ANS Flashcards
What does it control?
Smooth and cardiac muscle, glands
Sympathetic Neurotransmitter, fibers.
Thoracolumbar fibers: Norepenephrine
Parasympathetic Neurotransmitter, fibers.
Craniosacral fibers: Acetylcholine
Beta 1 receptors
Primarily the Heart, kidneys a little.
Beta 2 receptors
Primarily the lungs
Sympathetic Tone
Controls blood pressure, even at rest.
Keeps vessels in a continual state of partial constriction.
Alpha blocker drugs
INterfere with vasomotor tone fibers and are used to treat hypertension
Parasympathetic tone
Slows the heart, dictates normal activities of digestion.
Erection control
Parasympathetic cause vasodilation and erection
Sympathetic cause ejaculation and reflex contraction of vagina
Overall integration of the ANS. The boss
Brain Stem
Regulation of pupil size, RR, HR, BP, swallowing
Spinal cord
Urination, defecation, erection and ejaculation