Anatomy Flashcards
Blood supply of bladder
umbilical artery (superior vesical artery)
inferior vesical artery (vaginal artery in females
Nerve supply of bladder
Inferior hypogastric (pelvic) plexus
sympathetic: T11, T12, L1, L2
Parasympathetic: S2 to S4
lymphatic drainage of urinary bladder
External and internal iliac lymph nodes
venous drainage of bladder
plexus to internal iliac vein
muscles related to inferolateral surface of bladder
Levator ani (pelvic diaphragm)
obturator internus muscle
superior surface of bladder
female: uterus and cervix and uterovesical pouch
male: sigmoid and terminal ileum and rectovesical pouch
ligaments arround neck of bladder
male: puboprostatic ligaments
female: pubovesical ligaments
Arterial supply of Prostate
Inferior vesical artery
Middle rectal artery
Nerve supply of scrotum
Anterior: ilioinguinal nerves
genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
Posterior: scrotal branch of perineal (pudendal) nerves
scrotal branch of posterior cutaneous of thigh
Blood supply of ovary
Ovarian artery L2
Right ovarian to IVC
Left Ovarian To left renal vein
lymphatic drainage of ovary
Para aortic at L1
Nerve supply of the ovary
From the aortic plexus
Course of the blood supply and lymphatic drainage of ovary
pass over the pelvic inlet»cross the external iliac artery»suspensory ligament»enter hilum through mesovarium
What is the parts of the uterine tube
the widest part of the uterine tube
the narrowest part of the uterine tube
the isthmus
Blood supply of uterine tube
uterine artery: branch of internal iliac
ovarian artery: branch of aorta
Venous drainage of uterine tube
uterine vein to the internal iliac vein
ovarian vein: left to left renal
right to IVC
lymphatic drainage of uterine tube
Para-aortic lymph nodes
internal iliac lymph nodes
Nerve supply of uterine tube
inferior hypogastric plexus
aortic plexus
shape of cervix in nullipara and parous woman
nullipara: External os is cervical
Parous woman: external os is opened transversely having anterior and posterior lips
anterior to uterus
Body of the uterus: 1) uterovesical pouch
2) superior surface of the bladder
supravaginal cervix: superior surface of the bladder
Vaginal cervix: anterior fornix of the vagina
posterior to uterus
Rectouterine pouch (douglas)
coils of ileum
Lateral of the uterus
Body: broad ligament, uterine artery and vein
supravaginal cervix: ureter
vaginal cervix: lateral fornix of the vagina
Blood supply of uterus
uterine artery and uterine vein to internal iliac artery and vein
lymph D of uterus
Fundus: Para aortic
Body and cervix: internal and external iliac
round ligament: superficial inguinal lymph nodes
Nerve S of uterus
Inferior hypogastric plexus
anterior to the vagina
Bladder above
urethra below
posterior to vagina
uppe third: rectouterine
middle third: ampulla of rectum
lower third: perineal boda and anal canal
lateral to vagina
upper: ureter
middle: anterior fibers of levator ani
lower: Urogenital diaphragm, bulb of vestibule
Blood S of the vagina
vaginal artery
uterine A
internal pudendal artery
Venous D of vagina
plexus drains to internal iliac vein
Lymph D of vagina
upper: External and internal iliac lymph nodes
middle: internal iliac lymph nodes
lower: superficial inguinal
Blood S and venous drainage of F urethra
internal pudendal,
vaginal ,
inferior vesical
innervation of psoas major
innervation of iliacus
origin of psoas major
lateral surface of bodies T12&L1-L5
intervertebral discs between these vertebra
transverse processes of these vertebra
origin of iliacus
upper 2/3 of the iliac fossa
origin of psoas minor
lateral surface of T12 and L1 and the intervening intervertebral discs
insertion of psoas minor
pectineal line of pelvic brim and iliopubic eminence
innervation of psoas minor
origin of quadratus lumborum
transverse process of L5
iliolumbar ligament and the adjoining part of iliac crest
nerve anterior to the psoas major
Genitofemoral nerve
nerve medial to psoas major
nerve lateral to psoas major
Lateral cutanoeus of the thigh
lymphatic drainage of bladder
External iliac lymph nodes
Internal iliac lymph nodes
the sympathatic innervation of bladder
T11, T12, L1, L2 inferior hypogastric plexus
cause relaxation of bladder and contraction of internal sphincter
The ligaments of the neck of the bladder
Puboprostatic in male
Pubovesical in female
the pouches above the superior surface of the bladder
Rectovesical in male
uterovesical in female
Para sympathetic of the bladder
Pelvic splanchnic nerve
cause contraction of bladder and relaxation of internal sphincter
innervation of Quadratus lumborum
T12 & L1-L4
the lumbar plexus is formed from
L1-L4 & T12 (subcostal)
accessory obturator nerve takes origin from
L3 & L4
which considered as extraperitoneal fats
Perirenal fats (perinephric)
the level of the hilum and the level of renal arteries
hilum L1
Renal arteries origin at L2
Where the internal iliac divide into anterior and posterior branch?
at the upper margin of the greater sciatic foramen
which artery gives off artery to the vas deferens
Inferior vesical artery
what is the internal pudendal artery supply?
supplies the musculature of the anal canal and skin muscles of the perineum
the ureter is crossed by in male and in female?
in male: vas deferens
in female: Uterine artery
what gives Gray rami commincates
Pelvic part of sympathetic chain
which branch the uterine artery gives off?
Vaginal artery
course of the uterine artery
1) branch of anterior division of the Internal iliac
2) cross the ureter superiorly
3) passes above the lateral fornix of the vagina
4) ascends between layers of broad ligament along lateral margin of uterus
supplies the mucous membrane of the rectum and anal canal
superior rectal artery
relarion of external iliac vein to external iliac artery
vein run medial to artery
supplies skin of the lower medial part of buttock
perforating cutaneous nerve
origin of posterior and perforating cutaneous of the thigh
Posterior C N: S-123
Perforating C N: S-23
which nerve supply parietal peritoneum on lateral pelvic part?
branch from the obturator nerve
Beginning of the pelvic part of sympathetic trunk
- continuation of the abdominal part
- behind the common iliac vessels
End of the pelvic part of S. chain
the 2 trunks unite in front of coccyx to give ganglion impar
relations of the Pelvic part pf S. chain
Anterior: rectum
posterior: sacrum
laterally : anterior sacral foramina
Branches of the pelvic part of S.chain
4-5 segmentally arranged ganglia
gray rami commincantes to sacral and coccygeal
fibers that join hypogastric plexus
origin of pelvic splanchnic nerve
course of pelvic splanchnic nerves
- synapse with inferior hypogastric plexus
- send fibers to aortic plexus to inferior mesenteric plexus
End of pelvic splanchnic nerve
distributed along branches of inferior mesenteric
site of the superior hypogastric plexus
situated in front of promontory of sacrum
origin of superior hypogastric plexus
aortic plexus
branches of 3rd and 4th lumbar sympathetic ganglia
Contents of superior hypogastric plexus
sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves
End of the superior hypogastric plexus
Right and left hypogastric nerve
origin of each of inferior hypogastric plexus
- hypogastric nerves of sup. hypogastric plexus
- Pelvic splanchnic nerves
Contents of each inferior hypogastric plexus
- postganglionic sympathetic fibers
- preganglionic parasympathetic
- postganglionic parasympathetic
contents of superficial perineal pouch in female
- Bulb of vestibule
- curura of clitoris
- bulbospongiosus ms
- ischiocavernosus ms
- superficial tansverse perineal ms
- greater vestibular glands or bartholin glands
- perineal branch of pudendal nerve
contents of superficial perineal pounch in male
- root of penis ( bulb and two curura)
- bulbospongiosus
- 2 ischiocavernosus
- superficial transverse perineal ms
- perineal branch of pedendal nerve
the level of the nipple
at the 4 intercostal space
circular pigmented area of skin around the nipple
breast bed
- retro mammary space: formed of loose areolar connective tissus and makes the breast movable over pectoralis ms
- pectoralis fascia (deep fascia)
- pectoralis major: supero lateral 2/3 of breast
- serratis anterior: inferolateral
- External oblique aponeurosis 1/3 of breast
arterial supply of breast
- internal thoracic (mammary artery) through its perforating 2-6
- Superior
- Acromio
- Lateral
- posterior intercostal arteries
Internal SAL posterior intercostal
Venous drainage of breast
axillary vein
internal thoracic
intercostal veins
superficial lymphatics of the breast
lateral: anterior or pectoral axillary LN
Medial: ipsilateral and contralateral parasternal LN
superior: deep cervical LN
inferior: sub-diaphragmatic and retroperitoneal
nipple and areola: sub areolar lymphatic plexus
branches of external iliac artery
Inferior epigastric artery
deep circumflex artery
the internal iliac artery divides at
upper margin of greater sciatic foramen
send fibers to inferior mesenteric plexus
pelvic splanchic nerves
paired branches of abdominal aorta
From front:
inferior phrenic L1
middle suprarenal L1
renal L2
Gonadal L2
From back:
four lumbar L1-4
from terminal:
common iliac arteries