age of exploration Flashcards
causes of the age of exploration
demand for spices the support of rulers throughout Europe improvements in ship building and navigation the Renaissance myths and legends
demand for spices
they needed to find a new a new route to Asia to gain control of the spice trade
spices were transported overland on long dangerous routes controlled by Muslims
taxes charged by muslims were high and somerimes people were not allowed buy spices
what were spices used for
to preserve food
to add flavour to food
believed to cure disease
support of rulers
to gain control od spice trade
interest in gold and jewels
opportunity to conquer land and build an empire
to spread Christianity
what were the improvements in shipbuilding
the Portuguese invented a new type of ship called the caravel
what improvements where the new ships
small fast and easy to manoeuver
triangular lateen sails which allowed the ship to sail into the wind
they used strong clinker built hulls to protect the ships in storms
waterproof decks
ideal for sailing close to coasts
what improvements fid carracks and naos have
bigger so able to carry more supplys
what were the improvements in navagation
POSITION astrolabe , quadrants and crow staff
SPEED log and line
the rennaisance
people wanted to find out more about the world
people took interest in map making
the work of Greek geographer plotmey was rediscovered
myths and legends
Portuguese searching for prester john catholic king in Africa
people were looking for El Dorado (south anerica) amwealth city full of gold
fountain of youth believed you would never grow old
problems faced on ships
scurvey not eating vegtables
dysentery spread of infected water
black beatles infested biscuits called hardtack
dnagers of the sea
strorms caused shipwreck and drowning
sailors found themseleves attacked by hostile natives
crew could get attacked by natives
what was the effect of the agricultural revolution
the creation of empires in the discovered lands
new goods excahnged between europe and the new world
how tthe discoveries change the european view of the ball
the impact on the natives
growth of the slave trade
what countries built large empires
engaland otheeast coast of america
spain central and south america
france canada and the missisipi vally
the dutch won the spice islands from portugal
what goods and animals went to europe from the new world
chocolate(cocoa beans), turkeys tobacco corn, vanilla , chilli peppers nad potatoes
whta goods and animals went to america from eueope
wheat , coffee, cotton and sugar cane
horse , cattle ,pigs ,goats and sheep
howdid the wider availability of spices revolutinise the diet the lifestyle of the europeans
sugar grown in the new world was added to coffe and coffee house sprang up in europe
smokin tobacco became a poular pastime
the potato soon became an impportant part of the irish diet
what effect did the age of exploration have on mapmaking
it meant maps were more accurate
what major discoveries helped change the european view of the world
the coastline of africa was known and the tip was reached
a new sea route to the east and the spice island was found
the world was much larger than previously thought
a new continet called america existed
a vast island called the pacific seperated america and asia
it haad been proved the world was round
what was the impact on the native of age of exploration
nattive rligion and customs were forbidden
they lost their land
they were forced to work for europeans
small diseases such as smallpox and thflu measles nad typhoid killed them as they had no immune system