Amazon Lightsail | Billing and account management Flashcards
What operating systems can I use with Amazon Lightsail?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Lightsail currently supports 6 Linux or Unix-like distributions – Amazon Linux, Debian, FreeBSD, OpenSUSE, and Ubuntu – and 2 Windows Server versions – 2012 R2 and 2016.
What do Lightsail plans cost?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Lightsail plans are billed on an on-demand hourly rate, so you pay only for what you use. For every Lightsail plan you use, we charge you the fixed hourly price, up to the maximum monthly plan cost. The cheapest Lightsail plan starts at $0.0067 USD/hour ($5 USD/month). Lightsail plans that include a Microsoft Windows Server license start at $0.0134 USD/hour ($10 USD/month).
When am I getting charged for a plan?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Your Lightsail instances are charged only when they’re in the running or stopped state. If you delete your Lightsail instance before the end of the month, we only charge you a prorated cost, based on the total number of hours that you used your Lightsail instance. For example, if you use the least expensive Lightsail plan for 100 hours in a month, you will be charged 67 cents (100*0.0067).
What do Lightsail static IPs cost?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
They’re free in Lightsail, as long as you are using them! You don’t pay for a static IP if it is attached to an instance. Public IPs are a scarce resource and Lightsail is committed to helping to use them efficiently, so we charge a small $0.005 USD/hour fee for static IPs not attached to an instance for more than 1 hour.
What does data transfer cost?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Your plan includes a free data transfer allowance. Both data transfer in and data transfer out of your instance count toward your data transfer allowance.
If you exceed your data transfer allowance, you will only get charged for data transfer OUT from a Lightsail instance to the Internet or to AWS resources using the public IP address of the instance. Both data transfer IN to Lightsail instances and data transfer OUT from a Lightsail instance when using the instance’s private IP address are free beyond your data transfer allowance.
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
What is my data transfer plan allowance?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Every single Lightsail plan also includes a healthy amount of free IN and OUT data transfer. For example, using the cheapest Lightsail bundle you can send and receive up to 1 TB of data to the Internet within the month, at no extra charge.
How does my data transfer allowance work?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Any type of data transfer you consume is covered by your Lightsail plan and counted towards your data transfer allowance. As long as your instance’s data transfer is below the plan allowance, you do not incur any data transfer charges. Your data transfer allowance will reset every month, and you can consume it whenever you need within the month. If you delete your instance before the month ends and create another one, data transfer allowance is shared between the two instances.
What if I exceed my data transfer plan allowance?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
We have designed our data transfer plans so that the vast majority of our customers will be fully covered by their allowance and not incur any additional charges. Even if you exceed your data transfer allowance, some types of data transfer are free. Data transfer IN to Lightsail instances is always free. Data transfer OUT from a Lightsail instance to another Lightsail instance or AWS resource in the same Region is also free if private IP addresses are used.
What types of data transfer do I get charged for?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
When you exceed the monthly free data transfer allowance of your plan, you will get charged for data transfer OUT from a Lightsail instance to the Internet or to another AWS Region or to AWS resources in the same Region when using public IP addresses. The charge for these types of data transfer above the free allowance is as follows:
US East (N. Virginia): $0.09 USD/GB
US East (Ohio): $0.09 USD/GB
US West (Oregon): $0.09 USD/GB
Europe (Frankfurt): $0.09 USD/GB
Europe (Ireland): $0.09 USD/GB
Europe (London): $0.09 USD/GB
Asia Pacific (Mumbai): $0.13 USD/GB
Asia Pacific (Singapore): $0.12 USD/GB
Asia Pacific (Sydney): $0.17 USD/GB
Asia Pacific (Tokyo): $0.14 USD/GB
Instances created in different Availability Zones can communicate between zones privately and for free, and are much less likely to be impaired concurrently. Availability Zones enable you to build highly available applications and websites without increasing the cost of data transfer or compromising your application’s security.
How do my data transfer plan allowances vary by Region?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
All Regions have the same data transfer plan allowance as listed on and, with the exception of the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) and the Asia Pacific (Sydney) Regions. In these two Regions, the data transfer plan allowance is as follows:
$5 USD/month plan: 500 GB
$10 USD/month plan: 1 TB
$20 USD/month plan: 1.5 TB
$40 USD/month plan: 2 TB
$80 USD/month plan: 2.5 TB
How does my data transfer allowance work with my load balancers?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Your load balancer does not consume your data transfer allowance. Traffic between the load balancer and the target instances is metered and counts toward your data transfer allowance for your instances, in the same way that traffic in from and out to the internet is counted toward your data transfer allowance for Lightsail instances that are not behind a load balancer. Traffic into and out of your load balancer to the internet is not calculated toward the data transfer allowance for your instances.
What does Lightsail DNS management costs?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
DNS management is free within Lightsail. You can create up to 3 DNS zones and as many records as you want for each DNS zone. You also get a monthly allowance of 3 million DNS queries per month to your zones. Beyond your first 3 million queries in a month, you are charged $0.40 USD/million DNS queries.
What do Lightsail snapshots cost?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Lightsail snapshots cost $0.05 USD/GB-month for both instance snapshots and for disk snapshots. This means if you take a snapshot of your 30 GB SSD instance and keep it for a month, you pay $1.50 USD at the end of the month.
When you take multiple successive snapshots of the same instance, Lightsail automatically cost-optimizes your snapshots. For each new snapshot you take, you’re changed only for the part of the instance that changed. In the example above, if your instance only changes by 2 GB, your second instance snapshot costs only $0.10 USD per month.
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
What does Lightsail block storage cost?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Lightsail Block storage costs $0.10 USD per GB per month.
What do Lightsail load balancers cost?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Lightsail load balancers cost $18 per month
What does certificate management cost?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Lightsail certificates and certificate management are free with use of a Lightsail load balancer.
Can I try Lightsail for free?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Yes! Whether you’re an existing or new AWS customer, you get 750 hours of free usage of the $5 USD Lightsail plan for free. You also can try Lightsail plans that include a Microsoft Windows Server license for free using the $10 USD Windows plan.
You can use your 750 hours of usage across as many instances as you like. For example, you can run a single Lightsail instance for a whole month, or 10 Lightsail instances for 75 hours. The free trial offer is only applicable to usage within the first calendar month from when you sign up to use Lightsail.
How can I manage my AWS account?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Lightsail is an AWS service and runs on the AWS trusted and proven cloud infrastructure. You use the same AWS account and credentials to log in to Lightsail and the AWS Management Console.
You can manage your AWS account, including changing your AWS account password, user name, contact information, or billing information from the AWS Billing and Cost Management console.
What are the Lightsail legal terms of use?
Billing and account management
Amazon Lightsail | Compute
Lightsail is an Amazon web service, so to use Lightsail, you first agree to the AWS Customer Agreement and Service Terms. When creating Lightsail instances, you also agree that your use of software is also subject to the end user license agreement of the seller, available for your review on the create instance page.