Anatomy and Physiology part 2 Flashcards
Functional unit of the tissues; Responsable for performing all essential life functions
Cell division; Cell splits from mother cell into two separate daughter cells, These cells then divide further into there own cell
Structure inside the cell that help regulate the function of the cell
Contains the DNA and regulates the overall function of the cell
Basic building blocks of life; a molecule that contains genetic information for the development and function of an organism
Resides inside of the nucleus and contains the RNA
RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
Vital in transmitting signals from the DNA to the ribosomes for protein synthesis
Golgi apparatus
Allows protine and lipids to be bundled and transported within the cell
Responsable for breaking down substances inside of the cell like protine and waste product
Responsible for production of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)
ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)
Provides energy to the body by transporting chemical energy to parts of the body
Contain protine and RNA, Responsible for synthesizing cell protines
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Resonsible for synthesizing carbohydrates and lipids
A gel like substance inside the cell and allows movement
Epithelial Tissue and functions?
Forms most of the glands, digestive track, and the epidermis
Responsable for protection, Secreation, and Absorption.
Three Muscular Tissues and functions?
Smooth/non-Striated: Involentary muscle that can have different functions depending on where in the body; Contractions help move substance through the body this is called peristalsis
Striated/Skeletal: Volentary muscles that connect to the skeleton; Responsable for movement in the body and the constant twitching that creates body heat
Cardiac/Branching: A Involentary muscle that pumps blood to the heart with each contraction
Nervous Tissue makeup and function?
Schwann Cells?
makeup: Nervous Tissue forms the Brain, Spinal cord, and Nerves; The primary cell of the nervous Tissue is Neurons
Function:Dendrites receive action impulses,
Neurons inside nucleus processes the action potentials, Axon transmits the impulses to the next destination
Myelin: Sheeth of fat and protine that surrounds axon and provides protection and allow rapid impulse travling
Schwann Cell: Produce the Myelin sheeth
Connective Tissue:
Clast cells?
Blast cells?
Responsable for connecting and separating tissues; Tendons, LIgaments, membrane, Fascia, Bones, Lymph, cartilage, and blood
Clast cells: Responsable for breaking down old dead tissue
Blast cells: Germ cell responsible for building new connective tissue
Blood parts and function?
Blood is a connective tissue that is mainly a system of transportation for blood cells, hormones, nutrience, and waste production
Erythrocytes: Red blood cells; Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide through the body, Cytoplam made of hemoglobin
Leukocytes: White blood cells; defend against pathogens
Thrombocytes/platelets: Clots the blood
Plasma: A fluid that allows the movement of blood cells, hormones, nutrience, and waste through the body
Serous membranes parts and types/where
A connective tissue that seperates organs from one another preventing friction;
Fluid inside membrane: Serous fluid
Inner wall of membrane: Visceral serous membrane
Outer wall of membrane: Parietal serous membrane
Pericardium: protects the heart
Pleural membrane: Protects the lungs
Peritoneum: Protects and encases the organs inside the abdomen and pelvis
Integumentary system
The skin is the largest organ of the body and main function is protection
Nails made of and function
Nails are made of keratin and protect the distal phalanges
Hair made of and function
Arrector pili?
Hair made of keratin and regulate tempature
Arrector pili: A smooth muscle attached to the hair folical that when flexes stands the hair up creating a insulation effect trapping warmth in the body
Sudoriferous glands
Create and secrete sweat
Sebaceous glands
create and secrete sebum
Sensory receptor for pain
Meissners Corpuscles
Sensory receptor for light pressure
Pacinian Corpuscles
sensory receptors for deep presure