ap hug unit 4 Flashcards
define the different types of political entities for world political maps
independent states are the primary building blocks of the world political map
a state is a territory with defined boundaries organized into a political unit and has control over internal/foreign affairs
large group of people who share a common history or have similar cultural characteristics
sovereign state with subjects who are relatively homogenous
ex: iceland and japan
self determination
idea that nations have the right to govern themselves
multinational state
state with two or more nations inside that live together as one state while remaining cultural distinct
ex: russia
division of a place or country
multistate nation
nation that stretches across multiple states
ex: north and south korea
statesless nation
has a history of self determination but does not have a recognized state
ex: palestine
stateless nation
nation of people without a state
ex: kurds
autonomous region
has autonomy or freedom from an external authority
ex: china and the US
semi autonomous region
has some autonomy, but not complete sovereignty
ex: hong kong with china
government possesses control over affairs within a region
antecedent boundary
existed before people settled, typically follows a natural boundary (river, mountain, lake, etc.)
subsequent boundary
drawn as part of a settlement between 2 different cultural groups
superimposed boundary
drawn without regard to pre existing cultural patterns
ex: colonial powers carved up africa at the berlin conference
relic boundary
non-functioning boundary that can still be detected
ex: berlin wall
translation of the written terms of a boundary treaty on a map
actual placing of a political boundary on the landscape by means of barriers, fences, walls, etc.
choke points
where the flow of people and goods can be constricted due to a conflict
an area that continually has nations fighting for land and self-identification
the connection of people, their connection and their economic systems to the land
the united nations convention on the law of the sea
defines the rights and responsibilities of nations in using international waters
redrawing the boundaries of voting districts
process of redrawing political voting districts to favor one political party
unitary states
capital commonly at the core
highly centralized governments (one entity has power), nationalism, and borders that are cultural
federal states
capital city may have been created to serve as an administrative center
power is shared between a central authority and smaller governments
explain how federal and unitary states affect spatial organization
unitary states tend to have a more centralized form of government, while federal states have more locally based and dispersed power centers
ethnic separatism
ethnic group that desires to separate from larger group
occurs when minority groups fight for independence
ex: the basques and catalans in spain
ethnic cleansing
people committing mass explusion or mass killing of an ethnic group they dont want to exist
ex: jews during holocaust
use of violence by a group in order to intimidate a population or co-erce a government into granting its demands
belief that territory outside a given state should be made part of the state due to a large amount of people living there of the same ethnicity
NATO (north atlantic treaty organization)
countries of western europe, US, and canada
alliance to defend themselves from soviet union after WWII
EU (european union)
agreement allows europe to facilitate trade
countries give up sovereignty to benefit from trade
ASEAN (association of southeast asian nations)
southeast asian countries
promote economic, political, and military cooperation
arctic council
arctic circle countries
promote cooperation and observe sustainability form climate change
african union
african countries
goal is to unify africa, increasing economic and human rights
3 or more states involving formal, political, economic, cultural and shared objectives
USMCA (united state, mexico, canada agreement)
this agreement allows canada, mexico, and the US to trade across borders
united nations (UN)
created after WWII
this organization negotiates with disagreements between states
league of nations
created after WWI
this group hoped to stop future wars
the US refused to join and WWII soon began