Anatomy of outer and middle ear Flashcards
Why are there 3 different parts to the ear?
Because they come from 3 different embryonic origins
What does the outer ear do?
Funnels sound towards tympanic membrane and middle ear.
What does the middle ear do?
Transducers sound energy into movements of joins of the ossicle chain. Synovial joints and displacements of bones are translated as pressure on the oval window, triggering movement of perilymph in the cochlear, displacing hair cells.
What does the inner ear do?
Transducers movements of the ossicle chain into electrical impulses of hearing
What is the embryological origin of the outer ear?
1st pharyngeal cleft - ectodermal origin
What is the sensory supply to the outer ear?
Sensory supply shared between first and second arch nerves - trigeminal and facial nerves
What arch does the middle ear derive from?
1st pharyngeal pouch - endodermal origin
What is the motor supply to the middle ear?
Motor supply to tensor tympani - 1st arch - motor division of trigeminal, CNV3
Motor supply to stapedius - 2nd arch - motor division of CNVII (facial)
What is the embryological derivation of the inner ear/pharynx?
Inner ear not covered so replaced by pharynx due to similar embryology.
Pharynx (mucosa lining pharynx and auditory tube). 1st and 2nd pharyngeal pouch, endoderm all origin. Crypts of palatine tonsil.
What is the outer ear divided into?
Pinna and external auditory canal
What is the pinna made from?
Skeleton is made from elastic cartilage, covered by skin.
What is cauliflower ear?
Cauliflower ear results from necrosis of pinna cartilage if subcutaneous bleeds are not drained in good time.
What is the detailed sensory innervation of the skin of the outer ear supplied by?
Less occipital nerve (C2) (posterior)
Trigeminal nerve - auriculotemporal nerve (superior part)
Facial nerve - auricular branch (EAM)
Vagus nerve - auricular branch
Greater auricular nerve
What is the vagus nerve part of?
Part of the ear-cough reflex
What is the outer 1/3 of th external auditory canal made of and lined by?
Elastic cartilage.
Skin is hairy (with cilia), has ceruminous glands that secrete bactericidal wax, to trap dust, has sebaceous gland.
What is inner 1/3 of EAC made of?
Comprises of the tympanic plate of the temporal bone
All lined with skin even the outer plate of tympanic membrane
No hair
What are the 3 layers of the tympanic membrane made up/lined with?
Lateral - keratinised stratified squamous cells
Middle - fibrous layer
Medial - respiratory epithelium (columnar)
What supplies sensation to the inner surface of the tympanic membrane?
Glossopharyngeal nerve CNIX
What supplies sensation to the external surface of the tympanic membrane?
Auriculotemporal nerve, branch of CNV3
Small branch of the vagus nerve
What does middle ear function rely on?
Depends on continuous adequate ventilation of this chamber
What happens if there poor oxygenation of the middle ear?
Leads to changes in metabolism of the epithelium lining the chamber, ultimately resulting in middle ear dysfunction, mastoiditis, meningism, septicaemia and death.
What is the function of the ossicles?
3 bones that connect the TM to the inner ear. They act as an impedance matching device for the sound travelling from air to the endolymph. They trigger perilymph movement in the cochlear.
What muscles attaches to the stapes and what does it do?
Stapedius - dampens the movements of the stapes (supplied by CNVII)
What muscle attached to the malleus and what does it do?
Tensor tympani dampens the vibrations of the malleus by tensing the tympanic membrane. (Supplied by CNV3)