Anglais - 8 Flashcards
Suffer the worst part of something unpleasant
To bear the brunt of
Assuming or supposing something to be true without proof
Taking something for granted
At a time that is far away
In the long run
Not being able to decide between two propositions
Being on the fence
How to introduce a problematic ?
The article raises the following question
How to make a transition
There are a few points that I wish to discuss further
How to announce a plan ?
First, I wish to argue that… And my second point will be…
To deal with a matter or a problem
To address an issue
To cause something negative to happen
To breed resentment
To make a situation even worse
To make matters worse
When you describe something by its surface
On the face of it
Faire les courses
To do the shopping
Faire de son mieux
Do one’s best
Faire la vaisselle
Do the washing up
Faire des histoires
Make a fuss
Faire un essai
Make an attempt
Prendre des dispositions
Make arrangements
Something that is easy to understand
To start to have an effect
To come into play
Pile ou face
A toss up
À un poil près
By a whisker
To change the destiny of something positively
Tip the fortune of
To give power to people
To cede power to grassroots
Something that is very good and is used for measuring how good other things are
Gold standard
A way of achieving an aim or solving a problem by different methods that imply learning from the errors
Trial and error
Prendre les choses en mains
to take matters into one’s own hands
Hors sujet
Out of the point
A situation in which everyone has the same chance of succeeding, being in equal situation
To be on a playing level field
With the same rights and conditions of you competitors
On an equal footing
To have a lot of influence or power over other people
To wield power
Pour Introduire un contraste
There is a sharp/striking contrast between
Pour souligner des différences ?
There are substantial differences in…
Souligner un équart
There is a discrepancy
Établir un parrallèle
On the other hand
To connect two things
To bridge the gap
To make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation
Come/get to grips with something
Quel dommage !
What a pity !
To spend as little money as possible so that you can afford the most important things
To scrimp and save
Suivre les pas de
To follow in someone’s footsteps
Expression entre les riches et pauvres
The gap between the haves and the have-nots
In the future
Down the road/line/track
Very modern
Une source de controverses/pomme de discorde
A bone of contention
From the beginning, without using anything that already exist
From scratch
The only choice that remains after all others have been tried
Last resort
To look suitable/behave in a suitable way
To look the part
It happens right after something
In the wake of something
augmentation (f)
increase, growth
Une politique menée
Il est communément admis que…
It is commonly acknowledged that…
Something pleasant becomes unpleasant
Too much of a good thing
Connaitre tous les détails
To know the cogs and wheels
Used to mean the opposite of the stated quality
Anything but
A situation that is not clear or where the rules are not known
Grey area
Returning to a previous held belief or position
Full circle
A different of considering a situation, worse better or original
The other side of the coin
Ne met pas la charrue avant les bœufs
Don’t put the cart before the horse
Il pleut des cordes
It’s raining cats and dogs outside
Se détendre
to relax
to enrich
L’âge d’or
Golden age
At a time that is near in the future
In the short run
Doing something correctly or well
On the right track
To come quickly into your mind
To spring to mind
To sound familiar
To ring a bell
Something that hasn’t been stated officially
Behind the scenes
To use the same methods as someone else in order to defeat them
To fight fire with fire
To act very carefully
To tread a fine line
Someone who is uncocopied and bored shouldn’t do nothing
Idle hands are the devil’s playground
To use your body language to suggest a particular feeling
To strike an attitude
To willfully close your eyes on something
To turn a blind eye
it is not possible for anyone to really know something
Something is anyone’s guess
Something that does not exist
there’s no such thing/person as
D’un côté
on the one hand
Denrées alimentaires
Faire faillite
to go bust
le magnat
Heures de travail
working hours
Une gamme de produit
product range
Part de marché
market share
Le centre ville
city/town center; downtown
city dwellers
to succeed