Allusions Flashcards
An archangel of the abyss in the Bible
Also, place of destruction
A fictional race of intelligent horses described in the last part of Jonathan Swift’s satirical 1726 novel Gulliver’s Travels.
Place in ancient Greece where inhabitants were known for their stupidity
In Thrace, northern “ceiling” bit of Greece.
Place in ancient Greece where inhabitants were known for their stupidity
Abelard and Heloise
Abelard was a French philosopher who secretly married one of his pupils. Her uncle castrated him as punishment, and the two lived as monk and nun.
Abraham’s bosum
Place where the good rest in peace.
The place of comfort in the Biblical Sheol where the righteous dead await Judgment Day.
Favourite son of King David
Led a rebellion against his father, but defeated in battle and killed by Joab, one of David’s officers. Absalom killed David’s oldest son Amnon. Absalom was fleeing on a mule, but was caught by his long hair in the branches of a tree and left hanging. Joab killed him with three darts. King David was very sad.
Faithful friend of Aeneas in Virgil’s Aeneid.
known as the “river of woe”, and was one of the five rivers of the Greek underworld
Achilles had famous friendship with
Patroclus borrowed his armour and was killed by Trojan hero Hector.
Bob Acres
A character in Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s The Rivals. Acres was a coward, whose “courage always oozed out at his finger ends”
Wise men of Gotham
Folk tale were villagers pretended to be stupid.
King John was going to visit which meant turning the road into a royal highway. The villagers did all sorts of stupid things (e.g. drowning an eel in water) so KJ built his hunting lodge elsewhere.
Later Washington Irving named NYC “gotham”, picked up Bill Finger in the creation of Batman.
Damon and Pythias
Symbol of close friendship. When Pythias was sentenced to death Damon stood bail for him. Pythias returned just in time to save him (and was subsequently reprieved).
David and Jonathan
Symbol of close friendship. Jonathan was Saul’s son, David was his appointed successor. Saul eventually got jealous of David’s popularity but Jonathan interceeded (though eventually David had to flee to the mountains).
Merciless persecutor in Victor Hugo’s Les misérables.
Horn of plenty.
One of the horns of the goat-nymph Amalthea whose milk nourished Zeus as a baby, and who was placed into the sky as the constellation Capricorn in thanks.
Land of Goshen
Fertile region of Egypt inhabited by the Israelites from the time of Joseph until the Exodus.
Roman goddess of fruit
Kills herself with arsenic
Emma Bovary
Kills herself with arsenic after her second lover (Leon) grows tired of her
Throws herself under a train
Anna Karenina
Has love affair with Count Vronsky. She chooses him but is unable to cope with social isolation and commits suicide by throwing herself under a train.
Book by Rider Haggard with the hero Allan Quartermain.
King Solomon’s Mines
Self-important “Lord-High-Everything-Else”
Character from Gilbert & Sulivan. Self-important.