ANTH - Exam 3 Review (Applied Anthropolgy) Flashcards
What is the use of anthropology to solve practical problems?
Applied Anthropology -
What problems occur with a top-down approach?
- Apache Housing
- Solar Water Pumps in India -
What utilizes a “ground-up” or grass roots perspective/approach?
Applied Anthropology -
Describe the Solar Water Pumps in India:
The pumps helped save time because they spent less time pumping water but the children didn’t have jobs now. This led to a lot children getting in trouble. The women would destroy them because it ruined their social time. This widened the gap between the rich and the poor. -
What are the Two Fundamental Categories of Applied Anthropology?
-Development Anthropology
-Advocacy -
What is part of the broad, multi-disciplinary field of International Development, which tries to improve human welfare, particularly in underdeveloped and developing countries?
Development Anthropology -
What emphasizes sustainability as a goal and requirement?
Development Anthropology -
What is the study of culture’s impact on health and health-seeking behavior > Very strong applied orientation?
Medical Anthropology -
What is one major area of medical anthropology?
health care and nutrition -
What are examples of medical anthropology?
-Filariasis in India
-Behrehorst Foundation -
What is a foundation that is meant to help women and children with many different things in Guatemala?
Behrehorst foundation -
What are some examples of Grassroots Economic Development:
-Malnutrition is their first priority.
-They provide fresh water.
-He worked to really hard to find funding.
-set up schools and programs
-focused on rodent-proofing corn cribs
- Pirambu and the Quatro Varas Project
- Vicos Project- Allen Holmberg -
Describe the Quatro Varas Project:
-focused on women
-they give business loans
-allowed women to sell their textiles to richer parts of Brazil, Germany, and other countries through this brand
-undercutting was not allowed -
Describe the Pirambu Development Programs:
-Built 1/2 dozen bakeries which employ people.
-Set up schools to train women how to sew.
-Own a nut plantation which employs 7,000 men.
-Sell children’s postcards in stores; keeps children from going into crime.
-Everything was sold at the same price. -
Describe the Vicos project:
-Allen Homberg: revolutionized agriculture in Peru.
-Did away with the share cropping system.
-Holmberg rents Hacienda and payed wages to everyone who worked.
-Taught Native people their culture and rights as citizens. -It was profitable because people wanted to work.
-productivity increased and increased until they bought the hacienda themselves -
What was the name of the man in charge of the Vicos project?
Allen holmberg -
What became a catalyst for wage reform in Peru?
The Vicos Project -
What are the areas of applied anthropology?
-Program evaluation -
What is an example of Applied anthropology in U.S. sub-groups:
- Aids and IV Drug Use
- most IV Drug users use unclean needles
- free needle exchange programs in certain states -
What are some examples of Applied Ethnography?
- Darrell Posey and Amazon Indian Groups
- Agrosilvaculture -
What is utilizing whatever products are around to grow plants?
Agrosilvaculture -
What is an example of a Program Evaluation in Anthropology?
- Pretty suspicious of the US govt.
- govt. gave a grant to provide completely free tuition but program failed
- Justice designed a new curriculum, emphasizes team work, self-paced
- It fit their life style better -
What are some examples of Anthropology in Education?
-Ortiz de Montellano’s mesoamerican inclusive curriculum
- Cathie Jordan and project KEEP -
Describe project KEEP:
- formed to help teach Hawaiian children
- In classroom, kids have no responsibility, teacher assigns work, everything, etc
- minimize verbal instruction
- assign a specific tasks
- withdraw from direct attention
- At home, kids are given all the responsibilities.
- Hawaiian kids love working! -
What does Project KEEP stand for?
Kemejaya Elementary Education Program -
Who created Project KEEP?
Cathie Jordan -
Who created the Mesoamerican inclusive curriculum?
Ortiz de Montellano -
What did Ortiz de Montellano’s mesoamerican inclusive curriculum do?
improved performance in areas with Native American minorities -
Who created the Navajo Paramedic Program?
James Justice -
What are some examples of applied anthropology in advocacy?
- Airton Barreto and the Pirambu Center for Human Rights
- Darrell Posey and defense of native peoples in Amazon
- Expert Witnesses: Omer Stewart and John Hostetler -
Did the Supreme Court find in favor of the Amish people?
Yes, so they are not required to attend public high school -
Who was the anthropologist expert witness that fought for Amish teenagers being compelled to attend public high school?
John Hostetler -
What is peyote?
a hallucinogenic drug that Native Americans use in church for religious ceremonies and rituals -
Who was an Anthropologist expert witness for Native American religious freedom (use of peyote in the church)?
Omer Stewart -
Did the supreme court find in favor of the Native American church or not?
in favor of the Native American church, so they were able to use the drug -
What are some anthropologist expert witnesses?
-Omer Stewart
-John Hostetler -
Who spent time in jail in defense of native people in the Amazon?
Darrell Posey -
Who is the lawyer for the Pirambu Center for Human Rights?
Airton Barreto -
What are some examples of how Anthropologists work in Business?
-Cultural Broker
-Ethnography in the work place -
What is a cultural broker?
-they help US companies understand cultures and help with scheduling that fits with those cultures
-move to former Communist block countries to teach them how to do capitalism -
How does ethnography of the workplace work?
-Program Evaluation: ethnography of the workplace, attitudes.
-EX- Hector Qirko would go around and teach ethnography in the workplace to the TVA, draws up reports about all the data gathered to improve the company
-TennCare -