Alkenes Flashcards
What is an alkene?
What is an alkenes general formula?
Describe the bonding in alkenes
Why is there no rotation about the c=c double bond?
Are alkenes more or less reactive than alkenes? Why?
What type of mechanism do alkenes undergo?
Are alkenes soluble in water? Why?
How do you test for alkenes?
Describe the mechanism for the reaction between ethene and water
List the three types of isomers alkenes can have
Describe chain isomerism in alkenes
Describe positional isomerism in alkenes
Describe geometric (E-Z) isomerism in alkenes
What is an electrophile?
Give three examples of electrophiles
With the addition reaction of unsymmetrical alkenes what is formed?
What is the most stable type of carbocation intermediate and why?
Which type of carbocations will produce a major product?
What are the conditions needed for the electrophilic addition of water to an alkene?
What is the product of the reaction of water with an alkene?
What are the conditions needed for the electrophilic addition of a hydrogen halide and an alkene?
Describe the mechanism for the reaction of HBr and propene
What conditions are needed for the reaction of a halogen and an alkene?
What is an addition polymer?
What are monomers and what form do they usually take?
How would you represent the polymerisation of ethene?
(Use a diagram)
State three uses of pvc
Give two examples of plasticisers
What are plasticisers?
How do the physical properties of pvc change due to a plasticiser?