Alcohol Metabolism Flashcards
The metab of ethanol results in massive increase in the concentration of cytosolic____ in the liver
Ethanol —-> ______
By enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase
Acetaldehyde —-> _______
By enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase
Inhibited by disulfiram
Enzyme inhibited by disulfiram
Acetaldehyde dh
Accumulation of this leads to flushingm tacycardia,hyperventilation and nausea
Alternate pathway for ethanol metab induced in chronic alcoholics
Micrisomal ethanol oxidation system
Site of microsomal ethanol oxidation
SER, requires CYP2E1 from CYP450
High NADH in alcohol metab favor hypoglycemia by stimulating these conversions (2)
Pyruvate—-> lactate
OAA—-> malate
Explains ketoacidosis in alcohol metab
Dec OAA (since diverted sya to malate), so acetyl coa is diverted to ketone body synthesis in liver
Reason for thiamine def in alocholic
Thiamine absorption is inhibted by alcohol
Poor diet
Dec in chronic alcohol consumption
Fatty acid oxidation NAD/NADH ratio Lipogenesis Fatty acid availabity Glyceraldehyde3 phosphate availabity
Decrease Dcrease Inc Inc Inc
Smooth philtrum, thin smooth vernillion border of the upper lip
Short palpebralfissures
Short upturned nose
Fetal alcohol syndrome