Anat of nasal cavity Flashcards
What bones make up the nose?
Nasal bones
Frontal processes of maxillae
Nasal part of frontal bone
What cartilages make up the nose?
Anterior border of septal cartilage
Upper lateral nasal cartilage
Lower lateral nasal cartilage (alar cartilage)
Few minor alar cartilage
What arteries supply the external nose?
Anterior ethmoidal branch of ophthalmic A
Infra-orbital branch of maxillary A
Lateral nasal branches and superior labial branch of facial A
What nerves supply the external nose?
External nasal and infra-trochlear branches of anterior ethmoidal branch of CNV1
Nasal branches of infra-orbital branch of CNV2
What drains into the inferior meatus?
Nasolacrimal duct
What are the 2 features of the middle meatus?
Bulla ethmoidalis
Hiatus semilunaris
What opens into the bulla ethmoidalis?
Middle ethmoidal sinus
What opens into the hiatus semilunaris?
Maxillary air sinus
Anterior ethmoidal sinus
Frontal sinus
What opens into the superior meatus?
Posterior ethmoidal sinus
Where is the spheno-ethmoidal recess?
Above and behind the superior concha
What opens into the spheno-ethmoidal recess?
Sphenoidal sinus
What sinus is related to the optic canal?
Posterior ethmoidal
What is the arterial supply of the nasal cavity?
Anterior ethmoidal branch of ophthalmic A
Posterior ethmoidal branch of ophthalmic A
Sphenopalatine branch of maxillary A
Greater palatine branch of maxillary A
Septal branch of superior labial branch of facial A
What is Kiesselbach’s area and where is it located?
Site of anastomosis of all 5 arteries supplying the nasal cavity
In the antero-inferior part of the nasal septum
What arteries supply the back of the nasal cavity?
Sphenopalatine A
What drains the external and anterior nose?
Angular and lateral nasal veins drain into facial V
What drains the posterior aspect of the nose?
Sphenopalatine V
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal veins
Pterygoid venous plexus
What drains the nose superiorly?
Inferior ophthalmic V
Through which vein can infection spread into the cavernous sinus?
Facial V
What nerves provide general sensation to the anterosuperior area of the nose?
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal branches of CNV1
What nerves provide general sensation to the posteroinferior area of the nose?
Nasopalatine and greater palatine branches of lateral nasal branches of CNV2
Where does lymph drain into from the anterior part of the nose?
Submandibular lymph nodes
Where does lymph from the posterior part of the nose drain into?
Retropharyngeal and upper deep cervical nodes
Where does lymph from the roof of the nose drain into?
Accompanies olfactory N and drains into CSF of sub-arachnoid space
What is the most commonly infected paranasal sinus and why?
Maxillary sinus
Poor drainage
What sinus is related to the teeth?
Maxillary sinus
What sinus is related to pituitary gland?
Sphenoid sinus
What is the innervation of the frontal supply?
Superior orbital branches of CNV1
What is the innervation of the ethmoidal sinus?
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal branches of nasociliary branch of CNV1
What is the innervation of the maxillary sinus?
Anterior, middle, and posterior superior alveolar branches of CNV2
What is the arterial supply of the maxillary sinus?
Anterior and posterior alveolar branches of maxillary A
What is the innervation of the sphenoidal sinus?
Posterior ethmoidal branches of CNV1 and CNV2
What is the motor innervation of the pharynx?
CN X except stylopharyngeus which is by CN IX
What is the sensory innervation of the pharynx?
Most from CNIX
Anterior and superior nasopharynx by maxillary N
What is a sign of pharyngeal plexus injury?
Uvula deviates to uninjured side
What is the arterial supply of the pharynx?
Tonsillar branch of ascending pharyngeal branch of ECA
Tonsillar and ascending palatine branches of facial branch of ECA
Pharyngeal branches of thyrocervical trunk of subclavian A
What deep cervical nodes does lymph from the pharynx drain into?
Retropharyngeal nodes
Infrahyoid nodes
Paratracheal nodes
What does lymph from the palatine tonsils drain into?
Jugulodigastric nodes
What makes up the pharyngeal tonsillar ring of Waldeyer?
Lingual tonsil
Palatine tonsils
Tubal tonsils
Pharyngeal tonsils
What is the arterial supply of the palatine tonsils?
Tonsillar branch of facial A
Ascending palatine branch of facial A
Descending palatine branch of maxillary A
Lingual and ascending pharyngeal branches of ECA
What vessel may cause bleeding if injured during a tonsillectomy?
External palatine V
What vertebrae relate to the larynx in adults and children?
C3 to C6 in adults
C1 to C4 in children
What are the unpaired cartilages of the larynx?
What are the paired cartilages of the larynx?
What are the elastic laryngeal cartilages?
What are the hyaline laryngeal cartilages?
What are the extrinsic laryngeal ligaments/membranes?
Thyrohyoid membrane
Hyo-epiglottic ligament
Cricothyroid ligament
Crico-tracheal ligament
What are the intrinsic laryngeal ligaments/membranes?
Quadrangular membrane
Aryepiglottic ligament/fold
Vestibular ligament/fold
Vocal ligament/fold
What are the laryngeal joints?
Crico-arytenoid joint
Crico-thyroid joint
What is the rima vestibuli?
Space between two vestibular folds that acts as an exit valve
What is the rima glottidis?
Space between two vocal folds that acts as an entry valve
What are the two parts of the rima glottidis?
Anterior intermembranous part
Posterior intercartilagenous part
What makes up the vocal cords?
Vocal ligament
Vocalis muscle
Mucous membrane covering
Where is the aryepiglottic fold located?
On either side of the laryngeal inlet
What is posterior of the laryngeal inlet?
Interarytenoid fold of mucous membrane
What is anterior of the laryngeal inlet?
What ligament is breached to create an emergency airway?
Median cricothyroid ligament
What muscles elevate the larynx?
What muscles depress the larynx?
What muscle opens the laryngeal inlet?
What muscles closes the laryngeal inlet?
What is the only abductor of the vocal ligaments?
What is the function of the cricothyroid muscle?
Tenses vocal ligaments increasing pitch
What nerve and artery pierce the thyrohyoid membrane?
Internal laryngeal N
Superior laryngeal A
What nerve and artery pierce the inferior constrictor of the larynx?
External laryngeal N
Superior thyroid A
What nerve and artery pass inferior to the inferior constrictor of the larynx?
Recurrent laryngeal N
Inferior laryngeal A
What is the innervation of the cricothyroid muscle?
External laryngeal branch of superior laryngeal branch of vagus
What is the innervation of the all the intrinsic laryngeal muscles except the cricothyroid?
Inferior laryngeal branch of recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus
What is the sensory innervation in the larynx above the vocal folds?
Internal laryngeal branch of superior laryngeal branch of vagus
What is the sensory innervation of the larynx below the vocal folds?
Recurrent laryngeal N
What nerve may be injured during thyroidectomy?
External branch of superior laryngeal N
What arteries supply larynx?
Superior laryngeal A
Superior thyroid A
Inferior laryngeal A
Inferior thyroid A
Thyrocervical trunk
Where does lymph from the larynx above the vocal folds drain?
Superior group of deep cervical nodes
Where does lymph from the larynx below the vocal folds drain?
Deep nodes associated with inferior thyroid A or in front of the cricothyroid ligament or upper trachea
From there into inferior group of deep cervical nodes
What is the venous drainage of the larynx above the vocal folds?
Superior laryngeal and superior thyroid V
What is the venous drainage of the larynx below the vocal folds?
Inferior laryngeal and inferior thyroid V