Antiepileptics (CNS depression) Flashcards
Voltage-gated Na channel stabilizer - for tonic-clonic seizures. good for short term, not long term. hepatic enzyme inducer
Voltage-gated Na channel stabilizer - more effective for complex partial seizure than primary generalized, bipolar disorder, and neuropathic pain. hepatic enzyme inducer
Voltage-gated Na channel stabilizer - more effective for complex partial seizure than primary generalized, bipolar disorder, and neuropathic pain. hepatic enzyme inducer . Less toxic than Carbamezepine
Voltage-gated Na channel stabilizer - more effective for complex partial seizure than primary generalized, bipolar disorder, and neuropathic pain. Very strong hepatic enzyme inducer
Voltage-gated Na channel stabilizer side effects
Sedation, ataxia, diplopia (dizzy, drunk, double vision). also rash and contraceptive failure.
Valproate (Valproic acid)
Unknown mechanism, likely affects Na-gated channels and GABA system. Does everything, but don’t give if potentially pregnant. - for seizure stuff, bipolar, migraine and long term cluster headache prophylaxis. need to monitor
GABAa agonist (GABAergic anti-epileptic) - for status epilepticus = seizures > 5 mins (refractory); anesthesia (sedation dose-limited)
GABA analog; blocks presynaptic influx of Ca (less excitatory neurotransmission) - adjunct for partial complex epilepsy; more common use for neuropathic pain. very non-toxic
GABA analog; blocks presynaptic influx of Ca (less excitatory neurotransmission) - adjunct for partial complex epilepsy; more common use for neuropathic pain. very non-toxic
Glutamate receptor blocker; Ca receptor blocker, 2ndary effect at voltage-gaited Na channel, GABA system - for seizure stuff and migraine prevention, and long term prevention of cluster head aches. Word-finding problems. treat with vitamin C
Glutamate receptor blocker; NMDA receptor blocker, secondary effect at voltage-gaited Na and Ca channels, GABA system - for seizures
synaptic vesicle binder (binds synaptic vesicle protein 2) leading to less neurotransmitter release - for seizure stuff. well tolerated
Voltage-gated Ca channel blocker (in thalami-cortixal circuits) - for absence seizures only and neuropathic pain