ALKALOIDS Flashcards
Colchicine plants
- autumn crocus/meadow saffron (most toxic is the ROOT)
- glory lily, climbing lily (flower lives 3-4 days)
Colchicine MOA
- ANTIMITOTIC: bind to tubulin and inhibit spindle formation during cell division
- rapidly dividing cells more sensitive
Colchicine CS
-GI signs including stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and GI hemorrhage
-CV signs including hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias
-Respiratory signs
-Renal failure
-Hepatic failure
-Seizure and neuronal signs
Diterpene alkaloids
Buttercup family:
- larkspur/delphinium
- monkshood/aconite
Diterpene alkaloid MOA
competitive blockade of nicotinic receptors at muscle endplate (similar to curare)
Diterpene alkaloid CS
- sudden death in cattle
- early signs are of NM blockade including: weakness, staggering, stiffness, trembling, black, recumbency, collapse
- death d/t muscle paralysis –> asphyxia
- Monkshood: cardiac arrhythmias (cardiotoxic)
Diterpene alkaloid TX
Physostigmine or neostigmine is an antidote
- physostigmine crosses BBB
- neostigmine does NOT cross BBB
Ergot alkaloids
ergot (claviceps purpurea)
Ergot MOA
- vasoconstriction and gangrene
- uterine contraction (Ergometrine = abortion contraction in uterus)
Ergot CS
- abortion
- hoof and hair abnormalities (can look like Se deficiency)
Indolidizine alkaloids
- locoweeds/milk vetches (Astragalus and Oxytropis [though many in these groups are not toxic])
- swainsona canescens (Australia)
Indolidizine MOA
- inhibit lysosomal enzymes essential for formation of glycoproteins
- alteration of cellular function in the brain and many other organs
-Astragalus and Oxytropis also have nitropropanol glycoside and selenium –> niropropanol causes peripheral neuronal degeneration and respiratory signs and selenium causes abnormal hoof and hair
Indolidizine CS
- “Locoism”
- neuronal signs / brain damage CS
- more common in horses than sheep/cattle
- depression, incoordination, ataxia, circling, weird behavior
(other: infertility, congenital defects, heart failure, weight loss, poor performance, decreased immune function)
Lyocrine plants
-Amaryllis family: Narcissus (Daffodil!) Kaffir lily / caffir lily Spider lily Barbados lily / fire lily Zephyr lily / rain lily River lily
Lyocrine MOA
- emetic and purgative
- bulb is toxic