Airworthiness of aircraft and aircraft equipment Flashcards
a person must not operate an aircraft unless what documents are carried on the plane? (5)
- current airworthiness certificate or a copy
- aircraft flight manual or an equivalent document
- technical log (NZ aircraft)
- completed form CAA 2173 Weight and balance data or equivalent (NZ aircraft)
- completed form CAA 2129 Aircraft Radio Station Equipment Approval levels
the operator of an aircraft must ensure that what, in regards to aircraft worthiness? (CAR 91.603) (4)
- aircraft is maintained in airworthy condition
- aircraft is inspected, except for instruments and equipment that are permitted to be inoperative, where every defect is rectified before every flight
- any inoperative instrument or item of equipment that’s permitted to be inoperative is repaired, replaced, removed or inspected at the next inspection required by the maintenance programme under which the aircraft is maintained.
- every system that’s required for indicating the presence of carbon monoxide in the cabin of an aircraft is serviceable and within any applicable life limit for the system.
when does a person operating an aircraft need to have a maintenance program?
if the maintenance schedule doesn’t provide for an aircraft that operates for less than 100 hours of time in service per year, operator must ensure that the manufacturer’s 100 hour inspection or equivalent is done within preceding 12 months.
the operator of an aircraft must not operate the aircraft unless what? (4)
every static pressure system, altimeter instrument, or automatic pressure altitude reporting system or SSR transponder that’s required to be installed has been tested within:
- every aircraft radio that’s required for installation in the aircraft for IFR has been tested and inspected within preceding 24 months
- preceding 24 months
- following any opening and closing of the static pressure system except for the use of system drain, and alternate static pressure valves, or where self-sealing disconnect coupling is provided
- following installation or maintenance of the automatic pressure altitude reporting system where data correspondence error could be installed.
every ELT required to be installed in the aircraft must have been tested and inspected when? (3)
- past 12 months or 100 aircraft service hours
- aircraft maintained under a maintenance program required by adventure organisation, the scheduled intervals which must not be more then 12 months
- the battery has been replaced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, when the battery life has expired.
every compass required to be installed in the aircraft must have been calibrated when?
- past 24 months
- following any out of phase event that may affect calibration of compass unless specified otherwise
every first aid kit that’s required to be installed in the aircraft must have been inspected when?
- past 12 months
- after every reported use
an operator of an aircraft except microlight must ensure what? (CAR 91.617)
- must ensure that for each airframe, product and component that has a finite life or a TBO (Time between overhauls), accurate records are compiled in the appropriate maintenance logbook for the total time-in-service and if applicable the total cycles and are compiled and retained
an operator of an aircraft that is involved in an accident must ensure what?
descriptive details of the damage done to the aircraft are recorded in the appropriate maintenance logbook.
the operator of an aircraft must provide a technical log for the aircraft with provision for recording what information? (12)
- name of the operator
- registration, type, and model
- maintenance program or schedule .
- statement of maintenance status of the aircraft including next scheduled inspection date and any requirements needed for an operational flight check
- date at which any maintenance is due prior to next scheduled inspection
- date of next annual review of airworthiness or maintenance review
- daily hours flown
- total time in service
- if applicable daily cycles used and total cycles
- any defects found
- any notification of defects during maintenance to the point where aircraft is fixed
- details of any delayed defect fixes including ones inoperative
a person must not perform maintenance on an aircraft unless the person has what? (CAR 43) (4)
- has a current aircraft maintenance engineer license in the appropriate category and with an appropriate rating issued by Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia and has had license registered by the director in NZ
- Is authorised to perform the maintenance by the holder of an aircraft maintenance organisation certificated issued with an appropriate rating
- holds current certificate of maintenance approval with appropriate endorsement
- performs the maintenance under the direct supervision of the appropriate person.
what is the minimum equipment list (MEL) for day VFR (CAR 91) (15)
- indicating airspeed
- indicating Mach number if speed limitation specified in flight manual is expressed in terms of mach number
- indicating altitude
- indicating magnetic headings
- indicating fuel tank contents other than auxiliary
- indicating engine revolutions of each engine
- indicating oil pressure of each engine using a pressure lubricating system
- indicating coolant temperature of each liquid-cooled engine
- indicating oil temp of each engine rated over 250 brake Hp using a pressure lubricating system
- indicating manifold pressure of each supercharged or turbocharged piston engine
- indicating cylinder head temperature of each air-cooled piston engine rated at over 250 brake Hp
- indicating flap position unless fitted where it can then be done visually
- indicating landing gear position if retractable
- indicating the correct functioning of electrical power generating equipment
- indicating the presence of carbon monoxide in the cabin if the aircraft is fitted with an exhaust manifold cabin or combustion heater.
what is the minimum equipment list (MEL) for night VFR (CAR 91) (4)
- means of indicating the rate of turn and slip (unless equipped with instrument indicator that’s visible through 360 degrees of pitch and roll)
- position lights
- anti-collision light system
- illumination for each required instrument or indicator
unless authorized by ATC to operate under VFR without radio comms, an aircraft operating under VFR in controlled airspace must be equipped with a radio that does what? (CAR 91)
- meets level 1 or 2 standards
- is capable of providing continuous two-way comms with the appropriate ATS unit.
an aircraft operating under VFR over water, at a distance over 30 minutes in flying time from nearest shore it must be equipped with what?
- communications equipment that meets level 1 or 2 standards and is capable of providing continuous 2-way comms with appropriate ATS unit or aeronautic telecoms facility
- navigation equipment that is capable of being used to navigate the aircraft in accordance with the flight plan.
how many first aid kits are needed for flight? (CAR 91) (depending on passenger seat capacity)
less than 10 = 0 1 - 100 = 1 101 - 200 = 2 201 - 300 = 3 301 - 400 = 4 401 - 500 = 5 501 - 600 = 6 601 + = 7
how many fire extinguishers are needed for flight? (CAR 91) (depending on passenger seat capacity)
less than 10 = 0 1 - 30 = 1 31 - 60 = 2 61 - 200 = 3 201 - 300 = 4 301 - 400 = 5 401 - 500 = 6 501 - 600 = 7 601 + = 8
where must fire extinguishers be located in an aircraft? (4) (CAR 91)`
- accessible to crew near entrance
- one near flight deck, easy access
- a gallery not in passenger, crew compartment
- accessible to each gallery in passenger compartment
a person can operate an aircraft without an automatic ELT or an inoperative ELT when? (CAR 91)
- ferried from the place where the operator gets the aircraft to the ELT installation location
- aircraft doesn’t have any passengers
an aircraft may be operated without an ELT for how long?
not more then 7 days if it has an ELTS (ELT survival) or a PLB (personal locator beacon)
an aircraft that’s operated on a flight over water must be equipped with a lifejacket for each POB if when? (CAR 91) (3)
- aircraft is single-engine and flight distance to shore is more the gliding distance
- aircraft is multi-engined that’s unable to maintain a height of at least 1000ft AMSL with 1 engine inoperative
- aircraft is multi-engine that’s capable of maintaining a height of at least 1000ft AMSL with 1 engine inoperative and flight distance to shore is more then 50 NM.
A single or a multi-engine aircraft that’s unable to maintain a height of at least 1000ft AMSL with 1 engine inoperative, that’s over water that extends to more than 100NM from shore must have what? (CAR 91) (5)
- enough life rafts to accompany all occupants
- survival locator light on rafts
- survival kit
- one pyro signaling device on each life raft
- one ELT(s) and EPIRB (emergency position indicating radio beacon)
An aircraft in excess of 5700kg MCTOW that’s operated on a flight over water that extends to more than 200NM from shore must have what? (6)
- enough life rafts to accompany all occupants
- survival locator light on rafts
- survival kit
- one pyro signaling device on each life raft
- one ELT(s) and EPIRB (emergency position indicating radio beacon)
- additional ELT(s) or EPIRB