Amazon EC2 | Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs Flashcards
What is changing?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
Starting July 2018, all newly created EC2 resources will receive longer format IDs. The new format will only apply to newly created resources; your existing resources won’t be affected. Instances and volumes already use this ID format. Through the end of June 2018, customers will have the ability to opt-in to use longer IDs. During this time, you can choose which ID format resources are assigned and update your management tools and scripts to add support for the longer format. Please visit this documentation for instructions.
Why is this necessary?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
Given how fast AWS continues to grow, we will start to run low on IDs for certain resources in 2018. In order to enable the long-term, uninterrupted creation of new resources, we need to introduce a longer ID format. All Amazon EC2 resource IDs will change to the longer format in July 2018.
I already opted in for longer IDs last year. Why do I need to opt-in again?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
In 2016, we moved to the longer ID format for Amazon EC2 instances, reservations, volumes, and snapshots only. This opt-in changes the ID format for all remaining EC2 resource types
What will the new identifier format look like?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
The new identifier format will follow the pattern of the current identifier format, but it will be longer. The new format will be -<17 characters>, e.g. “vpc-1234567890abcdef0” for VPCs or “subnet-1234567890abcdef0” for subnets.
Which IDs are changing?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
How does this impact me?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
There is a good chance that you won’t need to make any system changes to handle the new format. If you only use the console to manage AWS resources, you might not be impacted at all, but you should still update your settings to use the longer ID format as soon as possible. If you interact with AWS resources via APIs, SDKs, or the AWS CLI, you might be impacted, depending on whether your software makes assumptions about the ID format when validating or persisting resource IDs. If this is the case, you might need to update your systems to handle the new format.
Some failure modes could include:
If your systems use regular expressions to validate the ID format, you might error if a longer format is encountered.
If there are expectations about the ID length in your database schemas, you might be unable to store a longer ID.
Will this affect existing resources?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
No. Only resources that are created after you opt-in to the longer format will be affected. Once a resource has been assigned an ID (long or short), that ID will never change. Each ID is unique and will never be reused. Any resource created with the old ID format will always retain its shorter ID. Any resource created with the new format will retain its longer ID, even if you opt back out.
When will this happen?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
Through the end of June 2018, longer IDs will be available for opt-in via APIs and the EC2 Console. All accounts can opt-in and out of longer IDs as needed for testing. Starting on July 1, 2018, the option to switch formats will no longer be available, and newly created EC2 resources to receive longer IDs. All regions launching in July 2018 and onward will only support longer IDs.
Why is there an opt-in period?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
We want to give you as much time as possible to test your systems with the new format. This transition time offers maximum flexibility to test and update your systems incrementally and will help minimize interrupts as you add support for the new format, if necessary.
How do I opt in and out of receiving longer IDs?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
Throughout the transition period (Now through the end of June 2018), you can opt to receive longer or shorter IDs by using the APIs or the EC2 Console. Instructions are provided in this documentation.
What will happen if I take no action?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
If you do not opt-in to the new format during the transition period, you will be automatically begin receiving the longer format IDs after July 1, 2018. We do not recommend this approach. It is better to add support for the new format during the transition window, which offers the opportunity for controlled testing.
What if I prefer to keep receiving the shorter ID format after the end of June 2018?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
This is not possible regardless of your user settings specified.
When will the longer IDs’ final transition happen?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
In July 2018, your newly created resources will start to receive longer IDs. You can check the scheduled transition date for your each region by using the AWS CLI describe-id-format.
If I opt in to longer IDs and then opt back out during the transition period, what will happen to resources that were created with longer IDs?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
Once a resource has been assigned an ID it will not change, so resources that are created with longer IDs will retain the longer IDs regardless of later actions. If you opt in to the longer format, create resources, and then opt out, you will see a mix of long and short resource IDs, even after opting out. The only way to get rid of long IDs will be to delete or terminate the respective resources. For this reason, exercise caution and avoid creating critical resources with the new format until you have tested your tools and automation.
What should I do if my systems are not working as expected before the transition period ends?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
If your systems are not working as expected during the transition period, you can temporarily opt out of longer format IDs and remediate your systems, however your account will automatically be transitioned back to using longer IDs after the end of June 2018. Regardless of your account settings, all new resources will receive the longer format IDs, so it is important for you to test your systems with longer format IDs before the transition period ends. By testing and opting in earlier, you give yourself valuable time to make modifications to your resources with short resource IDs and you minimize the risk of any impact to your systems.
What will happen if I launch resources in multiple regions during the transition period?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
Your resources’ ID length will depend upon the region you launch your resources. If the region has already transitioned to using longer IDs, resources launched in that region will have longer format IDs; if not, they will have shorter resource IDs. Therefore, during the transition window, you may see a mix of shorter and longer resource IDs.
If AWS adds new regions during the transition period, will new regions support longer IDs?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
Yes. All new regions launching after July 2018 will issue longer format IDs by default for both new and existing accounts.
What will be the default ID type for new accounts?
Longer EC2, EBS, and Storage Gateway Resource IDs
Amazon EC2 | Compute
Accounts created on March 15, 2018 or later will be configured to receive the longer ID format by default in every AWS region except AWS GovCloud (US). If you are a new customer, this will make the transition to longer IDs really simple. If you would like your new account to assign the shorter ID format to your resources, then simply reconfigure your account for shorter IDs as described above. This workflow will be necessary until you are ready for your accounts to receive longer IDs.