson
stated that: the states created the government and they entered a compact/agreement which means states gave the power to nullify or deem unfit any law they see as unconstitutional
reason: to oppose federal law the democratic Republicans felt were unconstitutional
alien act
sedition act
-looked to change the qualification for citizenship waiting per. from 4yrs to 15yrs
-limited the speech and press of democratic republican party (couldn’t criticize government)
the election of 1800
Jefferson and burr tied
the decision was sent to the house of representatives.
the 12 amendment resulted from this.
*insured clear distinction between the voters for the president and the vice president
the convention of 1800
desolved the allience between the US and france
keeps us out of the war with france
XYZ affair:
Adams wanted to avoid war with France so he sent delegates to try and negotiate (french tried to bribe american delegates before negotiations started)
some people refer to the eletionof 1800 as the revolution of 1800 because
it was the first peacful tranfer of power between political parties
the judiciary act of 1801
adams last attempt to put federalist judges in place before leaving office
federalist wanted to keep some grip of power
marbury vs madison 1803
parts of the judicary act of 1801 were ruled unconstituional
establishes the idea of judicial review
judical review
the supreme court has the power to declare federal laws unconstitutional
Jeffersonian policies
eliminated excise taxes and lowered national debt, reduce the size of the military
lousiana territory
doubles the size of the US
further weakens the federalist party
supported jeffersons vision of an agrarian society of indpeendent farmers
Chesapeake leopard affair 1807
English ship leopard attacked american ship the Chesapeake
violation of american neutrality
Jefferson response: issue the embargo act of 1807
embargo act of 1807
banned U.S trade with all foreign nations
impact: the US economy declined drastically
helped feuled the industrial revolution in the new England region
James Madison becomes president in 1809 and establishes
Non - intercourse act
the united states could trade with all nations except France and England
congress replaced non-intercourse acts with macons bill
macons bill reopened trade with france and england
it stated though
macons bill no. 2
U.S would end embargo if the country respected U.S neutrality and freedom of the sea
war hawks
young congressmen from the south and the west advocated for war against england
why did we declare war on England in 1812?
England arming of natives on the frontier
England continued to violate U.S neutrality
pressure from war hawks in congress
1st amendment
the right to speech, religion, press, peacful protest, assembly
3rd amendment
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
5th amendment
an individual cannot be compelled by the government to provide incriminating information about herself – the so-called “right to remain silent.” When an individual “takes the Fifth,” she invokes that right and refuses to answer questions
6th amendment
It gives citizens a series of rights in criminal trials.
8th amendment
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
9th amendment
the rights of citizens will be protected whether these rights are listed or not
10th amendment
any powers that are not specifically given to the federal government, nor withheld from the states, are reserved to those respective states, or to the people at large.
federal government
state and fed. government
examples of delageted powers
regulating commerce, declaring war, coining money
examples of concurent powers
making laws, taxes
examples of reserved powers
issuing driver’s licenses, marriage licenses, creating public schools, and establishing voting and election procedures.
the embargo act of 1807 was Jefferson response to the
Chesapeake affair
non intercourse act of 1809 leads to
macons bill No. 2