Antivirals, Antimlarials, and Anthelmintics Flashcards
General signs and symptoms of a viral infection include
HA, fever, cough
Fatigue, Muscular pain
Influenza has antigen types …
A, B, and C
The effects of influenza A are…
moderate to severe infection
The effects of influenza B are…
mild illness in children
The effects of influenza C are…
very rare in humans
Influenza spreads by
easily transmitted by droplet
coughing, sneezing, talking
From the time of inhalation, it takes approximately how long before the appearance of symptoms?
24 hours
The symptoms of influenza are
(high fever, HA, fatigue, myalgia) sore throat, nonproductive cough watery nasal discharge red watery eyes chills, photophobia
HSV-1 and HSV-2 are types of
herpes simplex virus
HSV-1 are commonly associated with
cold sores (vesicular lesions), which grow in neurons
HSV-2 are commonly associated with
vesicular lesions and small ulcerations on the genitalia
Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can ….
remain dormant
HSV-1 and HSV-2 are transmitted by
contact with infections lesions or secretions
HSV-1 orally
HSV-2 intimate or sexual, childbirth
Signs and symptoms of HSV-1 and HSV-2 are
eruption of small pustules vesicles,
fever, HA, malaise, myalgia
tingling, itching, and pain in genital area
HSV-3 or VZV is also known as
chicken pox and shingles
Symptoms of HSV-3 (VZV) are
generalized pruritic vesicles
Symptoms of shingles are
vesicular rash follows nerve innervation fever malaise myalgia
HSV-4 or EBV is
the epstein-barr virus
HSV-4 or EBV causes
Symptoms of mononucleosis are
enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
EBV resides in
the lymphocytes
epithelial cells
muscle cells
HHV-5 or CMV is
it is very common but usually asymptomatic
CMV can be transmitted by
body fluids, especially saliva and urine
kissing, sexual contact, sharing food, mother to fetus
CMV can lead to ______ in susceptible patients
fatal pneumonia or blindness
Hepatitis B (HBV) is
a liver infection caused by Hep B virus
Transmission of HBV is
intimate sexual contact
Found in all body fluids
Signs and symptoms of HBV are
malaise, myalgia
What should be considered when administering the flu vaccine?
allergy to eggs
Diagnostic tests for influenza are
Directigen Flu A
QuickVue Influenza Test
The action of antiviral drugs are
inhibition of viral replication by interfering with viral DNA synthesis in the cell
Nonclassified antivirals for Influenza A are
The route of administration for amantadine and rimantadine is
The side effects of rimantadine are
CNS effects Insomnia, depression, anxiety, confusion ataxia, orthostatic hypertension, neurologic problems (weakness, dizziness, slurred speech.) GI disturbances
Neuraminidase inhibitors for Influenza A and B are
the action of neuraminidase inhibitors is
decrease the release of the virus from infected cells
Neuraminidase inhibitors must be taken within
48 hours of symptoms
Gamma globulins contain
Gamma globulins are administered via ____ and are effective for _____.
IM or IV
2-3 weeks
Topical non-HIV antivirals treat
herpes simplex viruses
Topical non-HIV antivirals include
The action of purine nucleosides is
interference with viral DNA synthesis
purine nucleosides are effective against
various herpes viruses, CMV
Acyclovir treats
herpes simplex, herpes zoster, varicella-zoster, and CMV
it is a purine nucleoside
The side effects of acyclovir are
HA, confusion, depression, lethargy, tremors GI distress, blood dyscrasias nephrotoxicity increased bleeding, hematuria Gingival hyperplasia, menstrual abnormalities
Nursing interventions for acyclovir are
Administer IV over 1hr (never bolus)
Monitor CBC, renal and liver fx, urine output
Increase fluid intake
Monitor BP
Assess for superinfection
Instruct pt to use condoms or abstain from sex
Acyclovir should not be taken with
probenecid, increases effect of acyclovir
aminoglycoside, amphotericin B
These increase nephrotoxicity
Other purine nucleosides are
Adverse reactions to acyclovir are
leukopenia and thrombocytopenia
Malaria is caused by
protozoan parasites plasmodium carried by infected mosquitoes
The tissue phase of malaria is
the erythrocytic phase of malaria causes
fever, chills, sweating, flulike symptoms
The incubation period of malaria is
10 to 35 days
The treatment regimen for malaria includes
combination drugs for drug-resistant malaria
Antimalarial drugs include
the action of antimalarial drugs is
inhibition of growth by interfering with protein synthesis
General side effects and adverse reactions to antimalarials include
GI upset
cranial nerve VII involvement
renal impairment
cardiovascular effects
Side effects/adv reaction of plaquenil are
Gi distress
mood or mental changes, blurred vision
blood dyscrasias
Side effects/adv rxn of quinine are
GI distress, vision changes, dizzyness confusion, delirium, seizures VII crainial nerve involvement, tinnitis renal impairement, blood dyscrasias cardiovascular collapse decreased respirations
Interventions for antimalarials include
Monitor kidney and liver fx Take with meals report vision changes avoid alcohol take prophylactic drug if traveling to endemic countries
Anthelmintics are used for
helminths (parasitic worms)
Common sites for helminthiasis are
intestines, lymphatic system, blood vessels, and liver
Name the four groups of helminths
cestodes (tapeworms)
Trematodes (flukes)
Intestinal nematodes (roundworms)
Tissue-invading nematodes (tissue roundworms)
Helminths enter the body by
contaminated food
bites of carrier insects
direct penetration of the skin
Side effects/ adverse reactions to anthelmintics are
HA, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, and GI upset.
Interventions for anthelmintics are
take after meals
encourage good hygiene
warn against driving
Anthelmintics are usually given for a period of
1 to 3 days.
Anthelmintic drugs include
bithionol diethylcarbamazine ivermectin praziquantel pyrantel
anthelmintic drugs are given