anticoagulants, antiplatelets, and thrombolytic medications Flashcards
alter the formation of the platelet plug
interfere with clotting cascade and thrombin formation
break down the thrombus by stimulating the plasmin system
anti-platelet examples
anticoagulant examples
thrombolytic example
aspirin action
-suppress platelet aggregation
-primarily in arteries
aspirin indications
-primary & secondary prevention of MI
-prevention of stroke in pts with hx of TIAs
-anti-inflammatory & anti-febrile
aspirin precaution
-single dose of aspirin persists fro the life of a platelet (7-10 days)
if someone taking aspirin was having an elective surgery, when would you tell them to stop taking the aspirin?
7 days prior to surgery
adverse effects of aspirin
-GI upset & bleeding
-hemorrhagic stroke
-salicylate toxicity
what does salicylate toxicity look like?
-ringing in ears
should you recommend someone take aspirin with food?
aspirin contraindications
-peptic ulcer
aspirin teaching
-GI upset
clopidogrel indications
-reduces risk of thrombotic events in patients with CAD
-prior to or after cardiac procedures (Cath/stent)
what type of medication is clopidogrel?
anti platelet
clopidogrel adverse effects
-TTP (big flat bruising)
clopidogrel teaching
-monitor for GI side effects
-look for blood in stool and urine
-look for bruising
-take with or without food
what cannot be taken with clopidogrel?
What are the most effective anti platelet drugs??
-super aspirins
abciximab / tirofiban indications
-prevent ischemic events due to acute coronary syndromes and those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
abciximab / tirofiban adverse effects
-monitor for Brady cardia & hypotension
what do anticoagulants do?
-prevent blood clots from forming or extending
-interfere with the clotting cascade & thrombin formation
do anticoagulants break down existing clots?
heparin method od action
activates antithrombin thus indirectly inactivating thrombin & factor Xa which inhibits fibrin formation
heparin indication
-treat PE, DVT, stroke, when prompt anticoagulant activity is needed
-low dose for prophylaxis for surgery
-treatment of DIC
heparin contraindications
-Pts with high risk of bleeding (peptic ulcer disease, severe hypertension)
-post-op surgeries on the brain, eye, or spinal cord, lumbar puncture
people with what type of chronic illnesses should not take heparin?
-peptic ulcer disease
-severe hypertension
people with what type of surgery should not take heparin?
-spinal cord
-lumbar puncture
where would you administer a heparin injection?
2 inches below umbilicus
can heparin be a drip?
monitoring for heparin
-frequent monitoring and titration of drip rate based upon aPTT
what are therapeutic aPTT values for someone on heparin?
-1.5-2 times the control
heparin most common adverse effects
-heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
-hypersensitivity reaction
heparin antidote
protamine sulfate
heparin teaching
-avoid aspirin
-report bleeding, bruising, dark tray stool
enoxaparin mechanism of action
-activates antithrombin thus indirectly inactivating factor Xa which inhibits fibrin formation
enoxaparin indications
-prevent DVT post-op
-treat DVT & PE
-prevents complications of MI
enoxaparin contraindications
-pts with a high risk of bleeding (peptic ulcer disease, severe hypertension
-post-op surgeries on brain, spinal cord, eye or lumbar puncture
where do you give enoxaparin injections?
SQ at anterior or posterolateral sites
monitoring for enoxaparin
-predictable pharm-kinetics: does not require PTT monitoring
-weight based
-monitor CBC
adverse effects of enoxaparin
antidote for enoxaparin
protamine sulfate
warfarin mechanism of action
antagonizes vitamin K which prevents formation of coagulation factors
indications for warfarin
-prevent DVT & PE
-prevent thrombosis in fib or prosthetic heart valve
-reduce risk for recurrent TIA/CVA or MI
warfarin contraindications
-pts with high risk of bleeding, post-op brain/eye/spinal cord surgery
-liver disorders & alcohol use disorders
warfarin most common side effect
warfarin assessment
-watch INR
-PT should be 1.5-2 times patient’s baseline value
-INR level is 1.1 or lower, desired therapeutic range of 2-3
warfarin antidote
Vitamin K
general teaching points for heparin, enoxaparin, & warfarin
-avoid aspirin
-electric razors & soft toothbrushes
-report bruising, dark tarry stools, fatigue, dizziness, palpations
-stay away from foods high in vitamin K
foods high in vitamin K
spinach, green leafy veggies, broccoli, kale
indication for thrombin inhibitors
-CVA with afib
dabigatran antidote
direct thrombin inhibitors administration
-short acting
direct thrombin inhibitors contraindications
-pts with high risk of bleeding or active bleeding
-liver disorders & alcohol use disorders (higher risk for bleeding)
direct thrombin inhibitors precautions
-other anticoagulants
-hepatic of renal impairment
-pregnancy category C
rivaroxavan/apiaxban antagonist
andexanet alfa
why would an antidote to a direct thrombin inhibitor be given?
-in the event of an emergency surgery
-urgent procedure
-life-threatening or uncontrolled bleeding
risks of dabigatran
-surgery or dental work bleeding concerns
-spinal or epidural blood clots leading to paralysis
biggest concern about dabigatran
no reliable lab test to identify overdose
teaching for dabigatran
-monitor for bleeding signs
-soft tooth brush, electric razor
-avoid over the counter meds like feverfew, garlic, ginger, gingko biloba, saw palmetto
alteplASE action
-breaks down formed clots
-can interfere with new clot formation
alteplASE indications
-evolving MR or CVA
-massive PE
-extensive DVT
-arterial thrombosis
-open clotted paths
alteplASE administration
-IV, time is priority
alteplASE contraindications
-intracranial hemorrhage
-active internal bleeding
-ischemic stroke within past 3 months
-cautious with uncontrolled hypertension
alteplASE adverse effects
management of bleeding with thrombolytics (alteplASE)
-use whole blood, FFP if bleeding is excessive
what to use if blood products don’t work to fix bleeding with thrombolytics?
management of bleeding
-minimize physical manipulations of patient
-avoid sub Q or Im injections
-minimize invasive proceures
-manual BP no automated cuff
-minimize concurrent use of anticoagulants and anti-platelet drugs
-monitor aPTT, INR
-monitor CDC: H&H
-no foley Cath
complementary therapies that suppress platelet aggregation
-ginger root
-ginko biloba