Anatomy Posistions, Memonics and Tricks Flashcards
Trick to remember the positions of where the major vessels pass through the oesophagus
I ate 10 eggs at 12
Inferior vena cava: T8
Oesophagus: T10
Aorta: T12
Memonic for carpal bones
Which side do you start at and which side do you finish at?
Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can’t Handle
Start on the radial side, work your way across to pisiform, then back to radial for trapezium and finish on the ulna side with hamate
Radius and ulna, which way round?
Radius - lateral
Ulna - medial
Radius or ulna, which crosses over which on rotation of the hand?
Trick to remember?
Radius crosses over ulna
Remember “radius of a circle” “circles rotate”
Describe where the facial nerves originates, what does it do and what are the five branches?
It originates directly from the pons and passes out of the temporal bone just below the ear.
It controls the muscles of facial expression
Marginal mandibular
Which nerve controls muscles of mastication?
The mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
Which cranial nerve number is the facial?
Which cranial nerve number is the trigemial?
Structures around the larynx
Describe the positioning of the cricothyroid cartialage, thyroid cartialage, thyroid membrane, hyoid bone, thyroid membrane
Thyroid membrane - between the thyroid cartialage and the hyoid bone
Cricothyroid membrane - between the thyroid cartialage and the cricothyroid cartialage
How to find the vagus nerve in the neck
It is between the carotid artery and internal jugular vein
Role of the platysma
- Depress mandible and angle of mouth
Role of the trapezius at the head and neck
- Extend the head and neck
- Movement of scapulae
Role of the Sternocleidomastoid
- Cervical rotation
- Cervical flexion
Where does the vertebral artery branch from?
Left subclavian artery
External carotid artery
What does it supply?
What are it’s branches, in what order do they branch and what do they supply?
It supplies blood to the face, scalp and neck
- Superior thyroid artery (supplies the neck)
- Facial artery (supplies the face)
- Maxillary artery (supplies deep face)
- Superficial temporal artery (supplies the scalp)
What sits in front oesophagus or trachia?
What are the meatus?
The channels betweent he chonchae
What are the two types of muscles that comprise the pharyngeal wall?
What do they do?
- Circular muscles (constrictors) (constrict the pharynx for the swallowing of food)
- Longitudinal muscles (shortening and widening the pharynx during swallowing, and elevation of the larynx during swallowing)
What movement occurs between the atlas and the occipital condyles?
Flexion / Extension – nodding your head (this is called the ‘yes joint’)
What movement occurs between the atlas and the axis?
Rotation – shaking your head (this is called the ‘no joint’)
At what vertebral level does the spinal cord end?
At what level is a lumbar puncture performed? Why?
Between L2 and L5 – this avoids hitting the spinal cord as it terminates before L2
What is the name of the opening in the skull from which the spinal cord emerges?
Foramen magnum
Labelling of the spinal nerves.
C1 is above C1
This goes all the way to C8 below C7.
Then they start below the corresponding vertebra e.g. T1 is below T1.
What is the pia mater, arachnoid mater, dura mater, filum terminale, cauda equina and conus medullaris?
Pia mater - inner casing of spinal chord and brain, directly surrounds the grey and white matter
Dura mater - outer casing of spinal cord and brain
Arachnoid mater - middle casing
Conus medullaris - the end of the spinal cord
Cauda equina - bundle of sacra nerves coming off the conus medullaris
Filum terminale - a fibrous strand anchoring the spinal cord to the coccyx
Layers of the meninges?
From inside to out:
Pia mater
Arachnoid mater
Dura mater
Memonic for tarsals
Tiger Club Needs MILC
The three cuneforms are in uniform
Medial cuneform
Intermediate cuneform
Lateral cuneform
How to tell whether a patella is right or left?
The larger facet is on the
lateral side, which the smaller one is on the medial side
Extracapsular ligaments of the hip, how to work out which is which?
They are named based on which part of the pelvis they attach to
Ilialfemoral ligament (superior and inferior bands)
Ishialfemoral ligament
Pubofemoral ligament
Semi-membranosus and semi-tendenosus
Which is above and below the other
T90 is superior to Memb
Purpose of the popliteus muscle?
Unlocking the
knee requires muscular input. This is provided by the popliteus muscle, which is located posterior
to the knee joint, passing its tendon laterally to insert on the lateral epicondyle of the femur.
What is the action of the trapezius at the shoulder?
Elevation, depression and rotation of scapula
What is the action of the pectoralis major at the shoulder?
Pectoralis Major
Flexion and adduction of shoulder
What is the action of the biceps brachii at the shoulder?
Biceps brachii
Flexion of shoulder
What is the action of the triceps brachii at the shoulder?
Triceps brachii
Extension of shoulder
What is the action of the deltoid at the shoulder?
Flexion, extension, and abduction of shoulder
Rotator cuff muscles: origin, insertion and function
origin: Supraspinous fossa
insertion: greater tuberosity
function: Abduction
Origin: Infraspinous fossa
Insetion: greater tuberosity
Function: Lateral rotation
Teres minor
Origin: Lateral border of scapula
Insertion: greater tuberosity
Funtion: Lateral rotation
Origin: Subscapular fossa
Insetion: Lesser tuberosity
Function: Medial rotation
Three ligaments around the elbow joint?
Medial/ulnar collateral ligament Lateral/radial collateral ligament Annular ligament
Function fo the annular ligament?
To hold the radial and ulner together
Structures that help support the shoulder joint?
Glenohumeral ligaments
Coracohumeral ligaments
Transverse humeral ligaments
Coracoacromial ligament
Glenoid labrum
Joint capsule
Supinators: Biceps brachii
Pronators: Pronator teres
Pronator quadratus
How many tendons pass through the carpal tunnel?
* 4 from flexor digitorum superficialis
- 4 from flexor digitorum profundus
- 1 from flexor pollicis longus
Nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel?
Median nerve
5 compartments of the hand and where they are?
Central Compartment (containing Long Flexor Tendons, Lumbrical muscles, Median Nerve
Hypothenar Compartment
Thenar Compartment
Adductor Compartment
Interosseous compartment
When does the subclavian artery become the auxillary?
After the lateral border of the first rib
At what point does the auxillary artery become the brachial artery?
At the inferior border of teres major
Branches of the popliteal artery, describe where they go?
Anterior tibial (becomes dorsalis pedis)
Posterior tibial
Fibular (branches off the posterior tibial)
3 major nerves of the lower limb
Sciatic, Femoral and Obturator
What does the femoral nerve innervate
The anterior compartment of the thigh
What does the obturator nerve innervate?
The medial compartment of the thigh (adductors and gracalis)
What does the sciatic nerve innervate?
Posterior compartment of thigh (biceps femorus, semimenranosus and semitendenosus)
Sciatic nerve branches, where do they go and what do they innervate?
Tibial - posterior leg superficial (gastrocnemius, soleus and popliteus), posterior leg deep (flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallicus longus, tibialis posterior) then tarsal tunnel and skin and muscles of sole of foot
Common fibular into deep and superficial
Superficial fibular - anterior compartment (fibularus longus and brevis) and skin of the dorsal foot
Deep fibular - tibialas anterior, flexor digitorum longus, extensor digitorum brevis
Dematones of hand
Where are the piriformis and obturator internus/ externus
What muscles make up the pelvic floor?
Levator anii and coccygeus
What is the broad ligament?
This contains all the blood vessels branching off the ovarianand uterine arteries to supply blood to the overies, fallopian tubes and uterus
What is the suspensory and overarian ligaments?
The suspensory ligament secures the overies tot he lateral pelvic wall
The ovarian ligament secures the overies to the uterus
Difference between the ovarian artery and the vaginal and uterine artery?
Ovarian (gonadal) comes form the obdominal aorta
The vaginal and uterine arteries come from the internal iliac
Main nerve of the perineum?
Identify these parts of the male urethra
What vertebra do the gonadal arteries emerge from the aorta?
WHat does pudendal mean?
Relating to the perineum - pudendal artery, pudendal nerve etc.
What is the muscle at the posterior of the trachea?
The trachealis muscle found in the posterior wall allows the trachea to contract and decrease its diameter. This muscle is vital for coughing, getting rid of secretions, foreign particles, saliva, or food.
Which ribs are considered true ribs, floating ribs and false ribs?
Ribs 1 – 7 (‘true ribs’) articulate directly with the sternum via their costal cartilage.
Ribs 8 – 10 (‘false ribs’) articulate indirectly via the costal cartilage of its superior rib.
Ribs 11 and 12 (‘floating ribs) do not articulate with the sternum.
Features of the first rib
Which way around are the grooves for the artery and vein?
Atypical ribs
Which ribs articulate with the sternum at the sternal angle?
2nd ribs
Which vertebral level is indicated by the sternal angle?
Where does the head of a rib articulate to the vertebrae?
At the superior costal facet of it’s corresponding vertebrae
At the inferior costal facet of the vertebrae above
What does the tubercle of the rib articulate with?
The tranverse articular facet
What are the superior/inferior thoracic apertures
What is the central tendon and the crura of the diaphram?
Blood supply to the diaphragm
5 different arteries, where are they and where do they come from?
pericardiacophrenic (posteriorly) and internal thoracic (anteriorly) come from the subclavian
Inferior branch from the abdominal aorta inferiorly to the aortic hiatus
Superior from the abdominal aorta superiorly to the aortic hiatus
Musculophrenic from the internal thoracic (but inferiorly to diaphragm)
How to find the phrenic nerve
It travels alongside the pericardiacophrenic arteries
How to remember the direction of internal/external intercostal fibres?
Hands in pockets
Innermost intercostal? Where do they lie and what is the fibre direction?
Same orientation as innermost
Lies deep to neurovascular bundle. Neurovascular bundle is inbetween the internal and innermost intercostal muscles
Which muscles can be considered accessory respiration muscles?
Pectoralis major
Scalenus anterior
Serratus anterior
Where do the scalenus muscles sit?
That is the anterior (insertion on first rib)
Posterior just behind
When is something a tubercle, tuberosity or trochanter
Humerus: tuberosity
Femur: trochanter
Tubercle: everywhere else
What bones make up the nasal concha?
Inferior nasal concha - inferior concha
Ethmoid - middle and superior
What features of the nasal mucosal lining enable it to warm and humidify the inhaled air?
It is highly vascularised (warming) and secrets mucus (humidifying)
Match the sinuses to their openings
Sphenoid sinus : Sphenoethmoidal recess
Maxillary sinus : Floor of the Semilunar hiatus
Ethmoid air cells : Many holes on the roof of the nasal cavity
Frontal sinus : Frontonasal sinus
What structure forms the boundary between the naso- and oro-pharynx?
The soft palate
What structures form the boundary between the oro- and laryngo-pharynx?
The upper margin of the epiglottis
What is the anterior boundary of the nasopharynx?
The posterior nares of the nasal cavity
What tube opens on the lateral wall of the nasopharynx?
Eustachian tube
Connects nasopharynx to ear canal, popping you ears is this tube opening and equalising pressure
When you get the escalator down at Euston Tube Station you have to pop your ears
What are the four different tonsils?
Pharyngeal constrictor muscles
What are the four cartialages of the larynx and where do you find them?
Thyroid cartialage
The recurrent laryngeal nerve is a branch of which cranial nerve?
Vagus nerve
Around which structure does the right recurrent laryngeal nerve loop?
Right subclavian artery
Around which structure does the left recurrent laryngeal nerve loop?
Aortic arch
What’s the evolutionary fail nerve called?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Difference between the vocal chords and the vestibular folds?
The vocal cords pass from the posterior aspect of the thyroid cartilage to the arytenoid cartilages above the cricoid lamina.
The vestibular fold is located superior to the vocal cords.
What is the auricle of the heart?
What are papillary muscles and chordae tendineae?
The chordae tendineae attach to the mitral and tricuspid valves and on the other side are held by muscles called papillary muscles.
The purpose is to prevent prolapse of the valves during systole
Layers of the pericardium
What is the sympathetic chain?
Bundles of sympathetic nerves, they run down the vertebra
Which major vessels give rise to the posterior intercostal arteries, the anterior intercostal arteries and the internal thoracic artery?
Path of the thoracic duct, what is the name of the node where it begins? Where does it drain into? At which point does it pass through the diaphram?
Originates formt he cisterna chyli
Drains into the subclavian vien
At what vertebral level does the abdominal aorta bifurcate into the right and left iliac arteries
Which vein does the left gonadal vein drain blood into?
Which vein does the right gonadal vein drain blood into?
Left gonadal : Left Renal Vein
Right gonadal : Inferior Vena Cava
The right goes into the vena cava because the vena cava is on the right
What region of the gut tube does the superior mesenteric artery supply?
What region of the gut tube does the inferior mesenteric artery supply?
At what vertebral level do these branches arise?
What region of the gut tube does the superior mesenteric artery supply?
- Midgut (distal duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ceacum, ascending colon, ½ transverse colon)
What region of the gut tube does the inferior mesenteric artery supply?
- Hindgut (1/2 transverse colon, decending colon, sigmoid colon, superior portion of rectum).
At what vertebral level do these branches arise? SMA: L1; IMA: L3
Where are the portal-caval anastomosies?
What is the consequence of the portal vein getting blocked?
Varicoses at the anus, oesophagus, peri-umbilical
Surface anatomy:
What does the sternal angle indicate?
Bifercation of the trachia
Beginning/ end of the arch of the aorta
Entry of azygos vien into SVC
Separation of superior/inferior mediastina
Where does the thoracic aorta become the abdominal aorta?
T12 (when it passes through the oesophagus)
Three parts of the auxillary artery? Where do they start and end?
The three parts of the axillary artery are:
* the first part, between the lateral border of the first rib and the medial margin of pectoralis minor;
* the second part lies deep to pectoralis minor;
* the third part lies between the lateral margin of pectoralis minor and the termination of the axilla at the inferior border of teres major.
Basically just remember that the middle part passes deep to pectoralis minor
What separates the ulner and radial arteries at bifurcation?
Which runs deep to this muscle?
Pronator terres
Ulner runs deep to pronator terres
Both the radial and ulner contribute tot he palmar arches, but which one dominates which arch?
Radial - deep
Ulner - superficial
Radioactive material is buried deep under the ground
A single major branch of the internal iliac artery will also provide blood supply to the muscles of the thigh. What is the name of this vessel, and where does it provide blood supply?
obturator artery, which provides some blood to the medial compartment of the thigh.
First major branch of the femoral artery?
What is it’s purpose?
The profunda femoris provides blood to the femur and the posterior and medial thigh.
Tom Dick And Very Nervous Harry
Identify these structures of an overy
Identify these structures of the uterus
Identify these structures of the testes
Identify these structures of the respiratory epithelium?
Identify these structures of the trachia
Indentify these structures in the brochus
Identify these structures in the bronchiole
Identify these structures in an artery and vein?
What are the main differences between an artery and vien