Anterior forearm and hand Flashcards
What is supination (Radio-ulnar)
turning the hand palm up, as if to hold a bowl of soup
What is pronation (radio ulnar)
Turning the hand as if to pour a bottle
What is wrist abduction?
Moving the hand in the thumb direction
What is wrist adduction
Moving the hand in the direction of the pinky finger (boi hand)
What is wrist extension?
Moving palm up (Talk to the hand)
What is wrist flexion?
Hand flopped down
What is carpo-metacarpal abduction
Fingers spaced from each other (Swimming hand)
What is carpo-metacarpal adduction?
All fingers grouped together
What is 1st carpometacarpal extenstion?
Thumb out from palm perpendicular to fingers (thumbs up)
What is 1st carpometacarpal flexion?
Thumbs in contact with palm, perpendicular to fingers
What is 1st carpometacarpal adduction
Thumb in line with adducted fingers
WHat is 1st carpometacarpal abduction?
Thumb out perpendicular to fingers and palm (3d)
What is finger opposition
Little finger in contact with thumb