Anatomy Xray and congenital anomalies Flashcards
1- Front air sinus
2- Orbital cavity
3- Nasal septum
4- Ethmoid air sinus
5- Maxillary air sinus
1- Front air sinus
2- Maxillary air sinus
3- Sphenoid air sinus
4- Pituitary fossa
5- Coronary suture
6- Lambdoid suture
1- Atlas
2- Body of atlas
3- Lamina of axis
4- Body of cervical vertebra
5- Intervertebral disc
1- Nasopharynx
2- Oropharynx
3- Hypopharynx
4- Larynx
5- Epiglottis
6- Axis vertebra
7- Spinal cord
8- Medulla oblongata
9- Pons
1- Ethmoid air sinus.
2- Sphenoid air sinus.
3- Middle concha.
4- Inferior concha.
5- Tongue.
6- Nasopharynx.
7- Oropharynx
1- Ascending aorta.
2- Arch of aorta.
3- Descending aorta.
4- Brachiocephalic artery.
5- Left common carotid.
6- Left subclavian artery.
7- Right subclavian artery.
8- Right carotid artery
1- Maxillary sinus.
2- Ethmoid air sinus.
3- Hailler cell.
4- Nasal septum.
5- Middle concha.
6- Orbit.
7- Nasal sepium
8- Inferior concha.
1- Cerebellum.
2- Mid-brain.
3- Pons.
4- Medulla oblongata.
5- Corpus callosum.
6- Fornix.
7- Thalamus.
8- 4th ventricle.
9- Lateral ventricle
1- Superior vermis.
2- Cerebellar hemisphere.
3- Midbrain.
4- Hippocampus.
5- Interpeduncular cistern.
6- Temporal lobe.
7- Inferior horn of lateral ventricle.
1- Body of lateral ventricle.
2- Caudate nucleus.
3- Septum lucidum.
4- Median sulcus.
5- White mater.
6- Grey mater.
1- Thalamus.
2- Head of caudate.
3- Lentiform nucleus.
4- Internal capsule.
5- Externa capsule.
6- Anterior horn of lateral ventricle.
7- 3 ventricle.
8- Posterior horn of lateral ventricle.
9- corpus Callosum
1- corpus callosum.
2- Head of caudate.
3- Lentiform nucleus.
4- Internal capsule.
5- External capsule.
6- Corona radiata
1- Internal carotid artery.
2- Anterior cerebral artery (ACA).
3- Middle cerebral artery (MCA).
4- Angular branch of MCA.
5- Parietal branch of MCA.
6- Callosomarginal branch of ACA.
7- Pericallosal branch ACA.
1-Superior sagittal sinus.
2-Inferior sagittal sinus.
3-Transverse sinus.
4-Straight sinus.
5-Sigmoid sinus.
1- Vertebral artery 4th part.
2- Basilar artery.
3- Posterior cerebral artery.
4- Superior cerebellar artery.
5- Anterior inferior cerebellar
6- Posterior inferior cerebellar
1- Anterior cerebral artery.
2- Internal carotid artery.
3- Middle cerebral artery.
4- Posterior communicating
5- Posterior cerebral artery.
1- Lumbar vertebral body.
2- Lumber intervertebra! disc.
3- Sacral vertebra.
4- Superior articular facet.
5- Inferior articular facet.
6- Pedicle.
7- Intervertebral foramen.
8- Facet joint
1- Body of 1“ lumber verterbra.
2- Conus medallaris.
3- Cauda equina.
4- L2/L3 intervertebral disc.
5- Posterior longitudinal ligament.
1- Body of 1st lumbar vertebra.
2- Body of 5th lumbar vertebra.
3- L3-4 intervertebral disc.
4- Spinous process.
5- Conus medullaris.
6- Cauda equine.
7- C.S.F. inside the vertebra! canal.
8- Fat.
1- Ischial tuberositty.
2- Body of pubis.
3- Obturator foramen.
4- Superior pubic ramus.
5- Pubic symphysis.
6- Anterior sacral foramen.
7- Inferior pubic ramus.
8- Sacral promotry.
9- Sacroiliac joint.
10- Segments of coccyx
1- Fundus of the stomach.
2- Body of the stomach.
3- Lesser curvature.
4- Greater curvature.
5- Gastric rugae.
1- Stomach.
2- Lesser curvature.
3- Greater curvature.
4- Duodenum.
5- Jejunum.
1- Stomach.
2- Duodenum .
3- Jejunum.
4- llieum.
1- Gall bladder.
2- Right hepatic duct.
3- Left hepatic duct.
4- Common bile duct.
5- Common hepatic duct.
6- Cystic duct.
7- Endoscope.
1- Ascending colon.
2- Right colic flexure,
3- Transverse colon
4- Left colic flexure.
5- Descending colon.
6- Sigmoid colon.
1- Renal pelvis.
2- Major calyx.
3- Minor calyx.
4- Left abdominal ureter.
5- Left pelvic ureter.
6- Intramural part of left ureter
7- Urinary bladder.
1- Celiac trunk.
2- Splenic artery.
3- Common hepatic artery.
4- Hepatic artery proper.
5- Gastroduodenal artery.
6- Catheter.
1- Aorta.
2- Superior mesenteric artery.
3- Terminal superior mesenteric
4- Jejunal branches.
5- llial branches.
6- Right colic artery.
4-Gall bladder
5-Right adrenal gland
6-Left adrenal gland
7-Inferior vena cava
1- Cervix.
2- Fundus of the uterus.
3- Body of the uterus.
4- Cornu of the uterus ( arrow ).
5- Uterine tube.
6- Fimbrial end of the uterine tube.
7- Dye in the peritoneal cavity.
1- Urinary bladder.
2- Colonic gas.
3- Ductus deferens.
4- Ampulla of vas deferens.
5- Ejaculatory duct.
6- Seminal vesicle.
1- Fundus of the uterus.
2- Body of the uterus.
3- Cervix of the uterus.
4- Vagina.
5- Pubis.
6- Sacrum.
1- Urinary bladder.
2- Neck of urinary bladder.
3- Prostatic urethra.
4- Bulbous urethra.
5- Penile urethra.
6- Head of femur.
7- Membranous urethra.
8- Sphincter urethrae.
Branchial cyst
Ectopic parathyroid
Unilateral cleft lip
Oblique facial cleft
Bilateral cleft lip
Median cleft lip
Partial cleft palate
Unilateral complete
cleft palate
Bilateral complete cleft