what is aggression
intent to harm others outside the rules ; hostile behavior
the intent to harm
outside the rules
out of control
deliberate and hostile
what is assertion
well motivated behavior within the rules
goal directed
not intended to harm
within the rules
well motivated
not intended to harm
what is the problem with boxing
within the rules to punch your opponent, but there is intent to harm when you punch someone
instrumental aggression- intent to harm but within the rules
causes of agression
Aggressive cue hypothesis
Social learning theory
Instinct theory
Frustration aggression hypothesis
what is catharsis
letting off steam
sport can be seen as a release for channeling aggression that could otherwise surface in a different situation
if the aggressive intent is given an outlet, then the aggressive drive will be reduced
catharsis as a benefit of playing competitive games
aggressive cue hypothesis
aggression is caused by a learned trigger
increased frustration - increased arousal/anger - aggressive response
aggressive responses will only occur if learned cues are present
aggression can be learned from significant others ‘nurtured aggression’
social learning theory
learning by associating with others and copying behavior
observe - identify- reinforce - copy
problem with the social learning theory
aggression can be instinctive and reactive
plays react aggressively without being in a position where they have observed others
instinct theory
when aggression is spontaneous and innate
all performers are born with an aggressive instinct that will surface with enough provocation
problem with instinct theory
not all aggression is instinctive or spontaneous, some is learned and pre - tended
frustration - aggression hypothesis
occurs when goals are blocked and the performer becomes frustrated (innate aggressive tendencies)
block causes frustration - frustration leads to aggression - release of aggression is catharsis
player may harbor aggressive instincts and seek revenge
preventing aggression
channel aggression into assertion
walk away from situation
use mental rehearsal
punish aggression with fines
do not reinforce aggressive acts in training
talk to players to calm them down
substitute an aggressive player
reinforce non - aggression
do not reinforce aggressive acts in training
punish players by sending them off
apply rules consistently
what is motivation
a drive to succeed
2 types of motivation
extrinsic - comes from an outside source
intrinsic -comes from within - the feeling of pride and satisfaction having completed a task
2 types of extrinsic motivation
tangible - rewards that can be touched
intangible rewards - cannot be touched