Animal Development Lecture Flashcards
Strictly vocab and lecture material
Zoology definition
Study of living things
All animals have these features (7)
sensory/nervous system,
extracellular matrix,
cell-cell signaling
Most common method of discovering ancestry now
Gene sequencing
Emergent properties
Descendants having new properties their ancestors did not
Indirect vs Direct development (2)
Indirect: Having a larval stage that undergoes metamorphosis to become an adult
Direct: Being born as a small adult that then grows larger without metamorphosis
Gamete vs Zygote ploidy
Haploid and Diploid, respectively
Spermatogenesis - What process is it? Yields? (6)
Production and maturation of sperm in the testis. It is
1 Spermatogonium –>
1 Primary spermatocyte –>
2 Secondary Spermatocyte –>
4 Spermatids –>
4 haploid spermatozoa
Making 4 haploid reproductive cells from 1 diploid spermatocyte or oocyte that are varied genetically, introducing genetic variability into the zygote.
Oogenesis (7)
Production and maturation of ova in the ovary.
Cytoplasm is favored in the ovum and unfavored in the 3 polar bodies.
Genetic partitioning is still equal amongst the polar bodies and ovum.
Oogonium –>
Primary oocyte –>
secondary oocyte + polar body –>
ovum + 3 polar bodies.
Function of forming a zygote (4)
Restoration of diploid # chromosomes,
Recombination of maternal and paternal genes,
activates the egg to begin development,
sperm contributes a centriole
Fertilization initial process (6)
Sperm comes near the surface of the ovum.
The acrosome of the sperm releases digestive enzymes.
The acrosome and ovum membranes fuse.
The sperm enters the ovum’s membrane.
Nuclei fuse to become a diploid zygote.
Blocks to polyspermy occur.
Polyspermy and why is it bad? (2)
When more than one sperm penetrates the egg during fertilization.
Polyspermy is bad because excess male genetic material complicates embryonic development and results in death of the zygote.
Slow block to polyspermy
The space between the vitelline envelope and plasma membrane of the egg fill with a hard substance, forming a mechanical barrier that prevents sperm from entering the egg. This forms the fertilization membrane.
Fast block to polyspermy
Change in electric potential energy of the plasma membrane is done within a few seconds after the first sperm binds to the nucleus of the egg. This shifts from a negative to a positive charge. Sperm cannot fuse to membranes with a positive charge, so polyspermy is avoided this way.
Embryonic cells are called (cells that have been cleaved)
Cleavage pattern depends on
How much yolk is present, phylogeny (genetics)
Isolecithal, Mesolecithal, Telolecithal eggs
Small amount of yolk that is evenly distributed,
moderate amount of yolk that is concentrated at the vegetal pole,
large amount of yolk, concentrated at the vegetal pole
A-V axis
Animal pole is north, Vegetal pole is south