Air Traffic Services Flashcards
Each PIC of an aircraft on a VFR flight shall when operating in controlled airspace, report the position of the aircraft to ATC when?
at times or reporting points required by ATC
the pilot of an aircraft operating VFR is required to contact ATS for ATC clearance when?
- prior to operating on the maneuvering area of a controlled airspace
- prior to entering class C or D airspace.
the pilot of an aircraft is required to contact ATS when? (CAR 91)
- before entering a restricted area or military operational area where ATC is the controlling authority
- before entering a general aviation area where that area requires prior notification to, approval from ATC to activate the area.
- to cancel or amend a SARTIME before expiry.
recommended that the pilot operating VFR contact ATS if what?
- on ATC service maybe use
- NOTAM or weather info required.
except when under radar control pilots must report position when?
- when over each designated compulsory reporting point and navigation aid, or if the route isn’t defined by reporting points
- prior to controlled airspace entry
what is UNICOM?
air to ground communication facility providing an information service at aerodromes with no aerodrome control or AFIS.
what is in a UNICOM? (4)
- current weather information and conditions
- basic weather information including wind direction and strength, visibility, cloud cover, temperature, QNH
- meteorological reports
what’s an AFRU?
a unit that provides confirmation to pilots that they’ve selected the correct aerodrome frequency, and that their aircraft radio is operating correctly. It may operate as a supplementary device to a UNICOM operating on the aerodrome frequency or it may be the sole ground communication device.
what’s an AWIB?
automated broadcast on a specified frequency at some unattended aerodromes. It relays information on meteorological and operational conditions that are obtained from automatic sensors and manual obstructions.
what information can be broadcast on AWIB? (7)
- preferred runway-in-use
- other operational information
- wind direction and strength
- visibility
- cloud cover
- temperature
- QNH or mean sea level pressure
what is TIBA?
reports and information transmitted by pilots for the information of pilots of the aircraft in the vicinity following a significant disruption to air traffic or telecommunication services.
when will TIBA be introduced?
only when necessary and as a temporary measure. If circumstances permit, an introduction if TIBA will be by NOTAM
when should pilots of aircraft initiate TIBA?
when theres complete failure of communications from ATC
what are the broadcast procedures that should be applied in designated airspace?
- need to supplement collision hazard information provided by ATS outside controlled airspace
- a temporary disruption of normal ATS.
when should a listening watch be maintained on TIBA frequent?
10 minutes before entering TIBA airspace until leaving that airspace. Aircraft taking off from an aerodrome located within the lateral limits of TIBA airspace. listening watch should start ASAP to or after takeoff.
when should broadcasts be made? (4)
- 10 minutes before entering TIBA airspace, or for a pilot taking off from an aerodrome located within the lateral limits of TIBA airspace of for as soon as appropriate prior to or after take-off
- 10 minutes prior to and cross any reporting points
- at 10-minute intervals between reporting points
- 10 minutes prior to crossing or joining the ATS route.
clearances are required by who? (3)
- all aircraft, helicopters, vehicles, equipment, and pedestrians to operate on the maneuvering area at a controlled aerodrome when ATC is in attendance
- IFR flights in Class C or D airspace
- VFR flights in Class C or D airspace
a clearance that requires a readback is not deemed to be in effect until what?
it has been read back correctly.
an ATC clearance may not be withheld except for what reasons? (3)
- traffic reasons (IFR and VFR)
- where ATC cant accommodate traffic additional to that already accepted due to limitations of equipment, procedures, environmental conditions, or other similar factors
- for non-payments of airways due only for departing aircraft to taxi onto a maneuvering area at a controlled aerodrome.
a pilot of an aircraft operating in a control area or control zone must what?
- except when maneuvering in accordance with an ACAS resolution advisory or a GPWS or TAWS alert, comply with any ATC clearance or instruction issued by the ATC unit responsible for the control area/zone.
- when a deviation from an ATC clearance or instruction is required for the safe operation of the aircraft, Notify ATC of the deviation ASAP.
a pilot of an aircraft who elects not to comply with ATC clearance or instruction must what?
notify the appropriate ATC unit of the non-compliance.
Each PIC of an aircraft on or in the vicinity of an aerodrome with an AFIS in operation shall what? (CAR 91)
- if the aircraft is equipped with a radio, maintain two-way radio comms with that service on the prescribed frequency.
- advise that service of the intended use of that aerodrome prior, taxiing, landing or taking off, or entering the circuit of the aerodrome.
Each PIC of an aircraft that’s not equipped with a radio and that’s on or in the vicinity of an aerodrome with an AFIS in operation shall advise that service of the intended use of the aerodrome prior to what?
- taxiing onto any portion of the maneuvering area
- entering the aerodrome traffic circuit at that aerodrome
A PIC of an aircraft mustn’t enter a control zone unless what?
they get ATC clearance to enter.
a PIC of an aircraft operating in Class A airspace must what?
- operate under IFR
- unless otherwise authorized by the ATC unit responsible for the class A airspace, maintain two-way communication with that ATC unit on the appropriate frequency.
a PIC of an aircraft that operates in the following airspace classes must maintain two-way radio comms with the ATC unit responsible for the airspace unless otherwise authorized by the ATC unit.
- Class B C or D
- Class E under IFR
if different classes of airspace join one above the other what happens?
may comply with the requirements of the less restrictive class of airspace
airspaces within a control area and zone become uncontrolled class G airspace when?
when an ATC service isn’t provided within that control area or control zone.
what is the separation provided by ATC? (5)
- between IFR flights in classes A, C, and D airspace, except that separation isn’t provided during hours of daylight in Class D airspace when flights have been cleared to climb or descend subject to maintaining their own separation in VMC.
- Between IFR and VFR in class C airspace.
- Between IFR and SVFR
- Between SVFR when visibility is less than 5km
- at controlled aerodromes when defined runway and wake turbulence separation are applicable.
separation isn’t provided and hence the PIC is responsible for the main separation from other traffic when? (5)
- between IFR flights in class G
- between IFR and VFR in class G and D
- between IFR flight at lowest usable cruising level in class C and a VFR flight in class D operating at command airspace level
- between VFR flights, except at controlled aerodromes when defined runway and wake turbulence separations are applicable
- between SVFR flights when visibility is greater than 5km.
providing safety isn’t jeopardized, ATC units will apply what following traffic priorities?
- aircraft in a state of emergency or impaired operation (like unlawful interference) has priority over everyone else.
- aircraft landing in final stages of approach to land has priority over departing and taxiing aircraft.
when practicable, following a request from the pilot, aircraft involved in or position for the following activities will be granted priority. (4)
- ambulance on mercy missions
- search and rescue
- civil defense or police emergencies
- carriage of head-of-state, heads of govt or equivalent dignitaries.
In class C and D airspace, vertical or horizontal separation may be reduced by the application of visual separation provided that what? (8)
- such clearances will only be issues during daylight
- a specific request is made by a pilot
- the pilot in direct communication with the ATC unit at the same frequency, except when under the control of adjacent radar positions sharing common airspace
- both flights remain in VMC
- no possibility of incorrect identification
- each aircraft is continuously visible to the pilot of the other aircraft
- both pilots concur with application of a procedure
- the pilots of the succeeding aircraft reports having the preceding aircraft in sight and can mantain visual separation.
what are the aircraft weight categories?
Heavy (H) 136,000 kg MCTOW or more (special case apply to a380)
Medium (M) less than 136,000 but more then 70,000kg MCTOW
Light (L) 70,000kg or less
the wake turbulence separation minima will be applied to aircraft in all phases of flight when what? (3)
- an aircraft is directly behind (0.5MN laterally) another aircraft at the same level or less than 1000ft below
- an aircraft is crossing behind another aircraft at the same level or less than 1000ft below
- both aircraft are using the same runway, or parallel separated by less than 760m.
how far do other aircraft have to be from an a380? (minimum)
A380 = 4nm
non a380 = 6nm
med = 7nm
light = 8nm
how far do other aircraft have to be from a heavy aircraft? (minimum)
heavy = 4nm med = 5nm light = 6nm
how far do other aircraft have to be from a light aircraft? (minimum)
light = 5nm
whenever the distance between an aircraft at the same level or less than 1000ft below and following an aircraft of heavier wake turbulence category, is less than the equivalent of 2 minutes flying time, ATC will issue what?
a caution of wake turbulence.
same direction runway operation, minimum time separations are applied between what?
- aircraft using the same runway or grass strip
- parallel runways or grass strips less than 760m apart
- where there’s a possibility that the projected flight paths will cross at the same altitude or less than 1000ft below
the minimum separation applied between arriving flights of an a380 and another aircraft is what?
a380 = 2 minutes
non a380 = 2 minutes
med = 3 minutes
light = 4 minutes
the minimum separation applied between arriving flights of a heavy aircraft and another aircraft is what?
heavy = 2 minutes med = 2 minutes light = 3 minutes
the minimum separation applied between arriving flights of a light aircraft and another aircraft is what?
light = 3 minutes
in the case of parallel runways where departing thresholds aren’t laterally aligned what happens?
a succeding departure from a forward threshold is deemed to be departing from an intermediate takeoff position.
what happens if there exists the possibility of a departing aircraft of higher performance overtaking a departing lower performance aircraft.
wake turbulence will be applied as if the higher performance aircraft is the leading aircraft.
what is the minimum separation time for aircraft to an a380 where the departure is from the same take-off position and where it’s from an intermediate take-off position?
- a380, same = 2 minutes, intermediate = 3 minutes
- non a380, same = 2 minutes, intermediate = 3 minutes
- med, same = 3 minutes, intermediate = 4 minutes
- light, same = 3 minutes, intermediate = 4 minutes
what is the minimum separation time for aircraft to a heavy aircraft where the departure is from the same take-off position and where it’s from an intermediate take-off position?
- heavy, same = 2 minutes, intermediate = 3 minutes
- med, same = 3 minutes, intermediate = 3 minutes
- light, same = 3 minutes, intermediate = 3 minutes
what is the minimum separation time for aircraft to a medium aircraft where the departure is from the same take-off position and where it’s from an intermediate take-off position?
- light, same = 2 minutes, intermediate = 3 minutes