Anterior shoulder and arm Flashcards
What is shoulder flexion?
Arm moving front and up in saggital plane
Whaqt is shoulder extension?
Arm moving backwards and behind on saggital plane
What is shoulder abduction?
Arm moves laterally and up, on coronal plane
What is shoulder adduction?
Arm moves from lateral to medial, down towards sides along coronal plane
What is shoulder lateral rotation?
Humerus stays put, forearm rotates laterally from medially
What is shoulder medial rotation?
Humerus stays put, forearm rotates medially from laterally
What is elbow flexion
When the elbow joint bends
What is elbow extension
WHen the elbow joint straightens
What is the lateral rotation of scapula?
Associated with shoulder abduction, the scapular inferior angle moves laterally out and up
What is medial rotation of the scapula?
Associated with shoulder adduction the scapular inferior angle moves medially in and down
What is elevation of scapula
When it moves up (shrugging)
What is depression of scapula?
When it moves down
What is the retraction of the scapula?
When shoulders are brought back
When is the protraction of the scapula?
When shoulders are brought hunched forward
What bone has the glenoid fossa?
The scapula
What landmarks flank the glenoid fossa?
Supraglenoid and infraglenoid tubercles
Where is the coracoid process
Lateral anterior scapula
Where is the acromion process
posterior superior scapula
What bony landmarks are found on the humerus head
Greater and lesser tubercles, intertubecular groove
What bony landmarks ar efound on the inferior humerus
Medial (bigger) and laterlal epicondyles, Tochlea and capitulum at bottom, olecranon and coronoid fossa
In the anatomical model, is the radius medial or lateral compared to the ulna?
What are the bony landmarks of the ulna
Olecranon, coronid process, styloid process distally
What are the bony landmarks of the radius
Head of radius, neck of radius, and bicipital tuberosity all procimally, styloid process distally
What are the carpus bones?
Trapezium, trapezoid, scaphoid, capitate, lunate, hamate, triquetrium, pisiform