where to aldehydes have their carbonyl group? (1)
aldehydes have their carbonyl group at the end of the carbon chain .
what is the carbonyl group? (1)
what is the suffix for an aldehyde? (1)
where is the carbonyl group in ketones? (1)
ketones have their carbonyl group in the middle of the carbon chain.
what is the suffix for a ketone? (1)
their names finish with -one
what is the difference between aldehydes and ketones in terms of oxidising agents? (1)
oxidising agents will react with aldehydes to produce carboxylic acids, but not ketones.
how can we test for the presence of a aldehyde or ketone? (1)
using tollens reagent which is a colourless solution of silver nitrate dissolved in a aqueous ammonia.
what occurs during the tollens reagent test? (2)
when heated in a test tube with an aldehyde the Ag+ ions in tollens reagent are reduced to Ag atoms and a silver mirror forms in a few minutes.
What occurs during the tollens reagent test? (1)
Ketones cant be oxidised by tollens reagent, so with ketones there is no reaction and no colour change.
what occurs during the Fehling’s solution test? (2)
If its heated with an aldehyde the copper (ii) ions are reduced to a brick-red precipitate pf copper (I) oxide.
what occurs during the Fehling’s solution test? (1)
As with tollens reagent, ketones don’t react with Fehling’s solution, so no precipitate formed.
what alcohol can make aldehydes? (1)
primary alcohols can be oxidised to produce aldehydes and carboxylic acids
what alcohol can make ketones? (1)
secondary alcohols can be oxidised to make ketones
what reducing agent is usually used to reduced oxidation of alcohols? (1)
sodium tetrahydridoborate (III) or sodium borohydride dissolved in water with methanol
what mechanism reaction occurs to aldehydes and ketones? (1)
nucleophilic addition reactions