Anatomy W6 - Blood Supply to the Brain Flashcards
What 2 lobes are separated by the central sulcus?
Frontal and parietal lobes
Where is the primary motor cortex located?
In the precentral gyrus in front of the central sulcus.
Where is the somatosensory cortex located?
In the post central gyrus behind the central sulcus
In what lobe is the primary visual cortex located?
The occipital lobe
Where is the Broca’s are located?
What is this?
The parietal lobe on the LEFT side ONLY
Motor speech area - controls the muscles of speech
What fissure does the falx cerebri run through?
Longitudinal fissure
What fissure does the tentorium cerebelli run through?
The transverse fissure
Describe the axons in white matter.
Describe the axons in grey matter.
What 2 arteries unite to form the baslar artery?
The right and left vertebral artery
At what region of the brainstem does the baslar artery divide into the left and right posterior cerebral arteries?
Upper pons near the midbrain
What does the internal carotid artery branch into?
The anterior cerebral artery
Middle cerebral artery
What is a symptom of an aneurysm of the ICA? why is this?
Visual defects
The ICA is located near the optic chiasm - therefore the aneurysm can apply pressure to the chiasm.
What is the function of the anterior communicating artery?
It connects the 2 anterior cerebral arteries
What fissure does the middle cerebral artery run into?
The lateral fissure
What are lentiguide striate arteries?
Where are these located
They are little arteries that supply blood to the internal capsule
At the start of the middle cerebral artery
What is a clinical problem with the lentiguide striate arteries?
Since they are very little they are easily blocked = stroke which affects the Internal capsule
(Paralysed lower face, tongue, upper and lower limb)
What artery (Coming off of the ICA) is more likely to be affected by embolus?
the middle cerebral artery since it is more in line with the ICA
What aretries does the posterior communicating artery join?
The ICA to the posterior cerebral artery
The middle cerebral artery to the posterior cerebral artery.
What can aneurysms in the circle of willis cause?
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
What would u suspect has occurred in a patient with a paralysed lower face, tongue and upper limb?
There has been a blockage of the middle cerebral artery further down (since the lentigue straite arteries have NOT been blocked causing an internal capsule stroke)
Lower limb not affected since the anterior cerebral artery supplies the lower limbs and they can move down through the internal capsule.
What would u suspect has occurred in a patient with a paralysed lower face, tongue, upper limb and lower?
There has been a blockage of the lentiguide striae arteries = damage to the internal capsule.
What kind of lesion would cause a patient to appear more confused?
A cortex lesion
What is the corpus callosum?
Bundles of fibres that connect the left snd right hemispheres