Anatomy Exam 1 Flashcards
dog genus/species
Canis familiaris
cat genus/species
Felis domesticus
domestic horse genus/species
Equus caballus
ox genus/species (european)
Bos taurus
ox genus/species (indian)
Bos indicus
domestic sheep genus/species
Ovis aries
domestic goat genus/species
Capra hircus
domestic swine genus/species
Sus scrofa
Llama genus/species
Lama glama
alpaca genus/species
Vicugna pacos
differentiate ungulate, artiodactyla, and perrisoddactyla
ungulate: hooved animal
artiodactyla: even numbered toes
perrisodactyla: odd numbered toes
define raphe.
connective tissue strip that separates paired muscles lying against or originating from the midline;wheremuscleandaponeurosismeet
define aponeurosis.
thin sheath of connective tissue that helps connect muscle to bone
what is the difference between the axial and appendicular skeleon
axial: trunk
appendicular: limbs
describe the joint space for the shoulder.
proximal and caudal to the greater tubercule of the humerus; scapular spine roughly point toward the joint
describe the joint space for the elbow.
joint is distal to the olecranon process of the ulna
describe the joint space for the hip.
measure tuber coxae to the ischial tuberosity and the joint is just ventral to this line, cranial to greater trochanter, roughly 2/3 distance to ischial tuberosity
describe the joint space for the stifle.
joint is located between femoral condyle/patella and tibia tuberosity
describe the joint space for the hock.
tuber calcanei is proximal to the joint - joint location distal to calcaneus
distinguish between guard hairs, wool, tactile hairs, and long hairs.
guard hair: outer, primary hairs, coat color, long or short
wool: secondary hairs, fine/wavy, some breeds have abundant wool and no guard (sheep)
tactile: sinus hairs, whiskers, or vibrissae, root of tactile hair associated with blood sinus and sensory innervation, “sensory organ”, location can be lips, chin, cheek, periocular or carpal
long hairs: equine only, specific location (forelock, mane, tail, fetlock)
difference between chestnuts and ergots.
chestnuts: vestigial carpal and tarsal footpads located on the medial limbs of equidea; proximal to carpus in the forelimb and distal to tarsus in hindlimb
ergots: vestigial pad found on the palmar (forelimb) and plantar (hindlimb) aspect of the fetlock
what is the term for being naturally born without horns?
how many mammary glands are present in the bitch, queen, sow, cow, mare, doe and ewe?
bitch: 5 pairs
queen: 4 pairs
sow: 7 pairs
cow: 4 glands
mare: 2 glands
doe: 2 glands
ewe: 2 glands
what is the difference between superficial and deep fascia
superficial: loose connective tissue sheets under the skin that store fat and loosely attach skin to body
deep: surrounds individual muscle and attaches muscle to bone
what type of fascia are SQ flluids administered into?
superficial fascia
what are scent glands?
sebaceous glands that produce oily secretions in the skin via holocrine processes; can be prone to number of disease processes (neoplasia or infection)
where are carpal glands found and in what species
location: carpus
species: swine and felidae
where are circumanal glands found and in what species
location: modified skin around the anus
species: dogs
where are circumoral glands found and in what species
location: lips and chin
species: cats
where are anal glands found and in what species
location: adjacent to anus, deep to external anal sphincter
species: dogs and cats
where are infraorbital glands found and in what species
location: corner of the eye
species: sheep
where are inguinal pouch glands found and in what species
location: adjacent to the udder or scrotum
species: sheep
where are interdigital glands found and in what species
location: between digits 3 and 4
species: sheep
where are horn glands “musk glands” found and in what species
location: base of the horn
species: goats
where are tail glands found and in what species
location: dorsal side of tail
species: dogs and cats
what are the 4 shapes of muscle/muscle types and their relative strength and range of contractile length.
- parallel - shortens/not strong
- fusiform - less shortening/strong
- pennate - not much shortening/very strong
- sphincter - smaller & smaller lumen in middle
define ligament, tendon, and retinaculum.
ligament: connects bone to bone
tendon: connect muscle to bone
retinaculum: straps of connective tissue that tether tendons down close to the bone to prevent “bowstring” when muscle contracts
name the beats of the types of gaits.
- walk - 4 beats
- trot (diagonal paired) - 2 beats
- pace (same side paired) - 2 beats
- canter - 3 beats
- gallop - 4 beats
define udder.
inguinal glands collected into single structure in ungulates (except pigs)
name all the muscles that insert on the calcaneal tuber using the common calcaneal tendon
G m.gastrocnemius
S superficial digital flexor m.
B biceps femoris m.
G m.gracillis
S semitendinosus m.
which muscles that insert on the calcaneal tuber have the greatest effects?
superficial digital flexor m.
what artery is the main supply of blood to the digits in horses and cows? in dogs?
horses & cows: great metatarsal a.
dogs: dorsal pedal a.
what are the borders of the femoral triangle?
- body wall
- m.pectineus
- m.sartorius
contrast cutaneous zone and autonomous zone.
cutaneous zone: part of the skin innervated by cutaneous sensory nerve; combined regions of skin innervated by all the axons within the nerve
autonomous zone: skin region innervatdbyonlyonenerve
which muscles are innervated by the femoral n?
cranial muscles
- m.quadriceps femoris
- m.sartorius
- m.iliopsoas
which muscles are innervated by the gluteal n?
gluteal muscles
- superficial gluteal m
- middle gluteal m
- deep gluteal
- m.piriformis
- m.tensor fascia latae
which muscles are innervated by the sciatic n.?
hamstring muscles
- biceps femoris
- semitendinosus
- semimembranosus
- m.gemelli
- m.quadratus femoris
- internal obturator m.
which muscles are innervated by the obturator n.?
medial thigh muscles
- external obturator m.
- m. adductor
- m. pectinous
- m. gracilis
what muscles are innervated by the common fibular n.?
cranial tibial muscles
- cranial tibial m.
- long digital extensor m.
- lateral digital extensor m.
- fibularis longus m. (dogs and cows)
- fibularis tertius (horses and cows)
- fibularis brevis (dogs)
what muscles are innervated by the tibial n?
caudal tibial muscles
- m.gastrocnemius
- superficial digital flexor m
- deep digital flexor m.
- m.popliteus
superficial gluteal m.
origin: sacrum/sacrotuberous ligament
insertion: third trochanter
action: hip extension and abduction of the limb
middle gluteal m.
origin: wing of the ilium
insertion: greater trochanter
action: hip extension, hip abduction, & medial rotation of thigh
deep gluteal m.
origin: the body of the ilium
insertion: greater trochanter
action: hip extension
m.rectus femoris
origin: ilium, cranial to the acetabulum
insertion: tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
action: hip flexion & stifle extension
internal obturator m.
origin: pelvic side of pubis and ischium
insertion: trochanteric fossa
action: outward rotation of the hip
origin: femoral condyles
insertion: tuber calcanei via common calcaneal tendon
action: hock extension
superficial digital flexor m.
origin: supracondylar fossa of the femur & lateral sesamoid of m.gastrocnemius
insertion: tuber calcanei & proximal plantar aspect of digits 2-5
action: hock extension & digit flexion
deep digital flexor m.
origin: caudal aspect of proximal tibia and fibula
insertion: plantar aspect of distal phalanx, digits 2-5
action: hock extension & digit flexion
cranial tibial m.
origin: cranial border of tibia
insertion: plantar aspect of metatarsals 1 & 2
action: hock flexion & pronation of pes
long digital extensor m.
origin: extensor fossa of femur
insertion: extensorprocessofdistal phalanx of digits 2-4(dog)extensorprocess(horse)
action: hock flexion & digit extension
m.fibularis longus
origin: lateral tibial condyle & head of fibula & lateral collateral ligament of stifle
insertion: plantar aspect of tarsal 4 and metatarsal 2-4
action: hock flexion
what regions of the body does the popliteal lymph node drain?
the region below the stifle
differentiate between a fibrous joint and a cartilaginous joint and give examples of regions in the body
fibrous “syndesmosis”
e.g. suture (skull), gomphosis (mouth), synostosis (fusion of mandible in horses)
cartilaginous “synchondrosis”
e.g. intervertebral discs or pelvic symphysis
which joint sacs of the stifle joint in horses communicate? in dogs/ruminants?
horses: medial femorotibial and femoropatellar usually communicate
dogs/ruminants: all joint sacs (2 femorotibial and femoropatellar) communicate
what is the difference in sesamoid bones between horse and dog?
horse: patella, proximal sesamoids and distal sesamoid (navicular bone)
dogs: fabellae (2 sesamoids of m.gastrocnemius) and cyamella (m.popliteus) and patella
describe the communication between the joint sacs of the tarsus/hock
tarsocrural joint –> proximal intertarsal joint always
proximal intertarsal joint –> distal intertarsal joint never
distal intertarsal joint –> tarsometatarsal joint sometimes
describe the tarsal bones of the dog/ruminants, horse, and cow
dog: central, 1,2,3,4
horse: central, 1+2, 3, 4
cow: 1 small, 2+3, central + 4
differentiate between the femoromeniscal ligament and the tibialmeniscal ligament
femoromeniscal ligament connects the caudal horn of lateral meniscus to femur
tibialmeniscal ligament connects the cranial horns of the medial/lateral menisci and the caudal horn of the medial meniscus to tibia
why is the caudal horn of the medial meniscus more likely to tear?
because it is not attached to the femur unlike the caudal horn of the lateral meniscus
describe the tibial compression test and the cranial drawer sign
tibial compression test: one finger on along the patella/tibial crest and the other hand should extend/flex the hock
cranial drawer sign: one thumb on the lateral sesamoid and one index finger on the patella, then with the other hand put one thumb on the head of the fibula and the other finger on the tibial crest
fibularis tertius m. (cows/horses)
origin: extensor fossa of femur
insertion: calcaneus, 3 & 4 tarsal bone, & 3 metatarsal
action: links the actions of the hock and stifle as part of the reciprocal apparatus - flexion/extension of the hock and stifle
superficial digital flexor m. (horses)
origin: supracondylar fossa of the femur
insertion: calcaneal tuber & phalanges 1 and 2
action: links the actions of stifle and hock as part of the reciprocal apparatus (extends hock/stifle, also flexes digits)
deep digital flexor m. (horses)
origin: lateral tibial condyle and caudal surface of tibia
insertion: distal phalanx (coffin bone) at semilunar line
action: digit flexion and hock extension
long digital extensor m. (horses)
origin: extensor fossa of femur
insertion: dorsal surface of phalanx 3(extensorprocess)
action: digit extension, hock flexion
lateral digital extensor m. (horses)
origin: lateral collateral ligament of stifle, lateral condyle of tibia/fibula
insertion: joins tendon of long digital extensor to phalanx 3
action: digit extension, hock flexion
what is part of the “locking” mechanism of the stifle
- patellar fibrocartilage
- 3 patellar ligaments
- medial ridge of femoral trochlea
what is part of the reciprocal apparatus?
- fibularis Tertius m. (extend digits, flex hock)
- superficial digital flexor m. (flex digits, extend hock)
what is part of the suspensory apparatus?
- suspensory ligament
- proximal sesamoids
- distal sesamoid ligaments
what is the tarsal check ligament
the ligament that attaches deep digital flexor tendon –> superficial digital flexor tendon; resists hypertension
describe bog spavin and thoroughpin
bog spavin: distension of dorsal medial pouch tarsocrural joint
thoroughpin: swelling of tendon sheath that covers DDF as it passes around the hock
list osteological differences in the cow compared to the horse.
- ischiatic tuberosity large, bulky “pins”
- tuber coxae “hooks”
- no third trochanter
- head of fibula and lateral mallelous but no body
- talus has 2 trochlea
- central + 4 tarsal bone fused, 2+ 3 fused, 1 small
- metatarsal 2 is small sesamoid bone
list muscular differences in the cow compared to the horse.
- fused superficial gluteal + biceps femoris = gluteobiceps
- 3 patellar ligaments remain
- small cranial tibial m.
- largest cranial muscle is the fibularis tertius
- long digital extensor is partly fused with fibularis tertius
- fibularis longus
- 2 digits = 2 tendons & duplicate of flexor tendons
list vascular differences in the cow compared to the horse.
- each digit has an axial and abaxial digital a.
- primary blood supply to foot remains great metatarsal a. but it becomes interdigital in ruminants
- no caudal tibial a., medial and lateral plantar aa. branch from saphenous a.
what is obturator paralysis
when a mother cow’s obturator n. is damaged due to forced extraction of a calf; calf could also suffer damage to femoral n.
list anatomical differences in the pig compared to the horse.
- still no third trochanter
- fibular well developed
- no fused tarsal bones, has central ,1,2,,3,4
- same as cow, great metatarsal a. is main blood supply to the foot and becomes interdigital
- each digit has axial and abaxial digital aa.
intersesamoid ligament
connects proximal sesamoid bones
distal sesamoidal ligament
base of proximal sesamoids –> P2
plantar annular ligament
adheres flexor tendons & proximal sesamoids to plantar aspect of the fetlock
proximal digital annular ligament
X shaped, proximal sesamoids –> distal PI
distal digital annular ligament
P1 –> fusing with deep digital flexor tendon to P3
T ligament
proximal to distal sesamoid bone
distal sesamoidean impar ligament
distal to distal sesamoid bone
what is cow dystocia?
dystocia: difficult birth
when the calfs hips are wider than the mothers pelvic canal, they are often rotated 60-90 degrees so they fit the widest part of the canal (vertical/conjugate diameter) to prevent hiplock. aggressive pulling of hiplocked calf can result in damage to mothers obturator n. or the calf’s femoral n.
what allows a cat to retract its claw?
medial and lateral dorsal elastic ligament (P2 –> ungual crest)
name the serosa lined body cavities
thoracic, abdomenal/pelvic
what is an overlap zone
a skin region served by multiple cutaneous nerve zones
autonomous zone for
1. saphenous (femoral) n.
2. sciatic n.
3. tibial n.
4. common fibular n.
- medial side of stifle
- caudal crus
- plantar aspect of metatarsus
- dorsal aspect of metatarsus
which arteries create an anastomotic ring around the femoral neck and give rise to the blood supply to the femoral head and coxofemoral joint capsule?
medial and lateral circumflex femoral aa.
what are the major contributors to flex the stifle joint
biceps femoris
what are the major contributors to extend the stifle joint
quadriceps femoris
what are the major contributors to extend the hock
superficial digital flexor
deep digital flexor
what is an important landmark for measuring tibial plateau angles?
intercondyloid eminence of the tibia
what muscles are reflected when the greater trochanter is detached and reflected?
middle gluteal m.
deep gluteal m.
m.biceps femoris???
contrast strain vs sprain.
strain: stretching injury of muscle
sprain: stretching injury of ligament
contrast luxation vs subluxation
luxation: complete loss of congruity between articulating bones of a joint
subluxation: incomplete loss of congruity
the deep fibular nerve is motor/sensory/both and the superficial fibular nerve is sensory/motor/both
deep fibular nerve = both sensory and motor
superficial fibular nerve = sensory only
what is the cunean tendon in horses?
tendon of the medial cranial tibial m. that inserts on tarsal bone 1
differentiate between the semitendinous calcaneal bursa and subcutaneous calcaneal bursa.
subtendinous calcaneal bursa: consistent, between tendons of m.gastrocnemius and superficial digital flexor m. and partially between tendon of SDF and calcaneous
subcutaneous calcaneal bursa: inconsistent, between tendon of SDF and skin over tuber
what is the significance of the anastomotic pattern by caudal tibial a. and saphenous a. in the horse
to ensure blood flow to the foot
describe the anatomy and physiology of the heel block.
nerves blocked just proximal to ungual cartilage in plantar region
aiming for medial and lateral plantar digital nerves
useful for diagnosing pain in navicular bone & heels of the foot
describe the anatomy and physiology of the basisesamoidean block.
injections are made on the abaxial side of proximal sesamoid bones near palpable bases
blocks plantar digital nn. & their dorsal branches
diagnose pain in the toe of the foot or pastern region
describe the anatomy and physiology of the low 4-point block.
injections are made at the buttons and in the groove between suspensory ligament and flexor tendons
blocks med/lat plantar metatarsal nerves and the med/lat plantar nerves
diagnoses pain in the fetlock joint and/or adjacent structures