Anatomy Flashcards
What is this? What bones are made up of it? Structures related to it? and what time does it close
pterion of the skull.
Made up of temporal bones, parietal, frontal and greater wing of sphenoid.
Temporalis and middle meningeal artery.
3 month
Give two actions of masseter and nerve supply
Mandibular nerve anterior division
Protraction and elevation of mandible
name the structure marked by star
Give two muscles attached to it and give their origin and nerve supply
Superior nuchal line
Sternomastoid and trapezius
Sterno origin: middle 1/3 clavicle and manubrium sterni front
Nerve supply Spinal root C2, C3
Name muscle marked with orange pin
Give its origin and insertion
Give its action and nerve supply
O: Digastric fossa
I: Intermediate tendon
Nerve to mylohyoid and facial nerve
Hyoid elevation and mandibular depression
origin of ICA and ECA
gives their terminal branches
both originate at thyroid cartilage upper border
ICA: At skull base, dividing into ant. & middle cerebral aa and opthalmic
ECA: inside parotid: maxillary, superficial temporal, facial, lingual, occipital and auricular
artery origin and branches
ECA front, above hyoid
ascending palatine, submental ,tonsillar, inferior labial, sup labial
IJV origin end and branches
jugular foramen
Subclavian vein to form brachiocephalic V
Common facial, lingual, sup and middle thyroid
Subclavian ends at? its branches are?
internal mammary, vertebral and thyrocervical trunk
gives taste and general sense to ant 2/3 of tongue
lingual n
nerve branch
Sympathetic chain branch
cardiac to heart
motor to extrinsic and intrisic tongue muscles
Parotid gland parts, site of duct opening and nerves related
superficial, deep and small accesspry
in vestibule opposite upper 2 molar
Auriculotemporal, facial nerve branches (temporal, zygomatic, buccal and mandibular
Submandibular gland parts
site of opening
Nerve related
superficial and deep
In mouth floor
Lingual N and hypoglossal N
Thyroid parts
and nerves
2 lobes and isthmus
External and recurrent laryngeal N
Structure opened in superior meatus
Post ethmoidal sinus
Structre open in middle meatus
frontal, maxillary and middle ethmoidal
structure open in inferior nasal meatus
Nasolacrimal duct
Soft palate muscles and nerve supply
Levator palati, tensor palati
glossopharyngeal N
Tongue muscles and nerve supply
Extrinsic and intrinsic by hypoglossal n and pharyngeal plexus
Anteroir 2/3 lingual for general sensation and chorda tympani for taste
Post 1/3 for glossopharnygral for general and taste
Genioglossus action, nerve supply and insertion
Protrude tongue to opposide side and forwads (prevents it from sliding back)
ventral suface of tongue and hyoid
Brain stem blood supply (medulla, pons and midbrain)
Medulla: vertebral and an spinal aa, PICA and posterior spinal
pons: Basilar A, PICA and superior cerebellar
Mid brain: Sup cerebellar, post cerebral and post communicating
muscle related to mastoid process
Post. belly of digastric
Incisive fossa
greater palatine vessels and nasopalatine n
lateral pterygoid plate
late and medial pterygoid
their nerve supply is mandibular N
this foramen
mandibular N, accessory meningeal nerve
Foramen spinousm right next to oval
middle meningeal nerve and nervous spinousm
joint related
mandibular fossa
Tempomandibular (synovial and condyle)
name canal
internal carotid, sympathetic plexus and emissary v
NAME foramen
Facial n and sylomastoid a
Occipital condyle joint related
attlas-occipital, synovial ellipsoid
name canal
Hypoglossal canal
Hypoglossal n and emissionray V
Crista glia
falx cerebri
this is called it has
Cribriform plate
olfactory n filaments
this is called it has
foramen rotundum
maxillary N
Mandibular foramen
inferior alveolar n and vessels
this is
it has
mylohyoid groove
mylohyoid nerve and A
Diagastric fossa
Submandibular fossa
Sublingual gland
Rectus sheath is formed of
Contains rectus abdominis, sup and inferior epigastic vessels, lower 5 intercostal and subcostal nerves and vessels
Psoas major nerve supply
ant relations
Post relatoins
kidney renal vessels uterer, caeacum and descending colon
Lumbar transverse process, lumbar plexus and lumbar a
Lateral Quadratus
Med obturator N, lumbo sacral trunck
Illiacus nerve supply
femoral N
Illiac fossa and lesser trochanter
Quadratus lumborum origin and nerve supply
iliac crest, iliolumbar ligament
T-12, L1-L4
diaphgram origin and nerve supply and major opening
Xiphid, lower 6 costal catlages, ligaments of vertebra
Phrenic (M) and lower 6 thoracic (s)
Abdominal aorta
esophagus T10
Aorta begins level and ends
Mention single and paired branches
Ends at L4
Coeliac, sup mesenteric, inf mesenteric and median sacral
Paired: Inf phrenic, middle suprarenal, renal, gonadal, lumbar and CIAz
Coeliac trunk begins
ends by dividing into
Lt gastric, splenic and hepatic
Sup mesentric beg end
Abdominal aorta L1
Ileocaceal junction
rt and middle colic branches, illeocolic, jejunal and ileal
Inf mesenteric branches
Abdominal aorta L3
Infront of lt of Comman Illiac A
Upper and lower lt colic, sup rectal A
Common illiac A beg end and branches
L4 border
L5 border
External and internal iilliac A
IVC beg end and tubratied
rt atrium 6th stern costal junction
Common iliac, renal, hepatic phrenic, rt gonadal, rt suprarenal
Femoral N and Obturator N
femoral N and obturator L2, 3 4
Lumbosacral L4, L5
Arteries related to lesser and greater curvature of stomach
Lesser: common hepatic, rt gastric A, Lt gastric, celiac a
Greater: Rt gastro-epiploic, Lt gastro-epiploic, short gastric
Is the stomach covered completely in peritonium?
What are the venous drainage
Posterior relations?
Ant relations?
No, area behind funuds is bare
same as arteries
Pancreas and splenic a, lt kidney+suprarenal, transverse colon
Ant: Liver, diaphram and ant abdominal wall.
Is the duodenum covered by peritoneum?
what is the blood supply?
Covered ant and periphery except 1inch (covered completely)
rt gastric, rt gastroepiplic, supraduodenal, pancreaticoduodenal
drained by splenic, poral and sup mesenteric
Jejunum and ileum peritoneum?
Completely covered
Jejuneal and illeal branches from sup mesenteric a
colon features
Tanea coli, sacculations
end of caceum
Posterior relations
Peritoneal covering
blood supply
Ileocacel junction
rt posas major, minor and illiacus, rt femoral n
nearly completely covered.
ant and post caecal
Most common postiton for appendix. Is it covered in peritoneum?
Completely covered
ascending colon arterial supply
ileocolic and rt colic
Iliohypogastric and iliinguinal
transverse colon blood supply
rt colic, middle colic, upper lt colic
descending colon blood supply
upper and lower left colic
Is the rectum covered completely in peritonium? where does it end? give arterial supply
no lower 1/3 bare and posterior of the rest of rectum
1 inch infront of ciccygeus
superior middle and inferior rectal
Liver is completely covered in peritoneum except
what are the contents of porta hepatis?
IVC groove and gall bladder fossa
rt and lt hepatic artery, rt and lt portal v branches and hepatic ducts
gallbladder is supplied by?
cystic artery
kidney posterior relations
psoas major, quadratus lumborum
ureter length and post relation
10 inches
Psaos major and minor
Spleen surfaces
ligaments that attatch to hilum
rest of ligaments
colic surface below Renal surface and gastric surface on sides
ilenorenal, gastrosplenic
testis coverings
tunica vaginalis
tunica ablunginea
Tunica vasculosa
splenic Artery branches
pancreatic, short gastric, post gastric and terminal splenic
Spermatic cord outer coverings in order
External spermatic fascia, cremasteric muscle and fascia, internal spermatic fascia
testicular a, cremasteric a, artery of vas deferens
Cremastric nerve, illinguinal nerve and symp plexus
Vas deferens, pampiform plexus
Bladder ligament attached to apex
Origin of bladder
arterial supply
median umbilical ligament
trigone is mesodermal rest of bladder is endodermal
sup and inf vesical
male urethera parts
preprostatic 1 cm
Prostatic 4
Membranous 1cm
penile 15 cm
prostrate blood supply
inf vesical, middle rectal and internal pudendal
Uterine position?
peritoneal covering
peritoneal pouches?
broad ligaments content
Anteverted and antiflexed
Fundus, body and cervix
Rectouterine and uterovesical
Back of supra vaginal cervix, body and back and fundus
uterine and ovarian vessels, uterine tube, ovarian ligament
Vagina anterior and posterior wall lengths
peritoneal covering?
7.5 cm and 9 cm
Back of upper 4th