Antidepressants and depression Flashcards
What are 5 symptoms of depression?
- Significant weight loss
- Depressed mood
- Diminished interest or pleasure
- Insomnia or hypersomnie
- Psychomotor agitation or retardation
- Fatigue or loss of energy
- Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
- Diminished concentration and indecisiveness.
What is the rationale for drug use in major depression?
Relieve psychological and physical symptoms.
o Improve functional capacity.
o Reduce the likelihood of self-harm or suicide.
What is the MOA of SSRIs?
- electively inhibit the presynaptic reuptake of serotonin
What is the MOA of TCAs?
- inhibit reuptake of noradrenaline and serotonin into presynaptic terminals
What is the MOA of SNRIs?
- Inhibit serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake.
What is the MOA of MAOIS?
- irreversibly inhibit monoamine oxidases A and Bincreasing the synaptic concentrations of adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin
What are three AEs of TCAs?
- increased heart rate, postural hypotension and arrhythmia
What are three AEs of SSRIs?
- nausea, diarrhoea, anxiety, agitation, insomnia, headache and drowsiness.
What are three AEs of SNRIs?
- nausea, dry mouth, constipation, sweating and dizziness
What are there AEs of MAOIs?
- othostatic hypotension, sleep disturbances, headache, dowsiness and fatigue.
What are two things you should tell a patient going on SSRIs?
- Monitor pts frequently for SI and behaviours at start of treatment and when stopping, taper over several weeks to avoid withdrawal effects, reduce daily dose by ½ no faster than weekly.
What are two things you should tell a patient going on TCAs?
- Monitor pts frequently for SI and behaviours at start of treatment, withdraw slowly to avoid withdrawal and adverse effects may appear early but the therapeutic response is delayed by 2 weeks
What are two things you should tell a patient going on SNRIs?
- Monitor pts frequently for SI and behaviours at start of treatment, taper dose over 4 weeks to minimise withdrawal effects
What are two things you should tell a patient going on MAOIs?
- Avoid foods containing tyramine during and 2 weeks after stopping treatment. Eat fresh or fresh frozen foods, avoid matured or out of date cheeses, yeast, soybean and protein extracts
What is serotonin toxicity?
- Too much serotonin in brain synapses
What are three signs of serotonin toxicty?
- Can involve a range of side effects including tremor, altered mental status, hyperthermia and clonus
What are 3 drugs which can cause serotonin toxicity?
- Antidepressants, opioids, stimulants and other drugs such as illicit drugs