Ankle/Foot Complex Flashcards
Describe the tibia
- broad distally & maximizes contact area for force transmission
- twists externally around long axis 20-30 degrees is normal
- articular concavity for distal fibula
- primary load bearing bone
Describe the fibula
- lateral malleolus functions as pulley
- medial aspect of lateral malleolus = facet for talus
Describe the projection of the talus
- projects distally & medially at about 30 degrees in adults
Describe the function of the talocrural articulation
- permits mostly sagittal plane motion
- plantar & dorsiflexion is possible at this joint & at other joints
Describe the calcaneus
- provides attachment site for the achilles tendon
- on the plantar side forms attachments site for the intrinsic foot muscles
What can the navicular tuberosity be used to assess
- can assess foot arch drop/collapse
What surface of the metatarsals & phalanges are concave and convex
- plantar surface of the metatarsals is concave
- the base of the phalanges are concave and the heads are convex
What are the cardinal plane motions of the foot
- dorsiflexion
- plantar flexion
- inversion and eversion
- abduction and adduction
What are the oblique axis motions of the foot
- pronation which couples DF, eversion, & abduction
- supination which couples PF, inversion, & adduction
Describe the tibiofibular joint
- shares capsule with knee & is reinforced by the anterior & posterior tib-fib ligaments, popliteal tendon, & LCL
- minimal translation
- dorsiflexion is anterolateral glide at proximal tib-fib
- plantar flexion is posteromedial glide at proximal tib-fib
Weight bearing and sprain at the distal tibiofibular joint
- 90% tibia
- 10% fibula during weight bearing
- site of high ankle sprain
- MOI for high ankle sprain is loaded dorsiflexion
What is the shape of the talocrural joint (TCJ)
- the shape of a carpenters mortise joint (upside down U-shape over a box)
What ligaments make up the LCL of the ankle
- anterior & posterior talofibular ligaments
Describe the deltoid ligament
- includes: tibionavicular fibers, tibiocalcaneal fibers, & tibiotalar fibers
- limits eversion
- located on the medial side of the ankle
Describe the lateral ankle ligaments
- limits a combination of abduction &/or inversion
- anterior talofibular ligament is related to an inversion sprain
- posterior talofibular ligament is tensioned in abduction; fibula has to move forward & twist internally
Describe talocrural joint motion
- little bit of abduction & a little bit of eversion when dorsiflex
- 1 DOF; primary motion is plantar & dorsiflexion
ROM at the talocrural joint
- dorsiflexion = 15 - 25 degrees
- plantar flexion = 40 - 55 degrees
Roll and slide motions at the talocrural joint
- open chain dorsiflexion is anterior roll & posterior slide of talus
- LCL tensions with anterior tallor translation (Dorsiflexion)
What limits DF & PF at the talocrural joint
- DF: gastric, soleus, & anterior talon width
- PF: connective tissue
What stabilizes and supports the subtler joint
- cervical ligament & talocalcaneal ligament are primary ligamentous restraints
- calcaneofibular & tibiocalcaneal are secondary stabilizers
Motions of the subtalar joint
- pronation; eversion & abduction
- supination; inversion & adduction
- minimal DF/PF
Roll and slide at the subtalar joint
- Pronation has medial slide
- Supination has lateral side
What motion occurs at the transverse tarsal joint (TTJ)
- supination
- pronation
- allows foot to conform to surfaces
Describe the functions of the calcaneocuboid joint
- provides a lot a stability
- stabilizes the lateral longitudinal column of the foot with capsular & ligamentous support