alexander II (1855-1881) Flashcards
the reign of Alexander II: 1855-1881
How many conscripted Serfs in 1855.
1.5 million.
Name of the Tsar’s personal regiment.
The Cossacks.
When was the Crimean War.
Why did Tsar Nicholas I send troops into Ottoman Moldavia.
As protector of Christians and Slavs, as Ottomans stretched into the Balkans.
Who else helped the Russians in the Crimean War.
French and British.
When did Nicholas I die and Alexander II take over.
The Treaty of Paris (1856)
Prevented Russian warships using the Black sea.
Why did the Crimean War end.
Sebastopol fell.
Results of the Crimean War.
- Exposed outdated transport, weaponry and technology.
- The poor leadership and administration.
- The Intelligensia looked towards the West for inspiration for improvement.
When was the Emancipation Edict.
Alexander II’s liberal influences.
Duke Konstantin, Elane Pavlovna and the Milyutn Brothers.
Why did Alexander II advocate for emancipation.
- Travelled the Russian countryside.
- Had multiple liberal influences.
- The Milyutin Brothers argued for reform after the Crimean War.
- Peasant riots started to spark in the 40s.
Alexander II’s early liberating acts.
- Releasing political prisoners and Decembrists.
- Relaxed censorship controls and travel.
- Cancelled tax debts.
A central argument for the emancipation.
For change to come about “from above, rather than from below.”
Issue in application of the emancipation edict.
Applied only to privately owned serfs in 1861, then to state owned serfs in 1866.
Conditions of the emancipation edict.
- Freedom and an allotment of land.
- Had redemption payments for 49 years.
- Mirs had control.
- Volosts formed to oversee mirs.
Positives of the emancipation.
- Kulaks grew.
- Some could leave to cities for work.
- Landowners payed of debts or invested with compensation.
- More individuals gained personal land.
Negatives of the emancipation.
- Technological and method backwardness persisted.
- Redemption payments made travel near-impossible.
- Resentment of kulaks caused violent outbreaks.
- Landowners resented the Tsar.
When was the military reform introduced.
Military reforms.
- Conscription made compulsory for all classes.
- Compulsory service length reduced from 25 years to 15 years and 10 in reserves.
- Military colonies abolished,
- New command structure.
- Mass army education introduced.
- Medical care improved.