Anatomy Xray and congenital anomalies Flashcards
1- Front air sinus
2- Orbital cavity
3- Nasal septum
4- Ethmoid air sinus
5- Maxillary air sinus
1- Front air sinus
2- Maxillary air sinus
3- Sphenoid air sinus
4- Pituitary fossa
5- Coronary suture
6- Lambdoid suture
1- Atlas
2- Body of atlas
3- Lamina of axis
4- Body of cervical vertebra
5- Intervertebral disc
1- Nasopharynx
2- Oropharynx
3- Hypopharynx
4- Larynx
5- Epiglottis
6- Axis vertebra
7- Spinal cord
8- Medulla oblongata
9- Pons
1- Ethmoid air sinus.
2- Sphenoid air sinus.
3- Middle concha.
4- Inferior concha.
5- Tongue.
6- Nasopharynx.
7- Oropharynx
1- Ascending aorta.
2- Arch of aorta.
3- Descending aorta.
4- Brachiocephalic artery.
5- Left common carotid.
6- Left subclavian artery.
7- Right subclavian artery.
8- Right carotid artery
1- Maxillary sinus.
2- Ethmoid air sinus.
3- Hailler cell.
4- Nasal septum.
5- Middle concha.
6- Orbit.
7- Nasal sepium
8- Inferior concha.
1- Cerebellum.
2- Mid-brain.
3- Pons.
4- Medulla oblongata.
5- Corpus callosum.
6- Fornix.
7- Thalamus.
8- 4th ventricle.
9- Lateral ventricle
1- Superior vermis.
2- Cerebellar hemisphere.
3- Midbrain.
4- Hippocampus.
5- Interpeduncular cistern.
6- Temporal lobe.
7- Inferior horn of lateral ventricle.
1- Body of lateral ventricle.
2- Caudate nucleus.
3- Septum lucidum.
4- Median sulcus.
5- White mater.
6- Grey mater.
1- Thalamus.
2- Head of caudate.
3- Lentiform nucleus.
4- Internal capsule.
5- Externa capsule.
6- Anterior horn of lateral ventricle.
7- 3 ventricle.
8- Posterior horn of lateral ventricle.
9- corpus Callosum
1- corpus callosum.
2- Head of caudate.
3- Lentiform nucleus.
4- Internal capsule.
5- External capsule.
6- Corona radiata
1- Internal carotid artery.
2- Anterior cerebral artery (ACA).
3- Middle cerebral artery (MCA).
4- Angular branch of MCA.
5- Parietal branch of MCA.
6- Callosomarginal branch of ACA.
7- Pericallosal branch ACA.
1-Superior sagittal sinus.
2-Inferior sagittal sinus.
3-Transverse sinus.
4-Straight sinus.
5-Sigmoid sinus.
1- Vertebral artery 4th part.
2- Basilar artery.
3- Posterior cerebral artery.
4- Superior cerebellar artery.
5- Anterior inferior cerebellar
6- Posterior inferior cerebellar
1- Anterior cerebral artery.
2- Internal carotid artery.
3- Middle cerebral artery.
4- Posterior communicating
5- Posterior cerebral artery.
1- Lumbar vertebral body.
2- Lumber intervertebra! disc.
3- Sacral vertebra.
4- Superior articular facet.
5- Inferior articular facet.
6- Pedicle.
7- Intervertebral foramen.
8- Facet joint
1- Body of 1“ lumber verterbra.
2- Conus medallaris.
3- Cauda equina.
4- L2/L3 intervertebral disc.
5- Posterior longitudinal ligament.
1- Body of 1st lumbar vertebra.
2- Body of 5th lumbar vertebra.
3- L3-4 intervertebral disc.
4- Spinous process.
5- Conus medullaris.
6- Cauda equine.
7- C.S.F. inside the vertebra! canal.
8- Fat.
1- Ischial tuberositty.
2- Body of pubis.
3- Obturator foramen.
4- Superior pubic ramus.
5- Pubic symphysis.
6- Anterior sacral foramen.
7- Inferior pubic ramus.
8- Sacral promotry.
9- Sacroiliac joint.
10- Segments of coccyx
1- Fundus of the stomach.
2- Body of the stomach.
3- Lesser curvature.
4- Greater curvature.
5- Gastric rugae.
1- Stomach.
2- Lesser curvature.
3- Greater curvature.
4- Duodenum.
5- Jejunum.
1- Stomach.
2- Duodenum .
3- Jejunum.
4- llieum.
1- Gall bladder.
2- Right hepatic duct.
3- Left hepatic duct.
4- Common bile duct.
5- Common hepatic duct.
6- Cystic duct.
7- Endoscope.
1- Ascending colon.
2- Right colic flexure,
3- Transverse colon
4- Left colic flexure.
5- Descending colon.
6- Sigmoid colon.
1- Renal pelvis.
2- Major calyx.
3- Minor calyx.
4- Left abdominal ureter.
5- Left pelvic ureter.
6- Intramural part of left ureter
7- Urinary bladder.
1- Celiac trunk.
2- Splenic artery.
3- Common hepatic artery.
4- Hepatic artery proper.
5- Gastroduodenal artery.
6- Catheter.
1- Aorta.
2- Superior mesenteric artery.
3- Terminal superior mesenteric
4- Jejunal branches.
5- llial branches.
6- Right colic artery.
4-Gall bladder
5-Right adrenal gland
6-Left adrenal gland
7-Inferior vena cava
1- Cervix.
2- Fundus of the uterus.
3- Body of the uterus.
4- Cornu of the uterus ( arrow ).
5- Uterine tube.
6- Fimbrial end of the uterine tube.
7- Dye in the peritoneal cavity.
1- Urinary bladder.
2- Colonic gas.
3- Ductus deferens.
4- Ampulla of vas deferens.
5- Ejaculatory duct.
6- Seminal vesicle.
1- Fundus of the uterus.
2- Body of the uterus.
3- Cervix of the uterus.
4- Vagina.
5- Pubis.
6- Sacrum.
1- Urinary bladder.
2- Neck of urinary bladder.
3- Prostatic urethra.
4- Bulbous urethra.
5- Penile urethra.
6- Head of femur.
7- Membranous urethra.
8- Sphincter urethrae.
Branchial cyst
Ectopic parathyroid
Unilateral cleft lip
Oblique facial cleft
Bilateral cleft lip
Median cleft lip
Partial cleft palate
Unilateral complete
cleft palate
Bilateral complete cleft
Cleft uvula
Bifid tongue
Tongue tie
Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
stenosis of duodenum
Biliary stenosis
Duplication of gall bladder
Umbilical hernia
Umbilical hernia
Intestinal stenosis
Intestinal atresia
Subhepatic caecum and appendix
Left sided colon
Reversed rotation
Meckel’s diverticulum
Vitelline fistula
Vitelline cyst
Congenital polycystic kidney
Renal agenesis
Pelvic kidney
Horse-shoe kidney
Congenital hydrocele
Congenital inguinal hernia
Bifid ureter
Ectopic ureter
Annular pancreas
Parasternal hernia of Morgagni
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia of Bockdalek
esophageal hernia
Lingual thyroid
Thyroglossal cyst
Thyroglossal cyst
Congenital megacolon
Rectovaginal fistula
Rectourethral fistula
Imperforate anus
Rectoanal atresia
Urachal fistula
Urachal Cyst
Urachal Sinus
Exstrophy of the bladder
Double uterus, double cervix, double vagina
Double uterus, double cervix, single vagina
Double uterus, single cervix, single vagina
Septate uterus
Arcuate uterus
Bicornuate uterus with a rudimentary horn
Atresia of cervix
Atresia of vagina