Airport Facility Directory Flashcards
<p>Operating agency: A</p>
<p>US Army</p>
<p>Operating agency: AFRC</p>
<p>Air Force Reserve Command</p>
<p>Operating agency: AF</p>
<p>US Air Force</p>
<p>Operating agency: ANG</p>
<p>Air National Guard</p>
<p>Operating agency: AR</p>
<p>US Army Reserve</p>
<p>Operating agency: ARNG</p>
<p>US Army National Guard</p>
<p>Operating agency: CG</p>
<p>US Coast Guard</p>
<p>Operating agency: CIV/MIL</p>
<p>Joint Use Civil/Military Open to the Public</p>
<p>Operating agency: DND</p>
<p>Department of National Defense Canada</p>
<p>Operating agency: MC</p>
<p>Marine Corps</p>
<p>Operating agency: MIL/CIV</p>
<p>Joint Use Military/Civil Limited Civil Access</p>
<p>Operating agency: N</p>
<p>Operating agency: NAF</p>
<p>Naval Air Facility</p>
<p>Operating agency: NAS</p>
<p>Naval Air Station</p>
<p>Operating agency: NASA</p>
<p>National Air and Space Administration</p>
<p>Operating agency: P</p>
<p>US Civil Airport Wherein Permit Covers Use by Transient Military Aircraft</p>
<p>Operating agency: PVT</p>
<p>Private Use Only (Closed to the Public)</p>
<p>Airport location is expressed how?</p>
<p>Distance and direction from the center of the associated city in <strong>nautical miles</strong>and cardinal points</p>
<p>Hours of operation of all facilities are expressed in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>UTC ("Z" time)</p>
<p>During periods of Daylight Saving Time efficitive hours will be 1 hour earlier than shown</p>
<p>Daylight saving time is in effect from 0200 local time \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to 0200 local time \_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<p>Second Sunday in March,First Sunday in November</p>
<p>What areas do not observe daylight saving time?</p>
<p>Arizona, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and the Virgin Islands.</p>
<p>Some small areas on a county-by-county basis. Check chart supp</p>
<p>Airport reference point represents the center of what?</p>
<p>All usable runway surfaces</p>
<p>"<b>AD</b>" on the top-right of a chart supplement page indicates what?</p>
<p>AD indicates an airport diagram has been published for that airport</p>
<p>The airport sketch in the chart supplement is oriented how?</p>
<p>True north at the top</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Hard surfaced runway</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Metal surface runway</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Sod, gravel, etc. runway</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Light plane, Ski landing area or water runway</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Under construction runway</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Closed runway</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Helicopter landings area</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Displaced Threshold</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Taxiway, Apron, and Stopways</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Power Lines</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Wind Turbine</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Oil Well</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Smoke Stack</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Controlling Obstruction</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Populated Places</p>
<p>Airport Sketch</p>
<p>*the enclosures make a C*</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Cliffs and Depressions</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Airport Beacon</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Wind Cone</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Landing Tee</p>
<p>Airport Sketch</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Control tower</p>
<p>When control tower and rotating beacon are co-located \_\_\_\_\_\_ symbol will be used and further identified as \_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>When control tower and rotating beacon are co-located<strong>BEACON</strong>symbol will be used and further identified as<strong>TWR</strong>.</p>
<p>A dot portrayed with the approach lighting letter identifier indicateswhat?</p>
<p>Negative symbology (black filled)indicateswhat?</p>
<p>Sequenced flashing lights installed with the approach lighting system</p>
<p>Pilot controlled lighting</p>
<p>Airport sketch</p>
<p>Runway Centerline Lighting</p>
<p>Lighting sytem</p>
<p>Visual Approach slope indicator with standard threshold clearance provided</p>
<p>Lighting system</p>
<p>Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Inidcator</p>
<p>Lighting system</p>
<p>3-Bar, 6 or 16 box, Visual Approach Slope Indicator that provides 2 Glide Angles and 2 Threshold Crossing Heights</p>
<p>Lighting system</p>
<p>Tri-color visual approach slope inidicator</p>
<p>Lighting system</p>
<p>Aproach path alignment panel</p>
<p>Lighting system</p>
<p>Precision Approach Path Indicator</p>
<p>Airport elevation is measured how?</p>
<p>Taken from the highest point of an airport's usable runways measured in feet from mean sea level</p>
<p>00 - elevation is at sea level</p>
<p>"-13" - elevation is below sea level</p>
<p>B on the second line of a chart supplement airport entry indicates what?</p>
<p>Rotating beacon available.</p>
<p>Rotating beacons operate \_\_\_\_ to \_\_\_\_\_ unless otherwise indicated in the airport remarks or military remarks segment of the airport entry.</p>
<p>sunset to sunrise</p>
<p>U.S. Customs User Fee Airport</p>
<p>Private aircraft operators are frequently required to pay the costs associated with customs processing</p>
<p>Airport of Entry</p>
<p>Permission from U.S. Customs in not required to land. However, at least</p>
<p><strong>1 hour</strong>advance notice of arrival is required.</p>
<p>Landing Rights Airport</p>
<p>Application for permission to land must be submitted in advance to U.S. Customs<strong>AND</strong>at least 1 hour advance notice of arrival is required.</p>
<p>Flight Notification Service (customs notice)</p>
<p>*this notice will also be treated as an application for permission to land in the case of an LRA*</p>
<p>ARFF Index A</p>
<p>1 vehicle</p>
<p>500#DC or HALON 1211 or</p>
<p>450#DC + 100 gal water</p>
<p>ARFF Index B</p>
<p>1 or 2 Vehicles</p>
<p>Index A + 1500 gal water</p>
<p>ARFF Index C</p>
<p>2 or 3 Vehicles</p>
<p>Index A + 3000 gal water</p>
<p>ARFF Index D</p>
<p>3 Vehicles</p>
<p>Index A + 4000 gal water</p>
<p>ARFF Index E</p>
<p>3 Vehicles</p>
<p>Index A + 6000 gal water</p>
<p>ARFF Index Ltd.</p>
<p>indicates ARFF coverage may or may not be available, for information contact airport manager prior to flight</p>
<p>What is the phone # for Flight Service</p>
<p>Not insp.</p>
<p>Indicates that the airport information has been provided by the owner or operator of the field.</p>
<p>Not inspected by the FAA</p>
<p>Runway length shown in the chart supplement is...</p>
<p>Runway end to end including displaced thresholds, but excluding those areas designed as overruns</p>
<p>Runway lengths prefixed by the letter H in the chart supplement indicate what?</p>
<p>The runway is hard surfaced</p>
<p>(concrete, asphalt or part asphalt-concrete)</p>
<p>Aggregate Friction Seal Coat</p>
<p>Temporary metal planks coated with nonskid material</p>
<p>Gravel, or cinders</p>
<p>Pierced steel planking, landing mats, membranes</p>
<p>Part concrete, part asphault</p>
<p>Porous Friction Courses</p>
<p>Pierced steel plank</p>
<p>Rubberized Friction Seal Coat</p>
<p>Wire Combed</p>
<p>Runway strength figures are shown in \_\_\_\_ of pounds, with the last how many figures being omitted?</p>
<p>Thousand of pounds, last 3 figures omitted</p>
<p>*add 000 to the figure following S, D, 2S, 2T, AUW, SWL, etc., for gross weight capacity*</p>
<p>All Up Weight</p>
<p>Maximum weight bearing capacity for any aircraft irrespective of landing gear configuration</p>
<p>Single Wheel Loading</p>
<p>Pounds per square inch</p>
<p>PSI is the actual figure expressing maximum PSI runway will support</p>
<p>NSTD when used to describe lighting equipment means</p>
<p>Light systems for which light fixtures are not FAA approved L-800 series: color, intensity, or spacing does not meet FAA standards</p>
<p>Low Intensity Runway Lights</p>
<p>Medium Intensity Runway Lights</p>
<p>High Intensity Runway Lights</p>
<p>Runway Alignment Indicator Lights</p>
<p>Runway End Identifier Lights</p>
<p>Centerline Lights</p>
<p>Touchdown Zone Lights</p>
<p>When runway edge lights are positioned more than\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ from the edge of the usable runway surface a remark will be added</p>
<p>10 feet</p>
<p>Precision Approach Path Indicator</p>
<p>P2L-2 identical light units placed on left side of runway</p>
<p>P2R-2 identical light units placed on right side of runway</p>
<p>P4L-4 identical light units placed on left side of runway</p>
<p>P4R-4 identical light units place on right side of runway</p>
<p>Pulsating/steady burning visual approach slope indicator, normally a single light unit projecting 2 colors</p>
<p>PSIL-PVASI on left side of runway</p>
<p>PSIR-PVASI on right side of runway</p>
<p>Simplified Abbreviated Visual Approach Slope Indicator</p>
<p>S2L-2-box SAVASI on left side of runway</p>
<p>S2R-2-box SAVASI on right side of runway</p>
<p>Tri-color visual approach slope indicator, normally a single light unit projecting three colors</p>
<p>TRIL-TRCV on left side of runway</p>
<p>TRIR-TRCV on right side of runway</p>
<p>V2L, V2R</p>
<p>V4L, V4R</p>
<p>V6L, V6R</p>
<p>Visual Approach Slope Indicator</p>
<p>V2L/R-2-box VASI on left/right side of runway</p>
<p>V4L/R-4-box VASI on left/right side of runway</p>
<p>V6L/R-6-box VASI on left/right side of runway</p>
<p>V12-12-box VASI on both sides of runway</p>
<p>V16-16-box VASI on both sides of runway</p>
<p>How many clicks for high, medium, and low intensity pilot controlled lighting?</p>
<p>7 clicks within 5 seconds-highest intensity available</p>
<p>5 clicks within 5 seconds-medium or lower intensiy (Lower REIL or REIL-Off)</p>
<p>3 clicks within 5 seconds-lowest intensity available (Lower REIL or REIL-Off)</p>
<p>When will runway slope be shown?</p>
<p>On runways less than \_\_\_\_\_, the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ will be indicated.</p>
<p>On runways \_\_\_\_\_\_ or greater, the slope will be shown \_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<p>When it is 0.3% or greater</p>
<p>On runways less than 8000 feet, the direction of the slope up will be indicated. 0.3% up NW</p>
<p>On runways 8000 feet or greater, the slope will be shown (up or down) on the runway end line. RWY 13: 0.3% up</p>
<p>Runway Visual Range</p>
<p>RVR may be a combination of any one of these</p>
<p>T, M, R, TM, TR, TMR</p>
<p>What is it?</p>
<p>Measured distance represent what?</p>
<p>Land and Hold-Short Operations</p>
<p>Includes landing and holding short of an intersection runway, an intersection taxiway, or other predetermined points on the runway other than a runway or taxiway.</p>
<p>Measured distance represents the available landing distance on the landing runway, in feet.</p>
<p>Take-off Run Available</p>
<p>Length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane take-off</p>
<p>Take-off Distance Available</p>
<p>Length of take-off run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided</p>
<p>Accelerate-Stop Distance Available</p>
<p>The length of the takeoff run available plus the length of the stopway, if provided</p>
<p>Landing Distance Available</p>
<p>The length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing</p>
<p>Minor airframe repairs</p>
<p>Minor airframe Minor powerplant repairs</p>
<p>Major airframe Minor powerplant repairs</p>
<p>Major airframe Major powerplant repairs</p>
<p>Major airframe repairs</p>
<p>Minor airframe Major powerplant repairs</p>
<p>Major powerplant repairs</p>
<p>Minor powerplant repairs</p>
<p>Fuel: 80</p>
<p>Type and color</p>
<p>Grade 80 gasoline</p>
<p>Fuel: 100</p>
<p>Type and color</p>
<p>Grade 100 gasoline</p>
<p>Fuel: 100LL</p>
<p>Type and color</p>
<p>100LL gasoline (low lead)</p>
<p>Fuel: 115</p>
<p>Type and color</p>
<p>Grade 115 gasoline (115/145 military specification)</p>
<p>Fuel: MOGAS</p>
<p>Automobile gasoline which is to be used as aircraft fuel</p>
<p>High pressure</p>
<p>Low pressure</p>
<p>High pressure-replacement bottles</p>
<p>Low pressure-replacement bottles</p>
<p>Airport remarks are limited to conditions that will remain in effect for how long?</p>
<p><strong>more than</strong>30 Days</p>
<p>Are permanent runway or taxiway closures shown in the airport remarks section?</p>
<p>To qualify for charting, a jump area must meet what criteria?</p>
<p>1) Been in operation for at least 1 year</p>
<p>2) Log 1000 or more jumps each year</p>
<p>(c) in the chart supplement indicates that the parachute jumping area is charted</p>
<p>Unless otherwise stated, remarks including runway ends refer to what?</p>
<p>Refer to the runway's <b>approach</b> end</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Acronym + what it reports</p>
<p>Automated Surface Observing System</p>
<p>Reports the same as an AWOS-3 plus precipitation identification and intensity, and freezing rain occurrence</p>
<p>What does AWOS stand for?</p>
<p>Automated Weather Observing System</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">reports what?</p>
<p>reports altimeter setting (all other information is advisory only)</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">reports what?</p>
<p>reports altimeter and visibility</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">reports what?</p>
<p>reports altimeter setting, wind data and usually temperature, dew point and density altitude</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">reports what?</p>
<p>reports the same as AWOS-1 plus visibility</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">reports what?</p>
<p>reports the same as AWOS-1 plus visibility and cloud/ceiling data</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">reports what?</p>
<p>reports the same as AWOS-3 plus a precipitation identification sensor</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">reports what?</p>
<p>reports the same as AWOS-3 plus precipitation identification sensor and thunderstorm/lightning reporting capability</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">reports what?</p>
<p>reports the same as AWOS-3 plus thunderstorm/lightning reporting capability</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">reports what?</p>
<p>reports the same as AWOS-3 plus precipitation occurence, type and accumulation, freezing rain, thunderstorm, and runway surface sensors</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Acronym + reports what?</p>
<p>Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station</p>
<p>observers report cloud height, weather, obstruction to vision, temperature and dewpoint (in most cases), surface wind, altimeter and pertinent remarks</p>
<p>indicates a Low Level Wind Shear Alert System consisting of a center field and several field permeter anemometers</p>
<p>identifies airports that have aSupplemental Aviation Weather Reporting Station available to pilots for current weather information</p>
<p>Supplemental Weather Service Location providing current local weather information via radio and telephone</p>
<p>indicates airports that haveTerminal Doppler Weather Radar</p>
<p>indicates airports that have Weather System Processor</p>
<p>What does ATIS stand for?</p>
<p>Automated Terminal Information Service</p>
<p>What is a GCO and how many clicks to contact ATC, how many for FSS?</p>
<p>Ground Communication Outlet
4 for ATC
6 for FSS</p>
<p>What does a "X" indicate when it follows a frequency?</p>
<p>The frequency is available upon request </p>
<p>What is the primary receive only frequency at VORs?</p>
<p>What are the 2 main emergency frequencies?</p>
| 243.0</p>
<p>Approach End Rwy</p>
<p>End Of Runway</p>
<p>Personnel and Equipment Working</p>
<p>Prior Permission Required</p>
<p>Remain Overnight</p>
<p>All bearings and radials are \_\_\_\_ unless otherwise noted </p>
<p>All mileages are \_\_\_\_\_\_ unless otherwise noted</p>
<p>All elevations are \_\_\_\_\_ unless otherwise noted</p>
<p>Automated Unicom, Provides automated weather radio check and airport advisory information selected from automated menu by mike clicks</p>
<p>The letter R with a circle around it by the words APP CON indicates:</p>
<p>Radar approach control available</p>