Aerodrome Control - S2 - C1 Flashcards
What shall an Aerodrome control unit provide?
- Aerodrome Control Service.
- Basic Service.
- Alerting Service.
An Aerodrome Control unit provides services principally to aircraft flying with visual reference to the surface in, and in the vicinity of, the ATZ and operating on the manoeuvring area.
Aerodrome control responsibilities
Aerodrome Control shall issue information and instructions to aircraft under its control to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic with the objective of:
- Preventing collisions between:
- aircraft flying in, and in the vicinity of, the ATZ;
- aircraft taking-off and landing;
- aircraft and vehicles, obstructions and other aircraft on the manoeuvring area.
- Assist in preventing collisions between aircraft on the apron.
What shall Aerodrome ATCOs maintain?
Aerodrome controllers shall maintain as far as practicable, a continuous watch by visual observation on all flight operations on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome as well as vehicles and personnel on the manoeuvring area.
Visual observation shall be achieved through direct out-of-the-window observation, or through indirect observation utilising a visual surveillance system which is specifically approved for the purpose by the CAA.
Aerodrome control may be divided into what two roles?
Air Control shall provide services for (a) aircraft flying in, and in the vicinity of, the ATZ and (b) aircraft taking-off and landing and has absolute authority
over all movements on active runways and their access points.
Ground Movement Control shall provide services for aircraft and vehicles, obstructions and other aircraft on the manoeuvring area and Assist in preventing collisions between aircraft on the apron, except on active runways and their access points.
Clearance Delivery Officer (CDO) positions may be established at aerodromes to relay ATC departure clearances with approved procedures detailed in MATS Part 2
What are aerodrome controls specific responsibilities?
In addition, Aerodrome Control has the following specific responsibilities:
- Notifying emergency services as per local instructions;
- Informing aircraft under its control of any depletion of the aerodrome emergency services;
- Providing an Approach Control Service when carrying out functions delegated by Approach Control;
- Supplying the following information to Approach Control and, according to unit instructions, Approach Radar Control:
- Pertinent data on IFR, Special VFR and VFR traffic including departures, missed approaches and overdue aircraft;
- Appropriate items of essential aerodrome information.
- Informing the Aerodrome Operator when it becomes apparent that there is a deterioration in the state of the aerodrome or associated facilities for which the Aerodrome Operator is responsible;
- Initiating overdue action at aerodromes where no Approach Control unit is established.
Aerodrome control shall coordination with approach control:
- departing IFR flights; and
- arriving aircraft which make their first call on the tower frequency (unless they are transferred to Approach Control).
Approach Control will co-ordinate with Aerodrome Control: (3)
-Aircraft approaching to land; if necessary requesting landing clearance;
- Arriving aircraft which are to be cleared to visual holding points
- Aircraft routeing through the traffic circuit.
Approach Control may delegate the responsibility for co-ordination to Approach Radar Control.
Transfer of control
Unless specified otherwise in the MATS Part 2, the responsibility for control of a departing aircraft shall be transferred from Aerodrome Control to Approach Control:
- in VMC
- prior to the aircraft leaving the vicinity of the aerodrome, or
- prior to the aircraft entering IMC; and
- in IMC
- immediately after the aircraft is airborne
Weather effects on operation - Class D
When the reported meteorological conditions at aerodromes in Class D airspace reduce below a ground visibility of 5 km and/or a cloud ceiling of 1500 ft, both by day or night, ATC shall advise pilots of aircraft intending to operate under VFR to or from
such aerodromes, and request the pilot to specify the type of clearance required.
ATCOs shall not issue any further VFR clearances to aircraft wishing to operate in accordance with VFR to or from an aerodrome, or enter the aerodrome traffic zone, or aerodrome traffic circuit.
Except for helicopters using
Police; Helimed; Rescue; Electricity; Grid; Powerline, or Pipeline callsigns, or an SAR training flight operating in accordance with MATS Part
2, or rail track inspection flights,
Traffic information and instructions
Traffic information and instructions shall be passed to aircraft on any occasion that a controller considers it necessary in the interests of safety, or when requested by a pilot.
What types of traffic information shall be provided?
Aerodrome Control shall provide:
- generic traffic information to enable VFR pilots to safely integrate their flight with other aircraft;
- specific traffic information appropriate to the stage of flight and risk of collision;
- timely instructions as necessary to prevent collisions and to enable safe, orderly and expeditious flight within and in the vicinity of the ATZ.
What other information shall an ATCO pass to pilots?
- Significant changes in meteorological and runway conditions;
- Changes in essential aerodrome information;
- Changes in the notified operational status of approach and landing aids.
What is Essential Aerodrome Information?
Essential aerodrome information is that concerning the state of the manoeuvring area and its associated facilities that may constitute a hazard to a particular aircraft.
The information shall be given in sufficient time for the aircraft to make proper use of it, and the hazards shall be identified as distinctly as possible. This may include the provision of urgent information to pilots during aircraft take-off and landing runs.
It shall be given to every aircraft, except when it is known that the aircraft already has received the information from other sources.
‘Other sources’ include NOTAM, ATIS broadcasts, and the display of suitable signals.
Essential Aerodrome Information shall include?
Essential aerodrome information shall include:
- Maintenance or construction work on manoeuvre ring area
- Rough or broken portions of the manoeuvring area and whether marked or not;
- Bird formations or individual large birds reported or observed on or above the
manoeuvring area or in the immediate vicinity of the aerodrome and any bird dispersal action being carried out.
-Approach aids - failure or irregular functioning
- information concerning De-icing liquid or anti-icing liquid chemicals or other contaminants or sweeping and/or sanding of runways, taxiways and aprons (in snow and ice conditions)
- water, Snow, slush, ice or frost on a runway, a taxiway or an apron;
- aerodrome Lighting system - failure or irregular functioning
- Arrester gear installation - operational status & information on the location
- Ground running of engines & aircraft parked close to the runways or taxiways
Control of Surface Traffic
The movements of aircraft, persons or vehicles on the manoeuvring area and the movement of aircraft on the apron are at all times subject to permission from Aerodrome Control.
Aerodrome Control responsibility on the apron is limited to providing advice and instructions to assist the prevention of collisions between moving aircraft.
If the apron cannot be seen from the tower what can the ATCO do?
- An aircraft is cleared to taxi;
- A 2nd AC may be given taxi clearance plus information on the position and intention of the first aircraft, with clear instruction to “follow” or “give way” to it;
OR -
all further requests for aircraft movement are
refused until the first aircraft comes into sight of the controller. A second movement is then approved following the same procedures - ^ - AC asked to report when clear of the apron or passing an easily identifiable reference point. A second movement may then be cleared subject to the known progress of the first.
Vehicles priorities
Vehicles moving along a runway or taxiway shall give way at all times to aircraft taking-off, landing, taxiing or being towed, except that emergency services vehicles proceeding to the assistance of an aircraft in distress shall be afforded priority over all other surface movement traffic.
What is a runway incursion?
A runway incursion is any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a surface designated for aircraft take-off and landing.
The protected area of a surface for aircraft take-off and landing is determined by the existence and location of the runway strip, clear and graded area, obstacle free zone and ILS sensitive areas.
How to prevent runway incursions?
Controllers shall issue instructions to the pilot or vehicle driver in order to eliminate or mitigate any potential hazards arising from the aircraft or vehicle being in the wrong position.
- ask AC or vehicle to STOP
- vacate ASAP
What are the uses of SMR? (6)
Surface Movement Radar
- To monitor the movements of aircraft and vehicles on the manoeuvring area;
- To provide advice and assistance for the safe and efficient movement of aircraft and vehicles on the manoeuvring area. This should include the following:
- To ensure that departing aircraft are lined up on the correct runway;
- Determining that a runway is clear of aircraft and vehicles;
-To ascertain that aircraft have commenced take-off run;
- To monitor the positions of traffic in order to facilitate switching of taxiway lighting;
- To monitor and assist emergency service vehicles when required.
What information shall be given to aircraft when they request start or or taxi clearance? (5)
- Runway in use;
- Surface wind direction and speed, including significant variations;
- Aerodrome QNH;
- Outside air temperature (turbine-engine aircraft only);
- Significant meteorological conditions, e.g. RVR or marked temperature inversion.
Multiple Line Up Conditions (5)
- during daylight hours
- all aircraft are continuously visible to the aerodrome controller;
- all aircraft are on the same RTF frequency
- pilots are advised of the number of aircraft ahead in the departure sequence, and the position/runway from which these aircraft will depart
Preceding AC can see the AC ahead
(the physical characteristics of the runway do not render preceding aircraft in the departure sequence invisible to succeeding aircraft on the same runway.)
What must ATCO tell the pilot when issuing take off clearance?
- variations of surface wind
- runway designator (unless otherwise stated in MATs Pt2)
If pilot requests wind, instant wind to be given with the word “instant”
Take Off Clearance
Take off clearance shall be issued separately to any other clearances. If issuing a new clearance while on the RWY, clearance shall start with “Hold Position”.
An AC shall not be permitted to begin take off until preceding departing AC is seen to airborne or has reported airborne on RTF.
A departing aircraft shall not be given instructions which would require it to make a turn before it has reached a height of 500 ft. (Does not apply to L AC)
Departure clearances
To avoid confusion clearance shall be prefixed with “After Departure”
Departure Clearances
An aircraft on an IFR flight is not to be given take-off clearance until?
- The ATC clearance from Area Control (if required) has been passed and acknowledged
- Approach Control have authorised its departure and any specific instructions have been passed to the aircraft, e.g:
- Turn after take-off;
- Track to make good before turning onto desired heading;
- Level(s) to maintain.
When given the instruction “cleared for immediate take-off” it is expected that the pilot will act as follows:
- At the holding position, taxi immediately on to the runway and commence take-off without stopping the aircraft. (Not to be given to HEAVY or SUPER aircraft);
- If already lined up on the runway, take-off without delay;
If an immediate take-off is not possible, the pilot will advise the controller.
Land after Conditions
- the runway is long enough to allow safe separation between the two aircraft and there is no evidence to indicate that braking may be adversely affected;
- it is during daylight hours;
- the preceding landing aircraft is not required to backtrack in order to vacate the runway;
- the controller is satisfied that the landing aircraft will be able to see the preceding aircraft which has landed, clearly and continuously, until it has vacated the runway; and
- the pilot of the following aircraft is warned. Responsibility for ensuring adequate separation rests with the pilot of the following aircraft.
What is the Aerodrome Traffic Monitor?
An ATM is provided at certain aerodromes to assist in achieving maximum runway utilisation and aerodrome capacity.
Operation of an ATM is not associated with a particular rating and, unless authorised by the CAA, must not be used as an ATS surveillance system to provide Approach Radar Services.
The ATM may be used for?
- Determine the landing order, spacing and distance from touchdown of arriving aircraft;
- Assist in applying longitudinal separation for departing aircraft;
- Enable the controller to confirm that the initial track of a departing aircraft conforms with the clearance issued
- provide information to aircraft on the position of other aircraft in the circuit or carrying out an instrument approach.
When approved by the CAA what else can the ATM be used for?
- following identification, validate SSR codes of departing aircraft and verify associated Mode C read-outs;
- monitor the progress of overflying aircraft identified by Approach Radar Control to ensure that they do not conflict with the tracks of arriving or
departing aircraft; - establish separation between departing aircraft;
- pass traffic information;
- establish separation in the event of a missed approach;
- assist in taking initial corrective action when the separation between arriving aircraft becomes less than the prescribed minima.
ATCO must have;
Undertaken specific training
- only providing AIR control (split with GMC)
- procedures are detailed in MATs PT2
Low Approach Restrictions
If the runway in use is occupied by aircraft or vehicles, an approaching aircraft that has requested a low approach or a touch and go, may be cleared to carry out a low approach restricted to a height not below 400 ft above the threshold elevation.
Traffic information to be given to AC no Low Approach and AC or vehicles on the runway.
For aircraft operating on the aerodrome QNH, the low approach altitude restriction is to be based on 400 ft plus threshold elevation, rounded up to the nearest 50ft.
Runway Changes
As far as practicable, avoid changing the assigned runway to aircraft on approach or taxiing for departure because this creates additional cockpit workload.
AC making an approach on departing should be informed of the tailwind and ask for intentions.
Runway Changes
- “(Callsign) tailwind (XX) knots, report your intentions?”; or
- “(Callsign) caution tailwind, report your intentions?”
Who should aerodrome control inform of runway change? (4)
Consult with approach control about runway change
- Aircraft under their control;
- Aerodrome Fire Service;
- Contractors working on the aerodrome who will be affected by the change;
- Other agencies according to local instructions.
What are the responsibilities of the Aerodrome Operator regrading aerodrome closures or restrictions?
The Aerodrome Operator is responsible for decisions regarding the operational status of the aerodrome including the apron and manoeuvring area in respect of:
- routine operational limitations, e.g. runway maintenance;
- unforeseen hazards to aircraft operations, e.g. deteriorating surface conditions, obstructions etc. Specifically, the Aerodrome Operator will make
decisions regarding:
- the closure or re-opening of the aerodrome;
- the withdrawal or return to use of runways,
taxiways, and associated lighting aids;
- the revision of declared distances;
- any marking required in connection with the
- initiating NOTAM action to promulgate changes
in serviceability.
What are the responsibilities of the ATC Unit regrading aerodrome closures or restrictions?
Inform Aerodrome Operator immediately that from reports or observations that there is a hazard to the movement of AC on the apron or MA.
The AO may take some time to asses the situation.
Where an operational occurrence has resulted in an obstruction in the vicinity of the runway-in-use:
- withhold take-off and landing clearance when the obstruction is within the cleared and graded area of the runway;
- withhold take-off and landing clearance if there is any doubt as to the position of the obstruction. Pilots will be advised of the reason for withholding clearance together with the position and nature of the obstruction.
When the obstruction is obviously outside the cleared and graded area but on or in the vicinity of the apron or manoeuvring area the pilot will be advised of the position and nature of the obstruction. It is the responsibility of the pilot to
decide whether or not to continue operations.
Inform ACC
Outside published hours
AO will retain sufficient service and equipment for 15 mins after ATD.
When shall runways be inspected?
Following any incident, or suspected incident, on a runway involving tyre failure,
aircraft structural failure or, in the case of turbine-engined aircraft, engine
malfunction, the runway is to be inspected before any other aircraft are allowed to
use it.