anatomy of the neck Flashcards
label the triangles of the neck
what’s in the posterior triangle
EJV superficial over SCM
lymph nodes
subclav artery
brachial plexus, cervical plexus, phrenic nerve
why would EJV become more prominent (3)
heart failure
supeerior vena cava occlusion
enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes
where should jvp be visible?
4-5cm above sternal angle
where does phrenic nerve start
where does CN xi start
when can CN xi get injured
lymph node surgery
what does CN xi innervate
traps and SCM
presentation of CN xi palsy
dropped shoulder, can’t actively raise arm above 80/90 degrees
what is cervical plexus
what is innervation of infrahyoid muscles
ansa cervicalis C123
what is in the submandibular triangle of the anterior triangle
what are borders of carotid triangle
post belly of digastric
sup belly of omohyoid
ant border of SCM
what’s in the carotid triangle
common carotid
9,10,11,12 CN
cervical symp trunk
ansa cervicalis
where is carotid bifurcation
thyroid cartilage (c3-5)
where is carotid body
at bifurcation of carotid artery
what does carotid sinus recept
what does carotid body recept
chemoreceptors O2 and CO2
which branch of the maxillary artery supplies the skull and dura mater
middle meningeal
where does middle meingeal travel through
foramen spinosum
what are branches of external carotid
SUck ASs; LIck FAce OCcasionally. POse: SUper MAnly.
Superior Thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal
what is sandwiched between internal jugular vein and common carotid arteru
what do head sympathetics use to get into the head
carotid sheath as scaffolding
how many cervical ganglia are there? names?
3 sup middle inf
where does symmpathetic start
what is pharmacologial test for Horners
topical 0.5-1% apraclonadine
dilation of affected pupil, poss improvement ptosis
what innervates laryngeal muscles motor
which side do you do IJV puncture
right to miss thoracic duct
what info does IJV give you
right atrial pressure (because how much rebound there is
what is the opening of the vocal folds called
rima glottidis
which is the only intrinsic throat muscle inervated by superior laryngeal
crico thyroid
which intrinsic throat muscles are innervated by recurrent laryngeal
posterior and lateral cricoarytenoids,
vocalis (thyroarytenoids), transverse and oblique arytenoids
what is happening here
forced resp
what is happening here
normal resp
what is happening here
what is happening here
where does L recurrent laryngeal go
under arch of aorta
where does R recurrent laryngeal go
under subclavian
how would you get paralysis of superior laryngeal
surgery or goitre
what happens with paralysis of superior laryngeal
monotonous voice, loss of cough reflex
paralysis of recurrent laryngeal
quiet voice hoarse