Anatomical Terminology (Pt. 2) Flashcards
Abdomin/o + al
Pertaining to the abdomen
Ante- + cubit/o + al
Pertaining to in front of the elbow
A term meaning underarm area
Branchi/o + al
Pertaining to the arm
Cervic/o + al
Pertaining to the neck
Crani/o + al
Pertaining to the skull
Femor/o + al
Pertaining to the femur/thigh
Genit/o + al
Pertaining to the genitals (penis + scrotum)
Glute/o + al
Pertaining to the buttocks
Inguin/o + al
Pertaining to the groin
Lower Extremity
A phrase used to refer to the entire leg
Nas/o + al
Pertaining to the nose
Orbit/o + al
Pertaining to the eye socket
Or/o + al
Pertaining to the mouth
Ot/o + ic
Pertaining to the ear
Pertaining to the palm of the hand
Patell/o + ar
Pertaining to the kneecap
A term meaning the sole of the foot
A term meaning the creased area behind the knee
Thorac/o + ic
Pertaining to the chest
Scapul/o +ar
Pertaining to the shoulder blade
Stern/o + al
Pertaining to the breast bone
A term meaning the torso, excluding the head and extremities.
A term meaning the region around the navel
Upper Extremity
A phrase used to refer to the entire arm
Vertebr/o + al
Pertaining to the vertebra/back bone