ANS Harvey Part 3 Flashcards
are a class of compounds that include the endogenous neurotransmitters and hormones released by adrenergic neurons in the sympathetic nervous system.
are exogenous compounds that imitate the functional responses produced by endogenous catecholamines
are exogenous compounds that block the functional responses to endogenous catecholamines or sympathomimetics.
In order to understand what kind of response a catecholamine or sympathomimetic produces, it is important to know:
the type of adrenergic receptor involved
the type of cell and/or tissue involved
the signaling pathway activated by that receptor
whether or not the effects are direct and/or indirect
What does alpha 1 adrenergic receptors do?
utilize Gq which binds to PLC->PIP2 Dag IP3-> Ca2. Present in smoothe muscle contractions
Where are alpha adrenergic receptors found?
location – smooth muscle blood vessels eye (iris radial muscle) bladder (sphincter muscle) skin (piloerector muscles)
What is the signaling mechanism of alpha 1 adrenergic receptors?
Gq activation of phospholipase C
What is the the response of activated alpha 1 adrenergic receptors?
Summarize Alpha I adrenergic receptors
Gq-> IP3-> Ca2+-> smooth muscle contraction
alpha adrenergic α2 receptors are located where?
some vascular smooth muscle
central and peripheral presynaptic nerve terminals
What is the signaling mechanims of alpha adrenergic α2 receptors?
Gi/o inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
Gi/o inhibition of presynaptic Ca2+ channels
What is the response of alpha adrenergic α2 receptors?
inhibition of neurotransmitter release
How does alpha adrenergic α2 receptors create vasoconstriction?
It inhibits cAMP (cAMP inhibits contractions) via inhibition of adenylul cyclase
How does alpha adrenergic α2 receptors inhibit neurtransmitter release?
Alpha 2 inhibit calcium channels through activation of Gi/Go and their beta subunits inhibit Ca channels.
Where do you find beta adrenergic β1 receptors?
adipose tissue
What is the signaling mechanism of beta adrenergic β1 receptors?
– Gs activation of adenylyl cyclase
What is the response of beta adrenergic β1 receptors?
increase firing rate (sinoatrial node)
increase conduction velocity (atrioventricular node)
increase contractility (ventricular muscle)
increase rate of relaxation (ventricular muscle)
kidney – increase renin secretion
adipose tissue – lipolysis
What is positive chronotropic effect?
increase firing rate of heart
What is positive dromotropic effect?
increase conduction velocity
What is positive inotropic effect?
increase contractility
What is positive lusitropic effect?
Increase rate of relaxation
release of (blank)leads to an increase in angiotensin II production
What is the location of beta adrenergic β2 receptors?
location cardiac muscle smooth muscle -vascular -airway -gastrointestinal -bladder (detruser muscle) -uterus Skeletal Muscle, Liver
What is the signaling mechanism of beta adrenergic β2 receptors?
Gs activation of adenylyl cyclase
What is the response of beta adrenergic β1 receptors?
increase heart rate and contractility
relax smooth muscle
increase glycogenolysis
β2-receptor activation stimulates (blank)
beta adrenergic β3 receptors
location – ?
signaling mechanism – ?
response – ?
adipose tissue
Gs activation of adenylyl cyclase
What are juxtaglomeular cells?
receive sensory information of sympathetic system which makes them release renin
dopaminergic D1-5 receptors
Signaling pathway–?
vascular smooth muscle (kidney)
central nervous system
D1/5 Gs activation of adenylyl cyclase
D2-4 Gi inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
vascular smooth muscle - relaxation
central nervous system
control of motor movement
regulation of prolactin secretion
D1-5 receptors in the vascular smooth muscle (kidney) utilizes D1 & D5 to activated Adenylyl cyclase with what G protein?
D2-4 receptors in theCNS utilizes D2-D4 to activated Adenylyl cyclase with what G protein?
It is important to recognize that it is not uncommon to actually find (blank) adrenergic receptors in any given cell type.
more than one type of
All the receptors discussed so far may also be involved in regulating (blank) not discussed here.
other signaling pathways
The ability of a given type of receptor to regulate multiple signaling pathways can, in some cases, be explained by the fact that there are further (blank) for some of these receptors
catecholamines consist of 2 moieties?
catachol and an ethylamine side chain
What has a benzene ring with hydroxyls at the 3 (meta) and 4 (para) positions?
The α and β carbons of the ethylamine moiety of catecholamines are (blank) carbons.
Therefore, substitutions at the α and β ethylamine moiety sites result in (blank). This includes enantiomers (mirror images) if there are substitutions at just one carbon and (blank) (non-mirror images) if there are substitutions at both carbons.
For catecholamines with β carbon substitutions, the l-isomers are the most biologically active form. Endogenous catecholamines only exist as (blank)
(sympathomimetics) Compounds that mimic the responses produced by sympathetic stimulation can be divided into three different categories; what are they?
direct, indirect, mixed
(blank) produce their effects by directly activating adrenergic receptors. Endogenous catecholamines belong to this class.
Direct acting compounds
(blank) produce their effects by increasing the availability of endogenous catecholamines. This can be achieved by:
inhibiting reuptake
stimulating release
inhibiting metabolism
Indirect acting compounds
(blank) compounds produce their effects by both direct and indirect mechanisms.
Direct acting sympathomimetics will have substitutions on at least 2 of the following 3 positions: What are they?
the meta position on the benzene ring,
the para position on the benzene ring, or
the beta carbon of the ethylamine side chain, and it must be a hydroxyl.
With direct acting compounds for sympathomimetics:large substitutions on the terminal nitrogen tend to promote (blank)
small substitutions tend to promote (blank)
β adrenergic receptor activity
α adrenergic receptor activity.
Hyroxyl substitutions on the 3 and 5 positions of the benzene ring tend to enhance (blank)
β2 adrenergic receptor selectivity.
Indirect acting sympathomimetics will have (blank) at either the meta or para postion of the benzene ring or the beta-carbon of the ethylamine side chain.
none or only 1 substitution
(SYMPATHICMIMETICS WITH INDIRECT ACTIVITY) For sympathomimetics with (blank), both d- and l- isomers may be active. For example:
ex )Amphetamine, Ephedrine
α carbon substitutions