AP Psychology Test #5 (Chapter 3, Second Half) Flashcards
Records brain activity by picking up on electrical signals and recording them
ESB (Electric Stimulation of the Brain)
Sending a week electric current into a brain structure to stimulate it
Sending a high frequency current into a brain structure to burn tissue and disable the structure
Uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to influence brain activity
CT Scan
Provides computer-enhanced ex-rays of horizontal slices of the brain
PET Scan
Shows maps of high activity in the brain over time
Produces high-resolution pictures of brain structure
Shows brain structure AND activity levels
Medulla Oblongata
Located in the Hindbrain,
Regulates unconscious functions such as breathing and circulation
Reticular Formation
Located in the Hindbrain, Group of fibers that carry stimulation related to sleep and arousal through the brainstem
Located in the Hindbrain, Coordinates balance/fine muscle movement
Locus Coeruleus
Located in the Hindbrain, A small nucleus in the Reticular Formation that is involved in directing attention
Located in the Hindbrain, Involved in sleep and arousal
Located in the Forebrain, Relay center for cortex; handles incoming and outgoing signals
Located in the Forebrain, Regulates biological needs: hunger, thirst, temp., etc.
Limbic System
Located in the Forebrain, Regulates emotional responses. Loosely connected network of structures located roughly along the border of the cerebral cortex and deeper subcortical areas
Located in the Forebrain, Part of limbic system involved in learning and memory
-Forebrain, one in each hemisphere
Involved in memory and emotion, particularly fear and aggression
Corpus Callosum
Bridge fibers that pass information between two cerebral hemispheres
Parietal Lobe
Mid-Back of Forebrain
Primary Somatosensory Cortex/Registers touch
Occipital Lobe
Back of Forebrain
Primary Visual Cortex/Visual processing
Temporal Lobe
Below Parietal and Frontal Lobe
Primary Auditory Cortex/Auditor processing
Frontal Lope
Front of Forebrain
Primary Motor Cortex/Movement of muscles
Broca’s Area
Region in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere, usually the left, linked to speech production