ANTH Exam 2 - Review 5 Flashcards
Brazil is characterized by what traditions?
the long-standing, deeply embedded traditions of:
-Religious syncretism
-Religious pluralism
-Medical pluralism -
What are the other factors of religious syncretism and religious/ medical pluralism?
-Folk Catholicism
-African traditions
-Spiritism and the rise of the Umbanda -
Describe the factors that made the traditions in Brazil come about:
- About half of all the slaves imported went to Brazil. Brazil did not have any natives to use for labor so they had to bring in slaves. Sugar cane and coffee were a big reason for this. Slaves worshiped Orixas who were disguised as catholic saints
- The Portuguese crown was weak and had few places in Africa which to get slaves= cultural continuity and continuous influx of African people up to the 1880’s. They would give huge tracks of land away to nobles and they would take slaves over. Entire villages would be captured and kept together in Brazil.
- African medicine was very superior to European in Brazil during colonial times. European medicine sucked, would just cut off limbs or use hot and cold treatments. African medicine was mixed into religion too. -
What was formed in an attempt to legitimize some of the African traditions/religions?
Umbanda -
How many people consider themselves to be apart of Umbanda today?
35-40 million people (2nd largest religion in Brazil) -
What are female Exus, identified of being a witch or prostitute in a past life; jealousy?
Pomba Giras -
What is polytheistic, nature based, and spirit possession?
African traditions -
What are the different spirit types of Umbanda?
-Pomba Giras
-Preto Velhos
-Ze Pilintra
-Zombeteros -
What is the “cult of the saints”- intercessors to God?
Folk Catholicism -
What are the spirits of former slaves; healing spirits, always work for good?
Preto Velhos -
What are servants of the gods, neutral spirits of nature, can be used for “negative trabalhos.”?
Exus -
What are native American and mixed blood spirits, powerful and proud, used for protection and diagnosis of spiritual illness?
Caboclos -
What is a half spirit of light/ half trickster, heavy drinker?
Ze Pilintra -
What are cadaver spirits, usually sent as an Encosto; lost souls, untimely deaths?
Zombeteiros -
What is the favela in Fortaleza?
Pirambu -
What percent of people in Pirambu claim they dont have electricity?
60% -
What percent of people in Pirambu dont have indoor plumbing?
70% -
Who are “the people that possess much land” ?
Azande Indians -
Where do the Azande Indians live?
Located in sub-Saharan Africa (southern Sudan Africa & in the DR Congo too) -
Who has homes made of mud, adobe, and grass., each women has their own house with a grainery and courtyard?
Zande Indians -
Describe the Encosto case studies:
35 victims were interviews for 37 separate cases. (100% cure rate but hard to judge), most of the treatments were for mental problems or addiction like things
23 were believed to be caused by intentional witchcraft
Jealousy was the motivating factor in 16 of these cases.
9 cases happened by accident, through lack of spiritual protection
Large portion reported hallucinations, headaches, and strange behavior.
Others= lack of spiritual protection or failure to develop one’s medunity. A great tool for recruitment.
His story: The lady became sick, or could have just worried herself to be sick. Could have been faking it. Aware that her husband was cheating on her. Could have been a stress reaction or could have just been faking it all along. Cured in the end with a thing that popped out of her mouth in front of husband and family. -
Describe the major themes of Encosto:
- as an explanation of illness and misfortune
- as a means of empowerment
- as a means of social control
- the enhancement of the leader’s prestige and importance
What are their only domesticated animals?
Dogs and chickens -
What type of society were the Azande pre European rule?
were a chiefdom society. A chief collected tribute and redistributed. Nobles made up less than 10% of pop., and still in power today -
What is subsistence like for the Zande?
Horticultural based; they don’t rotate crops, simply move them so that the land reclaims itself; grow corn
Do the Zande raise cattle? -
Don’t raise cattle, have problem with tse-tse fly” (?); causes a sleeping sickness.
What type of marriage did the Zande Indians have?
They had a polygendous society, only a few men have more than one wife. Bride price is not cheap so must be wealthy to have more than one wife. -
Who did the Zande use as consultants about everything?
Oracles -
What were the Zande nobilty called?
Avongara -