Nyatakan 2 jenis antibacterial agents yg merencant sintesis dinding sel
(1) Beta lactam antibiotik
- Penicillin,Cephalosporins,Carbapenem,
(2) Miscellaneous antibiotic
- Vancomycin & Bacitracin
Terangkan MOA beta lactam antibiotik
Ia akan mengikat pada PBP pada dinding sel bakteria lalu merencat enzim transpeptidase. Tanpa ikatan peptida antara NAM & NAM dalam dinding sel akn mybbkan struktur dinding sel tidak stabil. Maka, ini akan menyebbkan perbezaan tekanan osmotik lalu sel lysis
Nyatakan 5 jenis pengkelasan bagi penicillin
- Penicillin asli
- Penicillinase/Lactamase resistant penicillins (anti staph penicillin)
- Extended spectrum penicillin
- Antipseudomonal penicillins
- Combination of extended spectrum penicillins / antipseudomonal penicillin with beta lactamase inhibitor
Terangkan spectrum activity bagi (1) Penicillin asli
- active against gram (-) & (+) cocci, gram (+) bacilli & spirochetes
- sensitive to penicillinase enzymes
Cth : - Benzyl penicillin (Penicillin G) Benzathine Penicillin (Benzathine Penicillin G) Phenoxymethyl Penicillin (Penicillin V)
Terangkan spectrum activity bagi (2) Penicillinase / Lactamase resistant penicillin
- effective against beta lactamase producing stapylococci
- have low/no activity against other gram (+) & (-) organisms
- resistant to penicillinase enzymes
Cth: - Cloxacillin Flucloxacillin Nafcillin (not in FUKKM) Methicillin (Not available)
Terangkan spectrum activity bg (3) extended spectrum penicillin
- gram (+) coverage with extended coverage of more gram (-) bacteria
- Ampicillin more active on shigella & H.influenza
- Amoxicillin is more active against Salmonella & Streptococcal fecalis
- Sensitive to penicillinase enzyme
Cth : Ampicillin Amoxicillin Carbenicillin (not in FUKKM)
Terangkan spectrum activity (4) antipseudomonal penicillins
- broad spectrum but only used for pseudomonas,infection & ampicillin resistant proteus
- have activity against anaerobic gram (-) bacteria
- have synergistic effect when they are used with aminoglycosides
- sensitive to penicillinase enzymes
Cth :
Ticarcillin (not in
Terangkan spectrum activity (5) combination extended spectrum penicillins or antipseudomonal penicillin with beta lactamase inhibitor
- resistant pd penicillinase enzyme
Cth : Amoxicillin & clavulanic acid Ampicillin Sodium & Sulbactam Sodium Piperacillin & Tozabactam
Penicillin’s Indication
- Streptococcal infections, e.g. wound sepsis, acute throat infections, subacute bacterial endocarditis,.. etc.
- Staphylococcal infections of skin, mucous membrane and bone.
- Pneumococcal infections e.g. pneumonia.
- Syphilis and gonorrhoea.
- Meningococcal infections: Penicillin diffuses into the CSF only when the meninges are acutely inflamed.
- Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers: Ampicillin and Amoxycillin.
- Pseudomonas infection: Ticarcillin or Piperacillin
- Diphtheria and tetanus
- PROPHYLAXIS: prevent recurrent of Rheumatic fever and prevent subacute bacterial endocarditis
Penicillin Drug Interactions
- Bacteriostatic drug
- Antipseudomonal penicillin
with aminoglycoside - Methotrexate
- Oral Contraceptive Pills
Penicillin Adverse Effects
- Hypersensitivity
- Neurotoxicity and seizure in renal failure
patient - Neutropenia dan thrombocytopenia (Nafcillin)
- Interstitial nephritis (Methicillin)
- Hepatotoxicity- cholestatic jaundice(Coamoxiclav, Flucloxacillin)
Penicillin’s Warning & Precautionary Label
• Serious allergic reaction warning: Symptoms include a skin rash with or without blisters, flu-like symptoms
or swelling of your throat, tongue, or mouth.
• Severe diarrhea warning: This drug may cause diarrhea during and after your treatment with it due to Clostridium difficile.
• Prescription completion warning: If don’t complete
the prescription, this may cause resistance.
• Penicillins should be used with caution in individuals with histories of significant
allergies and/or asthma.
• Care should be taken to avoid intravenous or intra-arterial administration, or injection into or near major peripheral nerves or blood vessels, since such injections may produce neurovascular
Terangkan First Generation Cephalosporin
- do not penetrate to CSF
- senstive to beta lactamase enzyme
- active against (+) & with some (-)
Terangkan Second Generation Cephalosporin
- do not penetrate CSF
- used primarily in the management of urinary and respiratory tract,bone & soft tissue infections & prophylactically
- relatively resistant to beta lactamase
- gram (+) coverage with enhanced coverage of gram (-) bacteria
Terangkan Third Generation Cephalosporin
- can penetrate to CSF in the presence of meningitis
- excreted by kidney
- highly resistant to lactamase
- have long duration (12hrs) & ceftriaxone has longer duration (24hrs)
- effective against beta lactamase producing gram (+) coverage with excellent coverage of gram (-) bact & active against anaerobes