- Fungi exist in two basic forms: yeasts and moulds.
- Yeasts are solitary forms of fungi that reproduce by budding. When they are left
to grow in colonies, they have a moist, shiny appearance. - Moulds are multicellular fungi that consist of many branching hyphae and can reproduce either by translocation of existing hyphae to a new area, or through
spore formation and spread (hence, one bad apple really does spoil a bunch)
Definisi bagi fungicidal, fungistatic & fungal infection
Fungicidal = Agen yg blh membunuh fungal pathogen
Fungistatic = Agen yg menghalang pembiakan fungal pathogen
Fungal infection = jangkitan kulat / mycosis merupakan penyakit kulit yg
disbbkan oleh kulat
Nyatakan & terangkan jenis2 jangkitan kulat
(1) Superficial (mucocutaneous) :
- Dermatophytes: menyebabkan jangkitan pada kulit, kepala dan kuku.
E.g. tinea capitis (kepala), tinea cruris (paha), tinea pedis (kaki),onychomycosis (kuku)
- Yeast: menyebabkan jangkitan pada moist skin dan mucous membranes.E.g. Candida albicans
menyebabkan jangkitan pada pharyngeal,vaginal & bladder
(2) Systemic = Memberi kesan kepada internal organ apabila fungi memasuki badan melalui paruparu dan merebak ke sistem darah. Biasa
berlaku dalam immunocompromised patient. E.g. cryptococcocosis, aspergillosis (lung)
Definisi fungal nail infections (onychomycosis)
- Infeksi fungal pd kuku merupakan infeksi yg biasa terjadi kuku jari tangan & kaki
yg menyebbkan kuku hilang warna, menebal dan mudah utk patah.
Definisi vaginal candidiasis
- Nama lain bagi vaginal candidiasis ialah vaginal yeast infection, vulvovaginal candidiasis atau candidal vaginitis
- Candidiasis merupakan infeksi yg disbbkan oleh yis Candida yg biasanya hidup dalam bdn sperti dlm mulut, tekak, usus dan vagina
Definisi ringworm
- Ringworm ialah infeksi kulit yg disbbkan oleh fungus. Nama lain bagi ringworm
ialah tinea atau dermatophytosis - Ringworm menyebbkan circular rash yg biasanya kemerahan & gatal
Definisi candida infections of the mouth, throat & esophagus
- Candidiasis dlm mulut / tekak = thrush / oropharyngeal candidiasis
- Candidiasis dlm esophagus = esophageal candidiasis / Candida esophagitis
- Esophageal candidiasis biasanya berlaku dlm kalangan pesakit HIV / AIDS2
Definisi antifungal resistance
- Apb kulat tdk lagi memberi tndk balas pd agen antifungal
- Beberapa jns kulat sprti Candida auris blh mnjadi rintg trhadap ketiga-tiga jenis
agen antifungal
Senaraikan 3 kategori utama berserta cth ubat bagi antifungal drugs
Utk jangkitan mucocutaneous :
(1) Systemic drugs :
- Azole (Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Voriconazole), Griseofulvin, Nyastatin
(2) Topical drugs :
- Azole (Ketoconazole, Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Tioconazole), Nyastatin, Terbinafine
Utk jangkitan sistemik :
- Azole (Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Variconazole), Amphotericin B, Flucytosine, Caspofungin
Nyatakan kelas antifungal beserta cth ubat berdasarkan struktur kimia / MOA
(1) Azole - Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Posaconazole,
Voriconazole, Isavuconazole
(2) Polyenes - Amphotericin B, Nyastatin
(3) Allylamines - Terbinafine
(4) Echinocandins - Anidulafungin, Caspofungin, Micofungin
(5) Miscellaneous - Flucytosine, Griseofulvin
- Ergosterol merupakan sterol utama dalam sel membrane fungal.
- Azole antifungals merencat enzim 14-alphademethylase.
- Enzim ini penting dalam pertukaran lanosterol kepada ergosterol.
- Kekurangan ergosterol menyebabkan kerosakan pada sel membrane fungal lalu sel
Adverse Effect :
- Hepatotoxicity
Indications :
- SUPERFICIAL SKIN INFECTIONS = Tinea infection, Hair infection, Onychomycosis,
Mucocutaneous candidiasis
- SYSTEMIC FUNGAL INFECTIONS = Blastomycosis, Systemic candidiasis dan cryptococcal meningitis,
Invasive aspergillosis
Cont. Azole
Side Effects :
- Headache, Dizziness, Hepatoxicity, Pruritus, Thrombocytopenia, GI disturbances
Drug Interactions :
- Amphotericin B
Contraindications :Allergic to Amphotericin, Liver dysfunction, Renal dysfunction
Persediaan : Clotrimazole 1% solution (Canestan) Clotrimazole 1% cream (Canestan) Clotrimazole 200mg/500mg vaginal tablet (Canestan) Miconazole Nitrate 2% cream (Daktarin) Fluconazole 100mg cap Fluconazole 50 mg cap Fluconazole 2mg/ml inj Itraconazole100mg cap Itraconazole10mg/ml oral solution Voriconazole 200mg/vial for in
- Polyenes berfungsi dengan berinteraksi dengan ergosterol, sejenis steroid yang
terdapat pada membran kulat.
- Pengikatan ini menyebabkan saluran terbentuk
(Pore) pada membran kulat dan pore ini akan mengakibatkan kehilangan potassium
dan beberapa molekul kecil dari sel kulat. Ini mengakibatkan sel kulat mati.
Adverse Effects :
- Chills, muscle spasm & fever. nephrotoxicity, Hypokalemia and anemia
Indications :
- Systemic fungal infections caused by Candida albicans
Side Effects :
- headache, nausea, vomitting
Cont. Polyenes
Drug Interactions :
- Digitalis, neuromuscular agents
Contraindications :
- allergic to drug
Cautions :
- renal impairment
Persediaan :
- Amphotericin B eye drops
Adverse Effects :
- Too toxic for parenteral administration, only use oral or topically
Indications :
- Suppressions of local candidal infections
Side Effects :
- nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, rash, local irritation
Contraindications :
- allergic to nystatin
Cautions :
- pregnancy & lactation
Persediaan : Nystatin 100 000 unit/g cream/ ointment (Mycostatin) Nystatin 100 000 unit/ml suspension (Mycostatin)
- Allylamines merencat enzim squalene epoxidase dimana enzim ini sepatutnya
mengubah squalene kpd ergosterol
- Perecatan ini mybbkn squalene trkumpul dgn byk dlm sel kulat
- Squalene mrupkn bhn beracun bg sel kulat maka sel kulat akn mati
Indications :
- Dermatophytoses, Onychomycosis
Side Effects :
- Headache, hastrointestinal upset
Contraindication :
Chronic or active liver disease.History of an allergic reaction to oral terbinafine
Cautions :
- elderly patients yang ada masalah hati, jantung dan buah pinggang
Persediaan :
- Terbinafine hydrochloride 1 % Topical Cream
- Echinocandins menganggu sintesis dinding sel dengan menghalang enzim β(1,3)-d-glucan synthase.
- Enzim yang bertanggungjawab dalam sintesis D-glucan iaitu bahan dalam dinding sel kulat.
- Ini menyebabkan sel lysis kerana tekanan osmotic.
Miscellaneous (Flucytosine)
- Akan ditukar kepada 5 Fluorouracil yang akan menganggu sintesis RNA dan protein.
- 5- fluorouracil akan dimetabolise kepada 5- fluorodeoxyuridylic acid yang mana akan merencat
thymidylate synthetase iaitu enzim diperlukan dalam sintesis DNA.
- Ini menyebabkan sel kulat mati.
Adverse Effects :
- depression of bone marrow, hair loss
Cont. Miscellaneous (Flucytosine)
Indications :
- treatment of serious infections caused by certain strains of two types of fungi: Candida
and Cryptococcus.
Side effects :
- nausea, vomitting, diarrhea
Drug Interactions :
- Cytarabine & NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or naproxen
Contraindications :
- liver problems, anemia
Persediaan :
Flucytosine 500 mg Tablet
Flucytosine 2.5 g/250 ml Injection
- Griseofulvin merencat mitosis sel kulat.
- Ia juga mengikat dan mengganggu fungsi mikrotubulus spindle dan sitoplasma dengan
mengikat alpha dan beta tubulin.
- Ini menghalang pembahagian sel anak serta merencat pembiakan sel kulat
Adverse Effects :
- A lupus like syndrome, Hepatotoxicity , Serious skin reaction
Indications :
- Systemic treatment of dermatophytosis
Warning :
- Serious skin reactions warning: This drug can cause skin reactions. These may be serious and life-threatening
Side Effects :
- Headache, Dizziness, Rash, Urticaria, GI disturbances, Photosensitivity, Peripheral neuropathy
Drug Interactions :
- Warfarin, Phenobarbital
Contraindications :
- Allergic to Griseofulvin, Hepatic Failure, SLE, Pregnancy
Persediaan :
- Griseofulvin (Ultramicrosize 125 mg = 250 mg Microsize) Tablet