Animals Flashcards
Identify the traits that are exclusive to only the Eumetazoans
- Body symmetry
- Motility
- Internal digestion and a digestive tract
- Min of 2 germ layers during embryological development
Motile adult life phase that typically allows for sexual production of gametes
Motile larval phase
Sessile adult life phase that typically uses asexual budding as a method for reproduction
Cells that transport nutrition throughout the body of the sponge
Cells that secrete either silica or calcium carbonate and form the structural support for the sponge
The anterior hole at the top of the body where water exits the sponge
Cells that form holes allowing water to flow into the body of the sponge
Flagellated cells that propel water through the sponge and capture food particles
The empty center of the sponge where the water flows through before exiting out the hole at the top
Scientific Classification A : Hydrozoa
Common Name A: ____
Scientific Classification B: Anthozoa
Common Name B :
Sea Anemone
Scientific Classification C: Scyphozoa
Common Name C:
Jelly Fish
Scientific Classification D: Ctenophora
Common Name D :
Comb Jelly
Identify which of the following traits are possessed by members of Phylum Ctenophora
- Diploblasta
- Radial symmetry
- Complete digestive tract with a separate mouth and anus
- Ctenophores use sticky tentacles to capture prey
Germ tissue that forms predominantly muscle tissue and connective tissue and includes:
the muscle, bones, cartilage, connective tissue, adipose tissue, circulatory vessels and blood the lymphatic system, the dermis the genitourinary tract the serous membranes and the notocord.
Mesoderm germ tissue
Germ tissue that forms the external linings:
skin, hair , nails, lens of the eyes, sebaceous glands, the cornea, tooth enamel and the epithelium of the mouth and nose
Ectoderm germ tissue
Germ tissue that forms internal lining and some internal organs :
stomach , colon, liver, pancreas , bladder, the epithelial parts of the trachea, lings , pharynx, thyroid and parathyroid
Endoderm germ tissue
A type of anatomical tissue composed of myosin and actin proteins
Muscle tissue
Structural tissue accompanied by an extracellular matrix
Connective tissue
Tightly knit cells held together with tight junctions that form barriers
Epithelial tissue
Tissue that generates and conducts electrical impulses
Nervous tissue
Although they have a lophophore, they lack the trochophore life phase, and are therefore considered an outgroup to the Lophotrochzoans
Arrow worms
Although they live in multi-cellular colonies these organisms are still classified as single celled protists and are considered the outgroup to the entire Kingdom Animalia
Although they have an exoskeleton, it is not nearly as well developed as the rest of the Arthropods; They have legs but lack jointed appendages
Although they have a skull and teeth they do not have vertebral column so they are considered the outgroup to the vertebrate animals
Fish soft bodied invertebrate animals appear including comb jellies and sponges
Early Ediacaran Period
Ice ages and the origin of the genus Homo
Pleistocene epoch
The age of fishes; First terrestrial tetrapods evolve
Devonian period
The age of reptiles ; Mammals evolve
Mesozoic era
An explosive adaptive radiation give rise to all major early animal phyla
Cambrian period
Following the KT Extinction, mammals and birds rise to dominance
Cenozoic era
Invertebrate animals begin their colonization of land
Ordovician period
The age of Amphibians; Reptiles evolve
Carboniferous period
All unifying traits seen in all Eumetazoans
- Animals are Eukaryotes
- Animals have HOX genes
- motile
capable of sexual repro (also asexual) - have internal digestion
radial symmetry
radial cleavage
triploblast deuterostome
combined mouth and anus attached to a gastrovascular cavity
blastopore becomes the mouth during gastrulation
triploblast protostome
2 layers of germ tissue
Anus forms from the blastopore during gastrulation
Triploblast Deuterostome
Colonial mutlicellularity
All true ceolomates
triploblast deuterostome
spiral cleavage
triploblast protostome
no digestive tract or tissues