Anterior Neck, Arm, and Chest Flashcards
Mylohyoid action
Elevates hyoid, floor of mouth, and tongue during swallowing and speaking
Geniohyoid action
Pulls hyoid anterosuperiorly; shortens floor of mouth; widens pharynx
Stylohyoid action
Elevates and retracts hyoid, thus elongating floor of mouth
Digastric action
Working with infrahyoid muscles, depresses mandible against resistance; elevates and steadies hyoid during swallowing and speaking
Sternohyoid action
depresses hyoid after elevation during swallowing
Omohyoid action
Depresses, retracts, and steadies hyoid
Sternothyroid action
depresses hyoid and larynx
Thyrohyoid action
Depresses hyoid and elevates larynx
pectoralis major origin
sternal half of clavicle, sternum to 7th rib, cartilages of true ribs, aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique muscle
pectoralis major insertion
lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
pectoralis major innervation
medial and lateral pectoral nerves; the brachial plexus (C5, T1)
pectoralis major action
flexes, abducts, and medially rotates arm
pectoralis minor action
lowers lateral angle of scapula and protracts scapula
pectoralis minor origin
outer surface of upper margin of ribs 3-5
pectoralis minor insertion
coracoid process of scapula