Anxiety disorders Flashcards
A negative mood state characterised by bodily symptoms of physical tension and by apprehension about future.
An immediate alarm reaction to danger. Reaction –> Panic.
OCD- obsessive compulsive disorder
Presence of obsessions, compulsions or both. Obsession= recurrent persistent thoughts, urges or images, that causes the individual anxiety.
Compulsions= repetetive behaviours (handwashing, ordening, checking etc).
Panic disorder
When individuals experience severe, unexpected panic attacks. They may think they1re dying or otherwise loosing control. Often accompanied with agoraphobia.
Fear and avoidance of situations in which the person feels unsafe or unable to escape to get home or to a hospital in the event of developing panic symptoms. E.g. fear of shopping malls, cars, subways, tunnels, elevators etc.
Social anxiety disorder/social phobia
Anxiety while others are present. This anxiety is not present when these individuals are in private.
Specific phobia
An irrational fear of a specific object or situation that markedly interfere with an individual’s ability to function. e.g animal phobia.
Hardening disorder
“obsessive collectors”
Body dysmorphic disorder
Preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance by someone who actually looks reasonably normal. Often referred to as “imagined ugliness”.
Repetitive hair pulling by impulse control.
Excoration disorder
skin picking disorder. Repetitive and compulsive.