Airspace Flashcards
Can you fly in class A with VFR?
No, must be instrument rated and must have a flight plan.
Clearance is needed
What is class A airspace?
Beginning of Flight Levels (FL)
18000-60000 ft
Set altimeter to 29.92
What is the minimum certification of the pilot within class A airspace?
Private License and IFR rating.
What’s the minimum equipment for flight operations within class A airspace?
IFR equipped
At least a mode C
Two-way radio communication
How is class A airspace depicted on nav charts?
It is not depicted on nav charts. It is always FL180-FL600.
What is the definition of class B airspace?
Airspace from the surface to 10000ft MSL
Surrounds the nation’s busiest airports in terms of IFR operations
What minimum pilot certifications are needed to operate in class B airspace?
Private at least
Students need additional endorsement
What minimum equipment is needed for class B airspace operations?
At least mode C transponder
Two-way radio
Need clearance to enter airspace
Before entering class B airspace, what basic requirement must be met?
ATC clearance
What minimum weather conditions are required for VFR flight operations within class B airspace?
3 miles visibility
Clear of clouds
How is class B airspace depicted on navigational charts?
Solid blue line surrounding airport
What basic ATC services are provided to all aircraft operating in class B airspace?
VFR pilots will be provided sequencing and separation
Who’s responsibility is it to avoid wake turbulence during sequence and separation?
The pilot in command
What is the maximum speed allowed when operations inside a class B airspace under 10000 ft and within class D surface area?
No more than 200 kts
When operating beneath the lateral limits of class B airspace or in a VFR corridor designated through class B airspace, what maximum speed is authorized?
200 knots
What is class C airspace?
4000ft agl
Total diameter of 20 miles
Inner diameter of 10 miles
What is the minimum certification required to operate in class C airspace?
Student certification.
No additional endorsements
What minimum equipment is required to operate in class C airspace?
Mode C transponder
Two-way radio
When operating an aircraft through or to and airport in class C airspace, what basic requirement must be met?
Must establish two-way radio communications
What is meant by ‘established’ two-way radio communication?
The ATC will acknowledge your call but clearance is not required to enter.
When departing from a satellite airport without an operating control tower located within class C airspace, what requirement must be met?
Radio communication with the class C airport
What minimum weather conditions must be met to operate VFR in class C airspace?
3 miles visibility
500 below clouds
1000 above clouds
2000 horizontal clouds
How is class C airspace depicted on navigational charts?
Solid magenta line surrounding airport
What type of air traffic control services are provided when operating within the class C airspace?
Sequencing to the primary airport Provided all class C ATC services in class C airspace and surrounding areas
When is Mode C altitude encoding transponder required?
Within and above all class C or B airspace and at or above 10000ft MSL
What is the maximum speed an aircraft may operate within class C airspace?
200 knots
What is class D airspace?
2500 ft AGL
8 mile diameter
When operating an aircraft through or to an airport within class D airspace, what requirement must be met?
Two-way radio communication
What minimum weather conditions are required when conducting VFR operations within class D airspace?
3 miles visibility
500 below clouds
1000 above clouds
2000 horizontal clouds