anatomy quiz #9 Flashcards
muscle fatigue
inability of a muscle to contract even while being stimulated.
muscle twitch
a single rapid contraction of a muscle followed by relaxation.
muscle tone
sustained partial contraction of a muscle in response to stretch receptor inputs; keeps the muscle healthy and ready to react
the connective tissue enveloping bundles of muscle fibers
fibrous or membranous sheet connecting a muscle and the part it moves.
cardiac muscle
specialized muscle of the heart with striations and intercalated discs; involuntary muscle
smooth muscle
muscle consisting of spindle-shaped, unstriped (nonstriated) muscle cells; involuntary muscle
skeletal muscle
system of protection and support composed primarily of bone and cartilage.
contractile organelles found in the cytoplasm of muscle cells.
the smallest contractile unit of muscle; extends from one Z disc to the next.
one of the principal contractile proteins found in muscle; makes up the thin filaments.
one of the principal contractile proteins found in muscle; makes up the thick filaments
filaments composing the myofibrils. Of two types: actin and myosin.
unfused tetanus
a muscle contraction in which the muscle does not completely relax between stimulation events; causes an increase in force because individual twitches are added together, or summed; also called incomplete tetanus.
creatine phosphate
a compound that transfers a phosphate group to ADP to regenerate ATP in muscle fibers.